Mobile Television - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mobile Television


... for video content is scarce, reducing the image resolution could free up ... This also has two exceptions News and very low bandwidth Music videos. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mobile Television


  • Valluri Kalyan

  • April 26

Topics Covered
  • Introduction
  • DVB-H Standard
  • Issues
  • Proposed Solutions
  • Conclusion
  • References

  • TheDVB-H(DigitalVideoBroadcasting for handheld)
    is an extension of DVB-T. Delivery of rich
    multimedia content was missing in DVB-T and DVB-H
    technology enhanced DVB-T by adding the feature
    of multimedia content.
  • The physical layer has four extensions to the
    existing DVB-T physical layer. First, the bits in
    transmitter parameter signaling (TPS) have been
    upgraded to include two additional bits t

  • Second, a new 4K mode orthogonal frequency
    division multiplexing (OFDM) mode is adopted for
    trading off mobility and single-frequency network
    (SFN) cell size,
  • Third, a new way of using the symbol interleaver
    of DVB-T has been defined
  • Finally, the addition to DVB-T physical layer is
    the 5-MHz channel bandwidth

A Conceptual DVB-H Receiver
  • Resolution Requirements
  • Voltage Scaling
  • Prioritizing Data In MPEG-4

Resolution Requirements
  • The Major problem for Mobile Television Devices
    such as handheld PDAs ,Phone etc is the extent
    unto which the image can be reduced, without
    affecting the perceived quality of the image.
  • By doing so bandwidth also can be saved to a
    greater extent
  • There is a tradeoff between screen size and
    portability of the device

  • Reducing the image size can have two opposing
  • Firstly a smaller image resolution will
    facilitate bitrate savings as there is less
    information to be coded.
  • Hence for a fixed encoding bitrate,it is possible
    that the percieved quality is increased as
    bandwidth budget per pixel is increased when the
    image resolution is reduced

  • A negative impact of reducing image size is that
    we have only a fewer pixels to represent the
    information to the user.
  • This creates problem in content types such as
  • We will have only fewer pixels available to
    display important details, for instance details
    about the location of the football.

This phenomenon is illustrated in the graph below
  • Another important factor for mobile Tv is how the
    bitrates allocated to audio and video streams
    interact to affect the perceived Qos.
  • Multimodal quality for generic clips is predicted
    by a regression equation of the form
    AQVQ(AQVQ) where AQ and VQ stand for Audio and
    Video quality respectively.
  • For high motion clips a reduced equation with
    just the interaction term (AQVQ) gave the best
    predictions of multimodal quality

  • Now we examine the effects of varying image
    resolution and encoding bitrate on service
  • When the bitrate available for video content is
    scarce, reducing the image resolution could free
    up valuable encoding bitrate to improve perceived
  • Similarly when bitrate is abundant there will be
    less loss of detail as the image resolution is

Image resolution effects depend on the content
  • Careful analysis in the form of a survey
    indicates different acceptable ratings for varied
    content types
  • News
  • In this case the largest image failed to obtain
    highest acceptability ratings. In fact
    acceptability increased when the resolution was
    reduced to 208156.

Acceptability of News Content
  • Number of reasons such as text details, the
    headline text, clock, the logo or the captions
    for the people being interviewed and factors such
    as facial details, shot types etc were the main
    reasons for unacceptability by the viewers of the
    news channel.

Sports Content
  • Live sporting events like the NBC playoff still
    need to takeoff with high acceptability ratios.
  • The main problem in such sporting events is loss
    of object detail. The major problem being
    locating the ball and identifying the players.
  • The second most common complaint is about certain
    short types specifically long shots of the
    entire pitch to be seen on the small screen

  • Another prominent drawback is inability to read
    text detail about the teams and the scores.
  • To a large extent these problems can be dealt by
    increasing both Image resolution and Video

Acceptability of Sports Content
Animation Content
  • A reduction in image size had very little impact
    on the acceptability factor.
  • Problems such as identifying animal species when
    the image resolution was very small and images
    being very dark persisted but are not very

Why Was Quality Unacceptable
  • Across content types, the effect of reducing
    image resolution is more pronounced when
    bandwidth is abundant.
  • The best feasible solutions in such scenarios
    would be to encode at the largest image
    resolution possible for any content type
  • This also has two exceptions News and very low
    bandwidth Music videos.

  • More effective way is to stream text information
    separately to the device.
  • Protocols such as the SMIL should be integrated
    into mobile TV production process to synchronize
    text and video streams to mobile devices.

  • Still evaluation is required to understand how
    audio and video qualities interact to bias users
    perception of video quality acceptance.

Voltage Scaling
  • Saving on energy is the most critical factor for
    mobile multimedia applications.
  • A challenging problem is how to minimize energy
    consumption while provisioning QoS.
  • Previously implemented DVS (Dynamic Voltage
    Scaling) algorithm reduces the CPU energy by
    reducing the CPU speed based on the application
    CPU demand.

  • But the effectiveness of such an algorithm is
    dependent on the prediction of application
  • Over prediction may waste energy and under
    prediction may degrade the application
  • The solution put forth here is PDVS (Practical
    voltage scaling) algorithm.

  • The PDVS extends traditional real-time scheduling
    by deciding what execution speed in addition to
    when to execute what applications.
  • PDVS makes these decisions based on
  • 1.Discrete speed levels of the CPU
  • 2.The total power of the device at different
  • 3.The probability distribution of CPU demand of
    multimedia applications.

  • The goal of PDVS is to minimize the total energy
    of the mobile device while providing soft
    performance guarantees to each multimedia task.
  • The purpose is to save energy since CPU may run
    slower without affecting application performance.
  • Initially we can set a uniform sped for all
    concurrent tasks until the task set changes.

  • Assume there are n tasks and each task is
    allocated Ci cycles per period Pi. The total
    number of cycles demanded per second (Hz) by all
  • The uniform speed can be the lowest speed that is
    no less than the total demand i.e
  • If each task uses its allocated cycles exactly,
    this will minimize CPU energy.

  • Multimedia tasks often change their cycle demand
    dynamically. A task may complete a job earlier
    even before utilizing the allocated cycles.
  • This causes the CPU to be idle resulting in
    wastage of power during the idle time.
  • The PDVS dynamically adapts the CPU speed of each
    job execution in a manner that minimizes the
    total energy consumed during job execution while
    bounding the jobs execution time.

  • To attain this a time budget is allocated for
    each job. Consider there are n concurrent tasks
    and each task is allocated Ci cycles per period
    Pi then the ith task is allocated
  • time units per period Pi.
  • But another inherent problem is how to
    dynamically adapt the execution speed for each
    individual task.

  • To achieve this PDVS sets a speed for each of the
    cycles allocated to the job.
  • If a cycle x,1ltxltc is executed at speed s(x),the
    execution time is 1/s(x).
  • Energy consumed by device in this time interval
  • Here ps(x) represents the total power consumed by
    the device.

  • Expected energy for this task is given by the
  • Where F(x) is the tail distribution function.
  • The speed adaptation problem can be formulated as


  • Although we have arrived at a solution,it is not
    quite feasible as number of allocated cycles C
    may be very large.
  • Secondly overhead for optimization may be
    unacceptably large.
  • Hence a piece wise approach is followed.
  • We use set of points b1,..bk1 to divide the
    allocated cycles into k groups each with a size

  • Thus we get a new constrained optimization
    equation as

  • PDVS stores speed schedule of a task into its
    process control block and updates the speed
    schedule when the tasks time budget changes.

Architecture of PDVS Implementation
Prioritization of Data in MPEG-4
  • All the applications on mobile tv require a real
    time transmission of video data over fixed and
    mobile networks with varying bandwidth
    requirements and error rate characteristics.
  • These signals must be compressed before
    transmission in order to optimize the required
    bandwidth to provide a multimedia service.

  • As MPEG-4 coded video data is highly sensitive to
    information loss and channel bit errors, the
    decoded video quality is bound to suffer at high
    channel bit error rates.
  • Coded bit streams are transmitted in form of
    packets and the enclosed video payloads are
    exposed to channel errors and excessive delays
    and thereby information loss.

  • The worst effect of bit error occurs when
    synchronization is lost and the decoder is no
    longer able to identify the received information
    belongs to which part of the frame.
  • Real time video transmissions are sensitive to
    time delays, therefore there is no point of
    retransmitting the erroneous video data.

  • To overcome these issues one of the approach is
    multi-layered video coding.
  • The compressed bit stream of each video object
    plane (VOP) in the video sequence consists of a
    number of layers.
  • There are two layers namely the base layer and
    enhancement layers.
  • The base layer contains essential information
    regarding texture reconstruction.

  • A similar method employed to improve the quality
    of video transport over networks is the
    prioritization of different parts of the video
    bit stream by sending data as different separate
  • This enables video encoder to demand the network
    to send the data using channels with different
  • Thereby allocating more important and error
    sensitive data to more reliable and secure

  • MPEG-4 detects entities in the video frame that
    the user can access and manipulate thereby
    providing user with content based functionalities
    for processing and compression of any video scene
  • The entities are called video object plane.
  • The diagram shows Vide object plane consists of
    Vop headers and video packets.

a) Video object plane b) Video object
  • The Vop and Vp contain synchronization code and
    compression parameters.
  • Each video frame starts with a start code
  • Start code are unique combination of bits that
    never occur in the video data.
  • The MPEG-4 in addition to coding the texture and
    motion information as in traditional block based
    video coders,it also codes the shape of each VOP.

  • Errors have detrimental effect on decoded video
    quality due to interdependencies of video data.
  • Synchronization word error is caused by bit rate
    variability characteristic, the decoder in such
    cases skips all the correct bits waiting to
    recover the state of synchronization.
  • This can be eliminated by placing the coded video
    data into regular sized packets, with
    resynchronization words between each packet

  • MPEG-4 data partitioning succeeds in ensuring
    that much of the packet data is not very
    sensitive to error.
  • An example of a walking person sequence is used
    to analyze the error sensitivity of data in first
    and second partitions of an MPEG-4 video packets.

a)Error free sequence b)shape data c)motion data
d)Texture Data
  • Here we can see that texture errors can be
    concealed, the concealment of motion and shape
    data results in reconstructed frames contain a
    high degree of distortion.
  • Corruption of texture has negligible effects
  • Whereas shape data proves to be highly sensitive

  • We now examine as to how prioritization is
  • In this case we consider a GPRS data is
    transmitted over packet data traffic channel
    after being error protected using one of the
    channel protection schemes CS-1,CS-2,CS-3 or

  • To eliminate these problems video frame is MPEG-4
    encoded and separated into two segments with high
    priority and low priority.
  • Then the video data are produced by the encoder
    and the RTP/UDP/IP protocols are encapsulated to

Two separated segments
  • The diagram below shows the objective quality for
    single and partitioned stream transmissions.

  • The concept of Mobile Tv is still in its naïve
    stages and many issues related to broadcast,
    handoff, uninterrupted transmission still require
    further study for successful takeoff in the near
  • Mobile Television faces the challenge of being
    compared with traditional television.

  • Though it is very difficult to match the
    standards, maximum acceptability can still be
    achieved by enhancing performance to the peak
    levels and banking on the concept of being mobile
    and connected at any place.

  • 1. DVB-H digital broadcast services to
    handheld devices Faria, G. Henriksson, J.A.
    Stare, E. Talmola, P. Proceedings of the IEEE
    Volume 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006 Page(s)194 - 209
  • 2. Systems 2 mobility and video Can small be
    beautiful? assessing image resolution
    requirements for mobile TV Hendrik Knoche, John
    D. McCarthy, M. Angela Sasse November 2005
    proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international
    conference on Multimedia MULTIMEDIA '05
    Publisher ACM Press
  • 3. Prioritisation of Data Partitioned MPEG-4
    for Streaming Video in GPRS Mobile Networks
    Jafari,M.Kasaei,S. Internet, 2005.The First
    IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central
    Asia on 26-28 Sept. 2005

  • Performance Analysis and multimedia over
    WirelessPractical voltage scaling for mobile
    multimedia devicesWanghong Yuan, Klara Nahrstedt
    October 2004  Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM
    international conference on Multimedia
    Publisher ACM Press
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