Title: Strategies to Increase your Funding Success
1Strategies to Increase your Funding Success
- BioE2E Alternative Funding Fair
- February 28, 2003
- Cori Gorman, PhD, MBA
- DNA Bridges, Inc.
- Cori_at_dnabridges.com
2Strategic Points
The Decision to Participate is a Business
Decision Raising Money is WORK---
3Its a Business Decision
- Choose a project that is
- related to work you will be
- doing anyway.
- Use the work in as many
- ways as possible.
- Relevance to research
- goals and business plan
- Budget and duration
- Due date
- It takes longer than you think to write a grant!
5Develop a Grant Strategy
- Identify the most appropriate grant program
- Target the correct agency there are many
possibilities beyond the NIH - Direct your grant to the proper institute
--visibility increase the likelihood of success - Determine which project is most appropriate for
6Project Plan for Grant Development
- Develop Strategy Week 1-2
- Review existing material Week 3
- Develop specific aims Week 4
- Develop prelim. prop outline Week 5
- Initial draft Week 6
- Proposal review Week 7
- Final assembly Week 8
- Ship it!!!! On time
7Targeting Your Proposal
- Determine Research Goal
- Match Program with Research Goal
- Search for Topics and Solicitations
- Match Topic with Agency
8ATP Program
 New ATP Awards Announced in 2002 Neural
Regeneration with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Osiris
Therapeutics, Inc., Baltimore, MD Demonstrate the
feasibility of using human mesenchymal stem cells
from adult bone marrow to regenerate neural
tissue as a basis for improving treatments for
spinal cord injuries and stroke. Requested
ATP funds 2,000 K (est.) Total project
budget 3,226 K (est.) Announced June 2002
9ATP _at_ NIST
- Advanced Technology Program
- 1999-2001 success rate 10
- High risk research
- Large and small companies participate
- http//www.atp.nist.gov/
- Department of Defense
- Specifically defined projects
- Large and small companies can participate
- http//www.darpa.mil/
- Also participates in SBIR/STTR
Federal Research Set Aside gt 1.4
Billion Small Business Foster Economic
Development High Success Rate- NIH 30
12Many Agencies Participate in LS
Department of Agriculture Commerce Defense
Education Energy Health and Human
Services Transportation Environmental
Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space
Administration National Science
Foundation Nuclear Regulatory Commission
13Strategic Points
- Business can participate
- in both SBIR and STTR
- programs simultaneously
- The submissions can be to the same or
different agencies -
14Strategic Points
- BUT, the applications may not perform the
same or essentially similar work under more
than one grant - Your application may be deferred
15When will the money flow?
Clue to success
Get to work!
12 Months later!
16Funding Timeline Example
17Fund Your Science
- Key points to remember
- Raising money is work.
- Everything takes longer
- than you think it will.
- Details, details!!
18Fund Your Science
- Get professional help
- Plan for success
- Make success a
- business imperative
- Seek other funding sources simultaneously
19Take Home Message
- Multiple programs
- Many options beyond NIH
- Think broadly about your science and applications
- Grants are VERY Competitive!!!!
20How to find new releases
21Useful URLs
Consolidated SBIR/STTR Solicitation Search   Â
   Search All Active SBIR/STTR Solicitation
Topics at one time! Federal Laboratory RD
Resources       Locate Technologies and
Contacts at Federal Laboratories Partnering
Opportunity Announcements       Find an
Industry, University or Federal Lab partner for
an SBIR proposal Consolidated SBIR FAQs     Â
 Query Frequently Asked Questions from the
various SBIR Agencies Search Past SBIR/STTR
Awards       Search for past SBIR/STTR award
winners using the SBA's new Tech- Net database
23Currently Open
24Thank You
Good Luck!!!!! QA???