Title: HR Consultancy
1HR Consultancy aligning to Faculty Groupings
- Modernising UCL White Paper
- Senior HR Consultants based in Faculty Groupings
- Effective from 1st August (piloted in FLS FBS
since April) - Bring HR closer to users and allow us to be
involved with understand and contribute more
effectively to academic endeavour - Continue to provide support on all areas of
people management -
2Who are your contacts in the HR Consultancy
Arts Humanities, Laws and Social
Historical Sciences Senior HR Consultant Bob
Carey HR Consultants Jo Francis, Linda
Gurney HR Assistant Karen Walsh
3Who are your contacts in the HR Consultancy
Built Environment, Engineering Sciences
and Mathematical Physical Sciences Senior HR
Consultant Claire Rowlinson HR Consultant
Simon Warren HR Assistant Sarah Pennycard
4Who are your contacts in the HR Consultancy
Biomedical Sciences and Life Sciences Senior
HR Consultant Sarah Marshall HR Consultants
Simon Galloway, Nicki McGhee, Anne Wilson HR
Assistants Patrick Mullarkey, Gillian Simcox