Title: ASTDOrange County
1ASTD-Orange County
- Appreciative Inquiry Case Study
- Achieving Service Excellence
- in the City of Anaheim
- Presenters
- Connie Phillips
- Sharon Lieder
- How it all started
- How it was set it up
- Appreciative Inquiry
- The Service Model
- The Outcomes
- Â Â Â Â
- Â What's ahead.
3Overview of the Anaheim Service Initiative
- More than smile training
- Engaging fresh
- Something that would last
5Systems Mind Map
Top Leadership Sponsorship/Support
Org.-wide and Focused Initiatives
Technology Tools
Customer Service Enhancement
Recognition Rewards
Customer Service Standards/Expectations
Policies Procedures Barriers
Employee/Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Stakeholder/Employee Data Gathering
6A Key Early Design Principle
- We felt that discovering what people and the
organization are already excelling at, as opposed
to generating a list of problems to fix, would be
more energizing and help accelerate buy-in. - Connie Phillips, Training and OD Manager,
The City of Anaheim
7Initial Desired Outcomes
- Customer Service Excellence
- Identify Best Practices for Service Excellence
- Identify Obstacles to achieving Excellence
- Establish Customer Service Expectations
- Consultant Expertise
- Provide Large-System Change Mgt. Expertise
- Help Create Structures to Lead the effort
8OD Basics for Large System Change
- Systems approach
- Models Principles
- Contracting at the top
- Consultant teamwork
- Structure to lead and guide the effort
- People support what they help create
- Education of everyone involved
9Organization Structure
10Time Line
- Phase 1 July 2003 Feb 2004
- Phase 2 Feb 2004 Feb 2005
- Phase 3 Feb 2005 on going
- Phase 4 June 2006 -
11Service Excellence
12Next Steps
- Reviewed data from an earlier management meeting
- Identified themes
- Became the topics of inquiry
13Topics of Inquiry
- 1a. Employee Practices - Internal Service Other
City Departments, Units or Persons - 1b. Employee Practices - External Service
Residents, Business Visitors - Policies and Procedures
- Customer-focused Policies Procedures
- Technology
- Application of Technology to Enhance Service
14Topics of Inquiry
- Recognition and Rewards
- Appreciation Acknowledgement Programs or
Practices that Encourage Service Customer-focus - Leadership
- Leadership Leadership Practices that Model or
Create Unsurpassed Service - Interdepartmental Partnering
- Inter-departmental Teamwork Partnering with
outside Organizations
15Appreciative Inquiry Intervention
16AI A Brief Introduction
- A Philosophy and a Methodology
- A form of organizational analysis OD practice
- As a practical philosophy,
- invites us to search for ask about what is
energizing life-enhancing - explore hopes dreams for the future.
17AI A Brief Introduction
- As a methodology,
- involves people in creating the environment they
want to live in. - As a form of organizational analysis OD
practice - Informal ways within a team or department
- More formal organization-wide interventions
18Key AI Principles
- Positive images create positive action. A vivid
imagination compels the whole body to obey it. -
Aristotle. - There is potential within people organizations
waiting to be discovered. - The more affirming life-giving the question,
the more it creates positive, long-lasting
19Appreciative Inquiry Intervention
- Development of the AI Questions and Lead-ins
- Interviewer Selection and Training
- Selection of Service Stars/Interviewees
- Conduct Interviews, Consolidate Data, and
Analysis - The AI Summit
20Sample AI Questions
- Tell a story about how you provided excellent
service to another unit or a person within the
City. - Who was involved? What did you most value about
them and about yourself in this situation? - Put yourself in your customer's shoes. What do
you think they would say if we asked them what
makes this organization best-in-class in
delivering service?
21Interviewer Selection
- Internal interviewers
- Criteria for Selection
- Already skilled at interviewing
- Positive attitude
- Good reputation for customer service
- Excellent listening skills
- Complete the Contract
- Preparation training
- Interview, report
- Attend Summit
22Interviewer Training
- Attended Half-day Training
- Received an AI Interviewer Manual
- Conducted an initial interview, recorded results
- Received coaching and feedback prior to
conducting remainder of interviews
23Service Superstars Selection
- Seen as going the extra mile
- Demonstrate care and concern for customers
- Positive team players
- Pass acceptance-by-peers test
- Cross section of organization
- Referrals from other best performers
24Overview of Interview Process
- Sixty-seven people from thirteen departments
- Front line, administrative, staff, managers,
internal external service providers - The principles at work
- The reactions
25Data Analysis
- Formed a Data Consolidation Team
- Interviewers transcribed their notes in a table
by question number and code. - S Story Q Quote P Practice
- Single document created and then sorted
- Data Team and OD Team further refined input for
use at the Summit
26AI Summit Overview
- Desired Outcomes
- Create a positive, momentum-building experience
- Gain consensus on best practices and standards
for Service Excellence - Decide on next steps
- Attendees
- Policy Steering Committees
- Executive Sponsor
- All interviewers
- OD Team
27AI Summit Design
Re-connect Re-energize
Review Analyze Data
Prepare reports Present findings
Reflect on Learnings
28Outcomes and Learnings
29Outcomes and Learnings
- Creation of a Final Report Key Document
- Emerged with a unifying, inspiring Anaheim
Service Initiative Vision Statement - Development of common, shared service
expectations Employee Commitments - Confirmed the model of Service Excellence
30(No Transcript)
31Outcomes Learnings
- Roll-out, communication, expanded engagement of
employees at all levels - All-Manager Meetings
- Link to Leadership Development
- Mgrs tool kits for Department roll-outs
- Video
- New Employee Orientation
- Selection Interview questions
32Outcomes Learnings
- Implementation of Over 50 Recommendations
- Leadership Practices, Technology application,
Partnering between departments, etc.) - Front Line Task Force Created
- (Validation, Dealing with Difficult Customer
Guidelines, Shoppers Program) -
- Recognition of Who is our customer!
33Video Prepare, Care and Serve
- The Employee Commitments come to life.
- A tool for engaging the workforce
- Show key principles of service excellence
- A communication tool (See Systems Model)
34Where We are Now
- From Frontline Task Force
- Upgrades to information systems
- (intranet)
- Phones/Operatorsgt 311
- Disruptive Customers Solutions
35Whats Ahead
- 311 and information systems
- Self serve internet options
- One stop permit system
- Customized solutions for departments
36Closing Thoughts
- AI opened minds and gave permission to look
beyond bureaucratic boundaries - People are looking for positive examples of
service - Theres an increased desire to share these
stories of service excellence - People feel engaged at the heart
- AI is a powerful OD methodology for change
37 38Resources
- The Power of Appreciative Inquiry A Practical
Guide to Positive Change. Whitney, D,
Trosten-Bloom, A. (2003). Berrett-Kohler - Appreciative Inquiry Change at the Speed of
Imagination. Watkins, J. Mohr, B. (2001).
Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer - Encyclopedia of Positive Questions Vol 1.
Whitney, D., Cooperrider, D.L., Trosten-Bloom,
A., Kaplin, B. (2002). Lakeshore Communications - Appreciative Inquiry Handbook The First in a
Series of AI Workbooks for Leaders of Change
(Book CD), (2003) Cooperrider, Whitney,
Stavros, Lakeshore Communications - Website http//ai.cwru.edu/
39For more information
- Article
- Achieving Service Excellence in the
- City of Anaheim
- An Appreciative Inquiry Case Study
- by Gavares, Lieder Phillips
- OD Practitioner Vol 37, No 3 2005
- (Journal of the Organization Development Network)
40To Contact Us
- Connie Phillips, M.S, M.A
- Training Organization Development Manager
- City of Anaheim
- 717-765-5256
- CPhillips1_at_anaheim.net
- www.anaheim.net
- Sharon Lieder, MBA
- President
- Lieder Consulting Group
- 619-296-4696
- LiederGrp_at_aol.com
- www.LiederConsultingGroup.com