Title: eResearch Infrastructure
1e-Research Infrastructure
Dr Evan ArthurActing Group ManagerInnovation
and Research Systems Group
Coordination Committee on Science and
TechnologyCanberra, 12 March 2004
2The Talk will
- outline policy context of initiatives associated
with the Government's agenda for strengthening
Australian research capacity - focus on e-Research Infrastructure
3Policy context (1)
- Australian research publications are about 2.8
of the worlds output - Need to increase the efficiency of our innovation
system strategic use of precious resources - Retain a focus on the economic and social returns
of public investment in research
4Policy context (2)
- need for strategic investment in research
infrastructure and - need for accessing this infrastructure
- focus on e-Research Infrastructure
5Strategic investments through Backing Australia's
Ability (BAA)
- Research a big ticket item
- BAA has provided
- 3 billion for science innovation
- 585m extra for research infrastructure
- 740m extra for research grants
- 246m for systemic infrastructure
6Focus on e-Research Infrastructure
- In the future large components of the research
endeavour will simply not occur - unless researchers have access to infrastructure
such as high speed communications and high
capacity computing resources - Dr Evan Arthur _at_ Educause 2003
7Essential elements of Australia's e-Research
Infrastructure Strategy
- Robust communications network
- Distributed high performance computing
- Accessible data and information repositories
- Accessible research facilities and instruments
- Middleware
8Strategic Initiatives
- the Australian Research and Education Network
(AREN) - the Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing
(APAC) - the Australian Research Information
Infrastructure Committee (ARIIC) and - the development of a strategic framework for
middleware collaboration and coordination.
9Australian Research and Education Network (AREN)
- provides a high bandwidth communications network
to enable researchers to access remote
instruments and data repositories and
opportunities for collaborative research. - 69 million provided to date for
- a multiple gigabit fibre network connecting all
Australian universities and major research
facilities - the NextGen network and
- dual 10 Gbps fibre trans-Pacific network
connections to the US.
10AREN Backbone
11Nextgen Networks
12Dual 10 Gbps Research Trans-Pacific Network
13Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing
- comprised of partner consortia involving 27
universities and the CSIRO - APAC Phase 1 established a partnership and APAC
National Facilities during 1999-2003 (19.8m) - APAC Phase 2 will enable APAC and its partners to
develop GRID computing in Australia over
2004-2006 (29m)
14Australian Research Information Infrastructure
Committee (ARIIC)
- is developing a holistic approach to research
information infrastructure and scholarly
communication issues - A priority for ARIIC is the creation of a
coherent approach to the development of
institutional data and information repositories,
including issues such as standards,
authentication and interoperability - 22m committed over 2003-2006
15ARIIC Projects
- Meta Access Management System, Macquarie
University - Towards an Australian Partnership for Sustainable
Repositories, Australian National University - The Australian Research Repositories Online to
the World (ARROW), Monash University and - Australian Digital Thesis Program Expansion and
Redevelopment, University of New South Wales.
16A Strategic Framework for Collaborative
Middleware Development
- to encourage collaborative and coordinated
development of middleware as appropriate across
research funding programmes - to provide standard community tools and services
for knowledge management, knowledge sharing,
collaboration and interoperability between
applications, computing resources, institutions,
and individuals across the e-Research