Title: Shelby County
2Meeting Presenter
- Eric Bell
- D3A2 Project Manager
- Northwest Ohio Computer Association
- bell_at_nwoca.org
3Just Like Me!
- A strategy for energizing a group and gathering
information - My Data Journey
- I have never heard of D3A2 until today
- My district is currently using D3A2
- My district is planning to use D3A2 in the future
- I have been involved with scrubbing data for D3A2
- I am comfortable interpreting item analysis data
- I use item analysis data regularly to determine
if instructional strategies have been effective - I too want to D3A2!
4Purpose Outline
- Purpose
- The purpose of this presentation is to provide
- A customized review of the D3A2 Data Tools
application, Resource Exchange and Professional
Development materials and - answer questions about the project.
- Outline
- Project Overview
- Data Tool Tour (Release 2.0)
- PD Materials
- Implementation Process
- Getting More Information
5D3A2 Interactive Tour
What is D3A2?
- After Viewing
- What are the current capabilities of D3A2?
- What is being added?
- What are the goals of D3A2?
- Who can participate?
- What does it cost?
- Who oversees D3A2?
6D3A2 Interactive Tour
What can D3A2 do for me?
- After Viewing
- Are these the stories you hear in your own
school/district? - How are you bringing fellow educators on board?
- How can districts participate?
7Current Opportunities
- Participate on a D3A2 committee
- Become a content provider
- Access the Professional Development materials
- Use the D3A2 Data Tools and Resource Exchange
- Classroom Assessment Module
8Data Tool Navigation
9Implementation Process
- The Implementation process is a shared effort
between districts and their ITCs - Details about the implementation process may be
found on the d3a2.org website - 2008 Test Score Load Status
10Data Tool Security Options
- Security
- three levels of access
- teacher
- school
- district
- Authenticates against the Ohio K-12 Network
Identity Management and Access framework (IdM) - ITCs assist in the creation and maintenance of
11Data Preparation
- What to scrub?
- OAT/OGT Student Score and Item Analysis
- Why Scrub?
- Invalid Student and Teacher Identifiers
- How to Scrub?
- D3A2 Data Scrubber
12A Closer Look at the Resource Exchange
13Professional Development Materials
14Professional Development Toolkit
Pre/Post Assessment
What can D3A2 do for me?
How does the state measure students
understanding/mastery of the standards?
Flexible Delivery
How well are my students doing and what is the
How can interpretation of item analysis data be
used to inform my decisions about curriculum,
instruction and assessment?
15Whats New on the D3A2 Website?
16Getting More Information
- Questions about preparing and uploading data
- into the D3A2 warehouse and the data
implementation process - should be directed to
- area ITCs D3A2 implementation staff.
- Opportunities for Professional Development vary
by region. - ESC and ITC trainers are encouraged to sign up
for the - D3A2 Professional Development Toolkit
- Facilitators Academies in September and October
- Questions may be submitted to
- Eric Bell (bell_at_nwoca.org), D3A2 Project Manager