Title: Interactive European Grid
1Interactive European Grid
- Grid Job Management and Control in Earth Science
- DEGREE Workshop
- Bratislava 1-2 March 2007
- Prepared by Isabel Campos (CSIC), Branislav Simo
(UISAV) - and Jesús Marco (CSIC) Instituto de Física de
Cantabria SPAIN
2Interactive European Grid (http//www.interactive-
Project acronym int.eu.grid Contract
number 031857 Instrument I3 Duration 2
years may 06-april 08
providing transparently the researchers
desktop with the power of a supercomputer,
using distributed resources http//www.interact
Coordinator CSIC, Jesús Marco, IFCA, Santander,
SPAIN marco_at_ifca.unican.es
User Friendly Access Grid Interactive Desktop
Distributed Parallel (MPI) Interactive Computing
Storage at the Tera level
3Key points
- Established interest from research communities
- Fusion, medicine, environment, HEP, astrophysics
- MPI Interactivity support integration
- Open MPI (incl. Infiniband support)
- Collaboration with EGEE (Dublin meeting)
- Interactivity
- SDJ collaboration/consideration of requirements
- Architecture
- Validation and Deployment
- CrossBroker
- Infrastructure deployment
- Resources clusters storage
- Security
- Network support
- AccessGrid integration/availability/usage
- Prepare for further dissemination to research
4Where are we?
5Background of int.eu.grid CROSSGRID
- Crossgrid EU 5FP Project 2002-2005
- Challenge demonstrate that interactive and
parallel applications can execute in a Grid
framework interoperable with EDG/EGEE - International testbed to support the development
of middleware oriented to interactivity and MPI - Partners of CrossGrid joined to propose
6CrossGrid developed middleware
- Development of a user friendly graphical
interface to the GRID - MIGRATING DESKTOP
- Implementation of a Grid scheduler
- Able to execute interactive jobs
- Submission of MPI jobs (mpich and mpich-g2)
- Supports the interaction of the user with the job
at execution time - Prototype applications were tested
- Flooding
- High Energy Physics
- Medicine
- Meteorology/Air Pollution
7Beyond CrossGrid the challenges of int.eu.grid
- From the Infrastructure point of view
- Operate a production level infrastructure 24/7
- Support Virtual Organizations at all levels
- Running the VO (user support)
- From the middleware point of view
- Parallel Computing (MPI)
- Support intracluster Jobs with OpenMPI
- Support intercluster Jobs with PACX-MPI
- Advanced visualization tools allowing simulation
steering - GVid, glogin
- A Job scheduler that supports it all
- User friendly interface to the grid supporting
all this features - Integrating in the Migrating Desktop all the
Create an interoperable production infrastructure
supporting demanding interactive applications at
all levels
- From the Applications point of view
- Analyze requirements of reference applications
- Ensure that middleware copes the reference
applications demands - Application Porting Support
- Promote collaborative environments like
8This is our infrastructure
9Prototype Application
- Description
- Visualize the behaviour of plasma in fusion
devices - From the computational point of view
- The plasma is analyzed like a system of NP
particles - Every particle interacts with the magnetic field
created by the device (Stellerator) and with the
total background field created by the rest of the
particles - The NP particles are distributed among a number
of processors N - Each CPU computes the trajectory of the particles
it has been assigned (independent calculation) - Each particle stores its position and velocity at
every step - That information is used for visualization
purposes - Graphical Interface design with OpenGL
- Towards a Virtual Interactive Session ( couple
of hours) gathering a large amount of resources
10Working Schema
Video Streaming
11There is pattern of workUltra Sound Computer
12All requirements for Middleware
- Distributing the NP particles among N processors
- MPI support
- The Job should be started inmediately on the user
- desktop
- MPI Interactive job scheduling
- The graphical interface should be forwarded to
the user desktop - Graphical interface to the grid ? Migrating
Desktop - Supporting Visualization ? GVid
- The user should be able to steer the simulation
- Real Time steering ? glogin
13Click on movie interactive steering
14IMS Model Suite
- Environmental Dispersion Modeling
- Lagrangian Trajectory Model
- Complex software system for prediction of the
consequences of environmental pollution, nuclear
accident or other emergence
- Numerical modeling of phenomena
- Continuous or short-term releases of multiple
simultaneous pollutant species - Dispersion of multiple pollutants
- Atmospheric transport and diffusion under
changing weather conditions - Deposition (wet, dry)
- Radioactive decay
- Pre-defined scenarios (Examples industrial
leakages and emissions in Slovakian towns,
nuclear accident at reactor in France, pollutant
releases at the major Saudi towns. Provides
pollution assessment for regulation and quick
help for decision makers in case of real
15IMS Model SuiteMass Concentration 33h after
Release Bordeaux
T 33h ng/m3
Volumetric concen- tration in ng/m3
16Flood forecasting problem
Data sources
Data sources
Meteorological Simulation
Hydrological Simulation
Hydraulic Simulation
17Flood forecasting - Models used
- MM5 (meteorological model)
- limited-area, non hydrostatic, terrain-following
sigma-coordinate model designed to simulate or
predict mesoscale atmospheric circulation. - Input data boundary conditions
- Output data quantitative precipitation forecast,
temperature, humidity, wind field, etc. - Parallel MPI application
- HSPF (hydrological model)
- simulates for extended periods of time the
hydrologic, and associated water quality,
processes on pervious and impervious land
surfaces and in streams and well-mixed
impoundments - Input data quantitative precipitation,
temperature, topographical data - Output data inflow, hydrograph
- Sequential application
- DaveF (hydraulic model)
- a time-explicit finite-volume model
- best suitable for unsteady state with critical or
super-critical flow (dam-breaking, flash flood,
flood with wetting/drying in large expanses) - Input data inflow, topographical data
- Output data water levels and velocities
- Parallel MPI application
18MPI Support
- Why MPI Support ?
- The standard API for distributed memory
parallelization - Write once, run everywhere
- This is what applications are
There are many issues about handling MPI jobs
types already worked out for Linux Clusters,
Supercomputers, etc which have to be addressed
when running MPI on the Grid in a particular
- What is MPI
- Is an API
- Description of the semantics, but
- NOT the implementation
- Almost platform independent
- (modulo problems with MPI-IO)
- What is NOT MPI
- There is no implementation
- No specification of how to start
- the processes
- How to the get the binary on the remote sites
- How to start the binaries on the remote sites
(ssh, PBS,)
19Problems of MPI Support on the Grid
- There is no standard way how to start a MPI
program - No common Syntax for mpirun
- MPI-2 defines mpiexec as starting mechanism, but
support for mpiexec is only optional - Resource Brokers should handle different MPI
implementations - Different Schedulers and different MPI
implementations at each site have different ways
to specify the machine file
- Non-shared filesystems (Oh!)
- Many Grid sites dont have support for a shared
home directory - Many MPI implementations expect that the
executable is available in the nodes where the
process is started - Mixed setup in general some sites have shared
file systems, some not
20Problems of MPI Support on the Grid
- Our Solution an intermediate layer
- mpi-start
MPI Implement.
- Goals
- Hide differences between MPI implementations
- Hide differences between local schedulers
implementations - Supports simple file distribution
- ? Hides from the user the filesystem details
- (shared or non-shared)
- Providing a simple but powerful enough unique
- interface for the Resource Broker to specify MPI
Jobs - ?The Resource Broker does not have to contain
- hardcoded the MPI support
portable (bash scripting)
23MPI Support in Grid Environments
- In Grid Environments there are two possible cases
- Intra Cluster Jobs
- All processes run on the same cluster
- Inter Cluster Jobs
- Processes are distributed across several
. . .
Collective Communication
24MPI Support in Grid Environments
- For IntraCluster Jobs we support OpenMPI
- RTE environments SSH, PBS, SGE, Slurm,
- OS Linux, Solaris, MacOS
- Tested gcc, icc, ifc, pgcc, pathc
25MPI Support in Grid Environments
- For IntraCluster Jobs we support OpenMPI
- Very attractive modular network components for
- Heterogeneous environments as is the Grid
26MPI Support in Grid Environments
- For Inter Cluster Jobs we support PACX-MPI
- A middleware for seamlessly run a MPI-application
on a network of parallel computers - originally dev. in 1995 to connect VectorMPP
- PACX-MPI is an optimized standard-conforming MPI-
implementation, application just needs to be
recompiled(!) - PACX-MPI uses locally installed, optimized vendor
implementations for cluster inter communication
27PACX MPI Design
- PACX-MPI start a MPI job in each cluster
- PACX-MPI merge/manage these MPI jobs internally
and emulate transparently a bigger MPI job to the
PACX-MPI (job)
Open MPI (job)
Open MPI (job)
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
28MPI Support on the Grid
- A grid site has in general the following topology
- CE Computing Element (head node) public IP
- WN Worker Nodes, private IP
- Requirements
- Connectivity of CE to the clusters and start-up
daemons - Files Application Input files
- Start on daemons on the CE. Connectivity of ssh
to CE
A MPI Job requesting N processes per cluster
spawns N2 processes, Two of them in the CE
running as Daemons, making the bridge between
29PACX MPI Design
- Internal Communication
- communication between processes that resides in
the same cluster is performed via the local
30PACX MPI Design
- External Communication
- Handled via the Computing Element, the only one
with public IP - TCP/IP daemons do the job
31Middleware for Visualization Steering
- Glogin
- Lightweight tool for support of interactivity on
the grid - Grid authenticated shell access glogin host
- No dedicated daemon needed such as sshd
- TCP Port Forwarding enables access to grid worker
nodes with private IPs. - X11 Forwarding
- GVid
- Grid Video Service
- Visualization can be executed remotely on a grid
resource - Transmits the visualization output to the user
desktop - Communication of the interaction events back to
the remote rendering machine - Uses Glogin as bi-directional communication
32Glogin Traffic Forwarding
33Gvid and Glogin working together
Steering Visualization
Application Plugin
Java Gvid Decoder
Gvid Encoder
Event Interception
Key, mouse
Event reception
Migrating Desktop
Interactive GSS tunnel
35The Migrating Desktop
- Migrating Desktop/Roaming Access Server
- User friendly interface for grid users
- Developed as a Java based GUI
- Independent of any platform (MS Windows, Linux,
Solaris,) - Simplifies data management, job submission and
monitoring - Glogin has been integrated in
- Gvid specific Plugin has been developed
36The Migrating Desktop at work
37Bringing everything together
Roaming Access Server
Job Submission Services
Migrating Desktop
Logging Bookkeeping
Computing Element
Application GVid
vtk App
Simul. Res. 30GB
38My Panel contribution
- All this GRID technology is very interesting but
- Does this works now and will be your tool for
the future? YES - Do we need a sustainable model for all this
effort? YES - So, how to proceed?
- Infrastructure
- Consolidate (towards EGI?)
- Initiatives like DEGREE are KEY
- We need feedback, challenges, share experiences,
discussion motivation - We need a business model
- Will we use National Grid Initiatives as the way
to go? - Is this enough/adequate? Are our collaborations
national or international? - Would we support from our national projects the
use of an e-Infrastructure? - We request this support for the network for
example - Do we need an extra support to integrate
applications at European level? - Via new projects? In application fields? In ICT?
- More consolidated?
- Through specialized research centers?
39Thanks and Keep in touch!
- Have a look to our web page
- http//www.interactive-grid.eu
- Try our infrastructure!
- Send us your interest through the questionnaire
- Paper copy
- On-line
- Contact by e-mail
- marco at ifca.unican.es (project coordinator)
- iscampos at ifca.unican.es (application
coordinator) - Come to Santander and visit us at IFCA!
- Do Surf (where others come to do research!)