Title: EndNote Web for Researchers http:0www'myendnoteweb'com'skyline'cudenver'edu
1EndNote Web for Researchershttp//0-www.myendnote
- Available through the Auraria Library
subscription to ISI Web of Science
2What well cover
- Basic overview of EndNote Web
- Creating a Web of Knowledge/EndNote Web user
profile - Saving references from Web of Knowledge resources
to your EndNote Web library - EndNote Web Integration with Web of Knowledge
platform - Using Groups to manage references in an EndNote
Web library - Formatting bibliographies
- Downloading and installing the Cite-While-You-Wri
te Plug-in for Microsoft Word
3EndNote Web Overview
- Fully integrated into the Librarys Web of
Science subscription - Store up to 10,000 references in your personal
library - Accessible from anywhere
- Output Styles - Format references in hundreds of
bibliographic styles - Connection Files - Search and import references
from online data sources - Cite-While-You-Write functionality allows you
to quickly import and format references in a
4EndNote v. EndNote Web
5Off campus users login twice
- First into Web of Science or EndNote Web
- Next into your personal EndNote Web account
6Register to use EndNote Web
- If you already have a Web of Knowledge profile,
signing in with your e-mail address and existing
password will give you access to EndNote Web.
7Youll have access to your EndNote Web library
any time you are signed in to the Web of
Science You can also access your EndNote Web
library by signing in directly.
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12Search references
13Format a bibliography
14Download Cite-while-you-write plugin
15EndNote Web Toolbar in Word
16Importing ResourcesfromGale/Cengagedatabases
17Importing ResourcesfromGale/Cengagedatabases
18Importing ResourcesfromGale/Cengagedatabases
19Importing ResourcesfromGale/Cengagedatabases
20Importing ResourcesfromScience Direct
21Help links
- Help from EndNote Web
- http//0-www.myendnoteweb.com.skyline.cudenver.edu
/help/ENW/help.htm - Help from Librarians
- Lorrie Evans lorrie.evans_at_cudenver.edu
- Gayle Bradbeer gayle.bradbeer_at_auraria.edu