Title: National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program
1National Asian Languages and Studies in
Schools Program
Ms Suzanne NorthcottBranch Manager, National
Curriculum BranchDepartment of Education,
Employment and Workplace Relations
2A commitment to Asian languages and studies of
- what we have as vision for Australiathe most
Asia-literate country in the west. A country
whichregards the languages and cultures of this
wider region as not foreign but familiar. -
- The Prime Minister, the Hon Kevin Rudd MP
- Australia-Indonesia Conference Dinner
- 19 February 2009
3Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for
Young Australians
- The Melbourne Declaration acknowledges that young
Australians need to - become Asia literate and engage and build
strong relationships with Asia - be able to relate to and communicate across
cultures, especially the cultures and countries
of Asia
4- The National Asian Languages and Studies in
Schools Program (NALSSP) commenced on 1 January
2009 - 62.4 million in funding over 2008-09 to 2010-11
- Increase opportunities for Australian school
students to become proficient at learning the
languages and understanding the cultures of our
Asian neighbours China, Indonesia, Japan and
5Towards 2020
- In 2006
- less than 14 of Year 12 students studied a
foreign language - approximately 6 of these studied either
Mandarin, Indonesian, Japanese or Korean - By 2020
- all Australian governments have agreed to an
aspirational target that at least 12 of students
will exit Year 12 with a fluency in either
Mandarin, Indonesian, Japanese or Korean
6Key Result Areas
- To achieve success in the NALSSP, three key
result areas have been identified - 1. Flexible delivery and pathways
- Designing and delivering language programs which
are flexible and have the potential to engage
more students and use language teachers more
effectively in schools - 2. Increasing teacher supply and support
- Increase and maintain supply of quality teachers
of Asian languages and studies of Asia - Stimulating student demand
- Students are aware of the benefits of studying
Asian languages and studies of Asia
- Stakeholders involved in achieving the objectives
of the NALSSP include - government and non-government education
authorities - universities and other higher education providers
- educational organisations
- language education professional associations
- the business community, including bilateral
business councils - Asian communities and embassies
- Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and
Certification Authorities - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
8NALSSP Funding
- The NALSSP funding will be targeted in four ways
- 43.68 million for state and territory government
and non-government education authorities - 9.36 million for a Strategic Collaboration and
Partnership Fund - 6.24 million for a direct outreach program of
grants to schools, Becoming Asia Literate Grants
to Schools run by the Asia Education Foundation - 3.12 million for Australian Government led
national projects to support the NALSSP
objectives at a national level
9Strategic Collaboration and Partnership Fund
- A total of 9.36 million to be delivered through
three annual competitive funding rounds - Funding available for projects that support the
teaching and learning of one or more of the four
identified Asian languages and Asian cultures in
schools - Organisations, including universities and other
higher education providers, businesses and Asian
communities may apply for a grant
10Strategic Collaboration and Partnership Fund
Round One
- Round One will be conducted in two stages
- Stage 1 call for expressions of interest
- Stage 2 full applications
- Round One of the Partnership Fund closes on
Friday, 17 April 2009 - Grants of up to 500,000 (GST exclusive)
11Strategic Collaboration and Partnership Fund
Key Priorities
- Key priority areas for Round One are projects
that - involve strategic partnerships and delivery
coalitions between organisations in the teaching
and learning of the four Asian languages and
studies of Asia - identify strategies to increase language teacher
supply and support, including recruitment and
pre-service training of teachers - stimulate student demand and create incentives
for students to study one of the four identified
Asian languages, particularly at the senior
secondary level - use technological infrastructure or applications
in the teaching and learning of the four Asian
languages and studies of Asia
12Other Australian Government initiatives
Supporting the delivery of the NALSSP
- Other Australian Government support for Asian
languages and studies of Asia - Building the Education Revolution Science and
Language Centres for 21st Century Secondary
Schools - National research projects into languages
education - Endeavour Language Teacher Fellowships
13Endeavour Language Teacher Fellowships
- The Endeavour Language Teacher Fellowships
provide opportunities for practicing and trainee
(pre-service) languages teachers to improve their
language and cultural skills through intensive
in-country study programs - Since 2003, a total of 932 practicing and trainee
languages teachers have participated - In January 2009, nine study programs were held.
Languages included Mandarin, Indonesian, Japanese
and Korean - www.endeavour.deewr.gov.au/language_teachers_fello
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