Title: 2D%20Skeleton%20Shape%20Representation%20using%20Shock%20Graphs
12D Skeleton Shape Representation using Shock
- Chung, In Young
- Lee, Kang Eui
- 12. 12. 2005
- Motivation
- Suggestion
- Algorithm
- ltStep.1 Step3gt
- Results Conclusion
3Problem with previous methods?
- Blums techniques
- high computational complexity
- Voronoi techniques
- remove important edges
- (not preserve topology)
4Suggestion and key idea
- Suggestion
- Methods based on Euclidean distance functions
- Key idea
- is to measure the net outward flux of a vector
field per unit area, and to apply thinning process
5Step 1. Result of Computed Vector Field
Original Image
6Step 2. Result of Computed Flux
Original Image
7Step 3.Thinning
- Removable Point
- 8 neighbors make a tree or its Euler (V-E)
is 1. - End point
- Only one neighbor or
- Two neighbors if they are 4-adjacent to one
FOR each border point P IF (P is removable)
Insert(P,Heap) with Flux(P) END For WHILE
(Heap.sizegt0) PMaxHeapExtract(Heap) IF (P
is removable) IF P is not an end point
Flux(P)gtT remove(P, Heap) FOR
each neighbor, Q of P IF (Q is
removable) Insert(Q, Heap)
END FOR ELSE Mark P as a Skeletal
8Step 3.Result of Thinning
Original Image
Thinned Image
Thresholded Image (Threshold -0.3)
9Result Conclusion
- A novel algorithm form computing subpixel
skeletal graphs - Robust, accurate, computationally efficient,
topology preserving - Essential idea
- a divergence computation on the gradient vector
filed - a thining process that preserves toplogy