Title: Royal Canadian Navy Curling Club
1Royal Canadian Navy Curling Club Golf Day Fund
Raiser Capital Improvement Fund
Sat. May 10 Pineview Municipal Golf Course
1471 Blair Road, Gloucester, ON 1300 Shotgun
Start Golfers required 144 100.00 per person -
30.00 to Capital Improvement Fund Included
Golf, Cart _at_ Pineview Golf Course Included
Dinner, Prizes, Live Music _at_ RCNCC
The Club can fund raie 5000.00 through this
event, Register at the RCNCC Bar or e-mail
Please take the opportunity to invite Friends and
Family members. This is OUR Club, so lets show
Club pride, by filling this Golf Tournament-
Cheque made out to RCN Golf Day
Please register and pay by April 25 at the
Curling Club BAR!
If enough are interested, Bus service from Club
to golf course and back, will be available for an
extra 10.00 per person. Sign-up at the BAR!
First Come First Served.