Title: Flexible Options Extension Studies
1Flexible Options Extension Studies
2Why Is Flexibility Important?
- Self esteem
- Motivation
- Engagement
- Relevance
- Equity
3SACE Pattern
4Flexible Options
- Community Studies
- Interdisciplinary Subjects
- Work Education
- Recognition of Learning
- Community Based learning
- Self-Directed Learning
- Special provisions Interrupted Schooling
5Interdisciplinary Subjects
- Stage 1
- Integrated Learning
- Stage 2
- Extension Studies
- Integrated Learning
6 Extension Studies
- 2-unit sequence - Group 1 or 2
- Score /20 - classified HESS General
- Student initiated Research based
- Specialised Area related to one or more subjects
- Contact teacher(s) and/or mentor(s)
7Why Extension Studies?
- Preferred ways of learning
- Learning self-initiated and directed
- Fosters independent and collaborative learning
- Students are able to investigate an area of
personal interest or pursue a passion - Deep learning or cross-disciplinary learning
8When is it NOT an Extension Study?
- Covered by an existing subject
- Project based only on a collection of existing
secondary sources (Find out all there is to know
about.) - Transfer of information
- Community Studies
- Qualitative eg transcript of unstructured
interview - Quantitative numeric measurement eg using
survey data - Action research action (change, improvement)
and research (understanding, knowledge) to be
achieved through a cycle of action and critical
reflection - Experimental research testing a hypothesis or
trying out techniques
10The Initial Process
- Contact Teacher identified
- Student(s) informed and identified
- Student(s) completes program approval request
- Program approved by SSABSA and student enrolled
11The Extension Studies Process (1)
- Assessment Component 1 Investigation Proposal
(20) - Develop a proposal and discuss with contact
teacher - Proposal 10
- Discussion 10
12The Extension Studies Process (2)
- Assessment Component 2 Folio 40
- Negotiate and carry out the investigation using
proposed methodology - Research Evidence - 30
- Discussion (x4) 10
13The Extension Studies Process (3)
- Assessment Component 3 Investigation Final
Outcome 40 - Communicate the Investigation Outcome
- Exhibition 30
- Personal Evaluation 5
- Discussion 5
14Assessment in Extension Studies
- Curriculum statement without content
- Scope of the subject is unique to each student
- Early engagement with assessment criteria is
essential - Assessment focuses on the learning rather than
the content
15Necessary Student Qualities
- Ability to
- Focus clearly on goals and operate independently
- Discriminate and make decisions
- Develop sound research skills and persist
- Seek/take advice and solve problems
- Articulate ideas (oral, written) and adapt to
change (resilience)
16Mentors and Supervisors
- Variety of skills, interests, and professional
backgrounds - On-site and off site
- Variety of qualifications
- Main aim as a support to students
17Investigation Proposal
- Part 1 Proposal
- Assessment Criteria
- Exploration
- Skills of Inquiry
- Planning
- Quality of Proposal
18Investigation Proposal
- Part 2 Discussion
- Assessment Criteria
- Clarity
- Quality of Research and Learning
- Quality of Advocacy
19Folio (1)Discussion (x 4 )-10
- Assessment Criteria
- Skills of inquiry
- Communication
- Reflection
- Depth of understanding
20Folio (2) Research Evidence- 30
- (All folios must contain a context statement -
500 words maximum) - Assessment Criteria
- Organisation
- Skills of Inquiry
- Problem Solving
- Working independently interdependently
- Documentation
21Investigation Final Outcome
- Three Parts (All Externally marked)
- Exhibition (30)
- Personal Evaluation (5)
- Discussion (5)
- Assessment Criteria
- Quality of Exhibition
- Validity of Findings
- Responsibility
23Personal Evaluation
- Assessment Criteria
- Reflection
- Understanding
- Communication
- Assessment Criteria
- Quality of Discussion
- Quality of Advocacy
25Examples of Final Outcomes
- Short Film, Digital Movie, Video, CD collection
of songs/performance - Interactive Multimedia - Flash, Website,
PowerPoint - Traveling Drama Performance, Fashion Parade,
Novel, Novella - Promotional materials, Photographic portfolio,
Sketches, Comic strip - Anthology, Manual, Booklet/pamphlet etc
26Support Materials
- Available on SSABSA website (www.ssabsa.sa.edu.au)
- for example
- Annotated work samples
- Program approval information
- Marking record forms
- Illustrative Programs
- Performance Standards
- Resources
- Teaching and learning strategies
27SSABSA Contacts
- Rhonda Williams
- Phone 8372 7408
- Email rhondaw_at_ssabsa.sa.gov.au
- Lois Ey
- Phone 8372 7572
- Email loise_at_ssabsa.sa.gov.au
- Jim Green
- Phone 8372 7467
- Email jimg_at_ssabsa.sa.edu.au