Title: Venture Investing in the Current Environment
1- Venture Investing in the Current Environment
- 2006 Silicon Forest Forum
- Angela Biever
2Investment Trends Generally Positive
- Funds raised exceed funds invested new dollars
being deployed - 797 deals in Q3most since 2002
- Start ups/seedsmost since 2000
- Increased foreign investment
- Deals and dollars invested increasing, but
stable some hot spots - Favorable sectors
- - Biotech
- - Software (lowest number of deals since 1996)
- - Medical devices (up 12)
- - Telecom re-emerging
- - Consumer Internet
- Howeverexits problematic
- Data Source NVCA, PWC MoneyTree Thompson
Investing for Global Impact
3What Intel Capital Represents
- Mission Make and manage financially attractive
investments in support of Intels strategic
objectives - The largest technology VC organization in the
world - Global reach, presence and understanding
- Insights and Experience in emerging markets and
technologies - Commitment to Active Company Building
- Tradition of Risk Taking, Innovation, and
Excellence. - Unmatched Differential Advantages
- Access to Unlimited Capital
Investing for Global Impact
4Intel Capital History
1,000 companies
in over 40 countries
gt180 acquisitions 155 IPOs
As at Sep 30, 2006
5Intel Capital 2006 vs. 2005
6Technology Focus
Next Gen Wireless WiMax Mobile Content /
Mobile Internet Client
Content Distribution over IP Digital Media
Gaming New Apps Usages
Digital Home Consumer Internet
Hardware Manageability/Storage/Security Software
OS /Digital Office/Business Internet
Enterprise Software Solutions
Materials (Nanotech Forum) Biotech Digital
Health Memory Advanced Patterning / Litho
Manufacturing, Memory Digital Health
Investing for Global Impact
7Intel Capital Technology Days
- Bringing emerging technologies to market on a
massive scale - Driving revenue opportunities between portfolio
companies and industry customers
Investing for Global Impact
8Intel Capital CEO Summit India 2006
7th Annual event, only the 2nd outside
U.S. Three days of keynotes, breakouts,
off-site business tours and plenty of
networking and social activities. 100 Portco
CEOs 100 Industry Executives MCM, VCs and
IMs Reflecting Intel Capitals global scale and
reach Perfectly timed with recent India
publicity worldwide
9Intel CapitalInvesting for Global Impact