CS340: Adv' SW Dev' Unit Testing with JUnit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS340: Adv' SW Dev' Unit Testing with JUnit


Pragmatic Unit Testing, by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. Recommended Readings ... Chapter on JUnit and Eclipse from Eclipse Kick Start (handed out in lab) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS340: Adv' SW Dev' Unit Testing with JUnit

CS340 Adv. SW Dev.Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Credits
  • Pragmatic Unit Testing, by Andrew Hunt and David

Recommended Readings
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_developme
  • Chapter on JUnit and Eclipse from Eclipse Kick
    Start (handed out in lab)
  • Standard tutorial on JUnithttp//junit.sourcefor
  • JUnit site http//www.junit.org/(Now lots of
    info on JUnit 4. These slides use JUnit 3.)

Why Unit Test?
  • Of course its good to do
  • So is eating spinach
  • Bottom line Gives you confidence your code does
    what you think it does
  • Without this, where are you?
  • What it doesnt do
  • Right thing for customer? Not acceptance testing
  • All system components work together correctly and
    well? Not integration or performance testing

Confidence in Your Code
  • Generally, are you confident in code you write?
  • If so, what justifies this?
  • If your code doesnt do what you think it does,
    then why do further testing from there?
  • Confidence and other benefits
  • Allows you to do whats next knowing what youve
    done is OK
  • Allows you to make changes
  • Avoids a growing house of cards
  • Documents your intentions to others
  • Gives you a more satisfying experience

Steps when Unit Testing
  • Decide how to test a method and write them
  • Before (maybe while) writing code itself
  • Forces you to understand what you're building
  • Run the test yourself together with all other
  • You run them, not someone else
  • This test and all others must pass together
  • Do not add features until all tests pass!

Unit Testing in TDD
  • Motto Clean code that works. (Ron Jeffries)
  • Unit testing has broader goals that just
    insuring quality
  • Improve developers lives (coping, confidence)
  • Support design flexibility and change
  • Allow iterative development with working code

  • The TDD mantra of how to code
  • Red write a little test that doesnt work,
    perhaps even doesnt compile
  • Green Write code to make the test work quickly
    (perhaps not the best code)
  • Refactor Eliminate duplication and other
    problems that you did to just make the test work

JUnits Approach
  • Fundamentally, tests based on methods
  • Good starting point! (Not sufficient)
  • JUnit provides
  • A family of assert methods
  • Methods you can run before/after each test and
    before/after the test-suite
  • A framework and environment to make testing easy
    and rewarding
  • Eclipse makes it even easier

Naming Conventions
  • For a class named Foo, a testcase class called
    TestFoo is created
  • For each method Foo.bar(), a test method called
    TestFoo.testBar() will be created
  • You can have additional methods in TestFoo that
    also test the Foo.bar() method
  • Normally all methods in TestFoo class that begin
    with test will be run
  • Java reflection in action
  • Test coded but not ready? Rename it

You Have To
  • Your test code must
  • Set up whats needed for testing
  • Create objects, allocate resources, create
    relationships, etc.
  • Call the method to be tested
  • Verify that the method did what you expected
  • Clean up
  • (Later see setUp and tearDown)

JUnit Asserts
  • Assertion functions that work within the JUnit
  • assertEquals(message, expected, actual)
  • Uses the equals() method for the class of
    expected and actual
  • Works on native types too, and
  • When comparing doubles, use a 4th parameter as a

JUnit Asserts (2)
  • assertNull ( Msg, object )
  • assertNotNull ( Msg, object )
  • assertSame ( Msg, expected, actual )
  • assertNotSame ( Msg, expected, actual )
  • Question how different that assetEquals() ?

JUnit Asserts (3)
  • assertTrue ( Msg, boolean-condition )
  • assertFalse ( Msg, boolean-condition )
  • fail ( Msg )
  • Used for sections of code that shouldnt be

Overview of a TestCase Class
  • Code looks like this
  • import junit.framework.
  • public class TestSimple extends TestCase
  • // need this constructor for suites etc. later
  • public TestSimple(String name) super(name)
  • public void testAdd() / code for testAdd /
  • // Other method tests. Start with test,
    theyll be run

SetUp and TearDown
  • Tests should be independent
  • Able to run in any order
  • Need to set-up something? Re-set?
  • TestCase base class has two methods you can
    override protected void setUp()
    protected void tearDown()
  • Use setUp for common text fixture
  • Reminder called before and after each test!

Execution Order
  • oneTimeSetUp() // need to know about suites
  • setUp()
  • testMethod1()
  • tearDown()
  • setUp()
  • testMethod2()
  • tearDown()
  • oneTimeTearDown() // about suites

Exceptions and Testing
  • We might want to test that an exception occurs
    when we expect it to.
  • How to do this in JUnit?
  • public void testForException
  • try
  • sortMyList(null) // should throw
  • fail ( Should throw exception on null
  • catch (RunTimeException e)
  • assertTrue(true) // documents this is
    what we want

Exceptions and Testing (2)
  • Should use method above to test for all expected
  • But, what about unexpected things?
  • Just define test method so that it throws
    possible exceptions
  • JUnit will catch these and give you useful output
  • public void testData1() throws FileNotFoundExcepti
  • FileInputStream in new FileInputStream(dat.t

Extending TestCase Yourself
  • You might need your own code for all your tests
  • Some common classes, actions, your own clever
    assert-like methods
  • Common approach for your project, create your
    own base-class which extends TestCase
  • All your test-case classes will now extend your
    new base-class

Extending TestCase Yourself (2)
  • Create new base-class for your project
  • public class ProjectTest extends TestCase //
    here put new methods etc.
  • All test-classes in your project begin
  • public class TestMyClass extends ProjectTest

More Advanced
  • Test suites
  • Test composition
  • Controlling what tests are run
  • Read about test-suites on-line

Making Good Tests
  • And, now we know the mechanics, but what makes
    good unit tests?
  • Apply what you know about good test-cases
  • Well talk about this more on this elsewhere in
    the class
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