Title: Enhancing the Learning Experience
1Enhancing the Learning Experience
- Breadth of provision
- Extension activities
- Support for underachieving students
2Breadth of Provision
OCNW project
- Managed by librarian Roz Moors (RM)
- 1 computer for every 5 students
- More than 90 of students have access from home
- Questionnaires suggest an increasing number of
students use it as one of their main learning
4Intranet setting up
- Development of departmental sites at varying
rates - Need an enthusiastic individual to take
responsibility for maintenance/ liaison with RM - Decision made not to adopt a corporate style.
Initially may make access a little more difficult
but advantages of site to suit specific needs of
department outweigh this.
5Intranet- usage (Jan 2005)
6Intranet- departmental areas
- Geography
- All teaching resources on intranet
- Links to websites, extension activities, quizzes,
revision aids. - Used in class teaching with paper copy for
student - Not usually used for self study exceptions may
be after absence, during long term illness - Geography intranet
7Intranet- departmental areas
- Physics
- Only used out of lessons
- No specific tasks set requiring use by all
students - Contains worksheets, worked answers to homework
(available at set times), revision sheets, key
skills support material
8Intranet- departmental areas
- Biology
- Not used in lessons
- Specific tasks set requiring all students to use
intranet - Mainly support material including PowerPoints,
links to web pages, extension material - Biology intranet
9Intranet- The Future
- Development of pastoral area
- Reduce teacher workload by having more of routine
admin documents available online. Key Skills and
D of E documentation already in this format - Integrate use into more lessons. Computer
projectors in many rooms, more bookable dedicated
IT classrooms - VLE/ MLE being considered
10OCNW- enrichment programme
- Project based activity covering any curriculum
area - Students in groups of 4-6 70 students, 6 staff.
- Meet weekly over the A1 year with an assigned
tutor to monitor progress - Research a chosen area, produce a report,give a
presentation to an invited audience including
parents, senior staff and fellow students - Certificated course highly regarded by many
11Extension Activities
12Audit of Extension Activities
- For the purpose of sharing good practice the TLG
carried out an audit of extension activities
13Extension Activities
- Special classes
- Chemistry research enrichment
- Extension/Oxbridge classes in Geography, History,
Law, Biology, Maths and others - Thinking skills day
- Chief examiner of AS Critical Thinking
14Extension Groups
- Run by some departments in lunchtimes
- For interested students of any ability
- Intended to supplement the material in core
specifications - Particularly useful for students likely to be
interviewed for their university place - Hopefully stimulate the student to study areas of
interest in more depth
15Extension Group- Biology
- Regular visiting speakers from universities. Some
subject specific, some careers based. - Students prepare presentations for the group
- Resource Handbook directs students to further
activities - Opportunity to enter Biology Olympiad for the
most able - Approx 40 A2 students in group
16Extension Activities
- External speakers/visits
- English
- visiting writers and speakers, trips/conferences
- Careers
- Whats Ahead Careers Conference, mock
interviews for Medicine, Vet Science, Armed
forces - Geography/Geology
- additional field trip to Iceland available with
high level workshops on various topics, e.g.
geophysics - Maths
- Open Day at Manchester University.
17Extension Activities
- Examinations
- Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, MFL
- Olympiads
- Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computing, Maths
18Extension Activities
- Competitions
- Music
- Haydn Wood Festival, Mrs Sunderland Competition
- Maths
- UK Maths Challenge, Huddersfield University Pop
Maths Quiz, internal monthly maths quiz
19Extension Activities
- Differentiated resources
- Sociology/Politics
- Extensive differentiated resource lists for each
topic area, use of must/should/could. - Chemistry
- Extra worksheets for both ends of the ability
range (with answers) available in the study room
and on the intranet
20Extension Activities
- Departmental intranet
- Biology
- Intranet provides links to support learners at a
variety of levels. - Computing
- Intranet links offer details on topics (e.g.
encryption, programming) further to that
available in textbooks,
21Oxbridge Preparation
- Students express interest through open meetings
- Admissions tutor meetings
- Visits to Oxford and Cambridge arranged
- Students allocated a teacher as an Oxbridge tutor
- Subject teacher feedback for reference
- Typically 80 candidates and 33 offers
22Support for underachieving students
23Student Study Centre
- Research funded by FEDA/LSDA found that one of
the most common causes of underachievement was
lack of organisational and study skills - Second phase of research found students often
responded well to individual help with study
skills and supervised study - BUT there was no dedicated area for this support
in the college and no staff available outside
subject areas - This led to establishment of student study centre
24Student Study Centre
- Room for study centre was provided in new college
building and it is now staffed for most
timetabled lessons - Part of its purpose is to provide quiet study
area for some students - Equipped with computers and some subject
specialist equipment - Also acts as base for special needs assistants
25Referrals to Study Centre
- Students are usually referred to the study centre
by subject teachers or personal tutors - Staff complete Learning Support Referral Form
(available on staff intranet) - Identifies areas of concern, action taken so far
and suggestions for support from study centre - N.B. The study centre works with subject staff
- Provides support for them not a means of checking
their teaching standards
26Support provided in study centre
- Support provided can take number of forms
- Supervised study to catch up with missed work
- Special needs support
- Help with study skills such as organisation of
files, time management, revision techniques and
methods of note-taking - Some subject-specific help where this can be
provided by subject centre staff
27Communication with subject staff and tutors
- Study centre staff keep record of student
attendance and review work covered with students - 4 Session Record Sheet used to assess
usefulness of support provided - Progress discussed every week
- Summary provided for subject teachers, personal
tutors and student records (for use by senior
staff) - 200-250 students have been referred to Study
Centre so far this academic year - This doesnt self-referred students and casual use
28Individual Learning Programmes
- Study of more subject-based support for
underachieving students - Already provided by subject staff but usually on
informal and ad-hoc basis - Small group of staff (across various subjects)
looked at whether a more structured approach
would be useful - Three stages in support process
- Identify students and establish their individual
needs - Devise Individual Learning Programme
- Evaluate usefulness of support
29Identification of students and individual needs
- Students identified on basis of VA scores
- Across GCSE points range
- 4 or 5 students each
- Not to make up for poor attendance
- Individual needs identified by use of simple
questionnaire - Completed by subject teacher, tutor and student
- Asked for assessment of causes of
underachievement and most appropriate forms of
30Establishing programme of support
- Specific form used to agree Individual Learning
Programme with students - Overall aims based on results of questionnaires
- Broken down into number of more short-term aims
- Established routine of regular meetings
- Structured approach was useful for monitoring
progress of students - Also helped students to establish organised
approach to study
31Evaluation of programme
- Questionnaire for subject staff, tutors and
students - 85 of students said they found programme useful
and all appreciated opportunity for one-to-one
support - All felt more confident about subject and had
more positive attitude to subject - Many subject teachers also noticed improvements
in student work - Final results
- 79 of students improved by at least one grade
- 27 improved by two grades
- Positive results across range of GCSE points