Title: Shirley L Baugher
1Academic AffairsMarch 5, 2008
Divisional Meeting
Sometimes things are not lost and found.but
hiding in plain sight.
Shirley L Baugher Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs
- Valita Barnes
- Certified Public Accountant with more than ten
years experience in accounting and finance. She
holds a Masters degree from the University of
Wisconsin Whitewater - Barbara Waddell, Chief of Staff
3Planning to Plan
- A Year of planning to plan
- Collegiate Compact Planning Process
- Development of Unit Business Plans
- University Work Group and Metrics for Academic
Affairs - Change Team for the University
4Compact Planning
- Five year academic priorities
- Financial planning for the future
- Resource planning including capital planning
- Basis for foundational excellence which
supports Signature Programs and Centers of
5Business Plans
- Management plans for service units that
support the academic mission of the University - Process to check alignment of office/unit
goals to academic goals - Budget planning
- Accountability
6Educational and General Revenue
Student fees 51.7 in 2002 compared to 60.9 in
2006 State appropriations 33.4 in 2002 as
compared to 24.4 in 2005
7Financial Planning
- Common question where does the money go?
- (One source that is significant, given our
institutional size) - Tuition discounts
- Graduate and undergraduate fee waivers (not
employee benefit fee waivers) - Graduate Student stipends
24 budget
Process of alignment occurring in each of
these areas
8Financial Planning
- Unfunded mandates
- External drivers
- State economic situation
9Planning to Plan
- Change Team for the University
- Short and long term organizational transformation
10Work Force Planning
- Alignment of role (work, tasks, etc) with unit
and office goals with talents and skills of
individual in the role (position) - Kim Martin Ph.D. Student, Higher Education at
BGSU - Note Process in Provosts Office at this time
with a manual for future use in development.
11Thank you
Planning to Plandiscovering what is in plain