Title: End-to-End Estimation of Available Bandwidth Variation Range
1End-to-End Estimation of Available Bandwidth
Variation Range
- Constantine Dovrolis
- Joint work with Manish Jain Ravi Prasad
- College of Computing
- Georgia Institute of Technology
2Probing the Internet
- Several network parameters are important for
applications and transport protocols - Delay, loss rate, capacity, congestion, load, etc
- Internet routers do not provide direct feedback
to end-hosts - Due to scalability, simplicity administrative
issues - Except SNMP, ICMP
- Alternatively
- Infer network state through end-to-end
3End-to-end bandwidth estimation
- Bandwidth in data networks refers to throughput
(bits/sec) - Capacity maximum possible throughput w/o cross
traffic - Available bandwidth (or residual capacity)
capacity cross traffic - Bandwidth estimation measurement techniques
statistical analysis to infer bandwidth-related
metrics of individual links and end-to-end
network paths - Objectives
- Accuracy application-specific but typically
within 10-20 - Estimation latency within a few seconds
- Non-intrusiveness cross traffic should not be
affected - Scalability important when monitoring many paths
(not covered in this talk)
4Why to measure bandwidth?
- Large TCP transfers and congestion control
- Bandwidth-delay product estimation
- TCP socket buffer sizing
- Streaming multimedia
- Adjust encoding rate based on avail-bw
- Intelligent routing systems
- Overlay networks and p2p networks
- Intelligent routing control multihoming
- Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
- Choose server based on least-loaded path
- SLA verification interdomain problem diagnosis
- Monitor path load and allocated capacity
- End-to-end admission control
- Network spectroscopy
- Several more..
5- Definitions and problem statement
- Maximum possible end-to-end throughput at IP
layer - In the absence of any cross traffic
- For maximum-sized packets
- If Ci is capacity of link i, end-to-end capacity
C defined as - Capacity determined by narrow link
7Average available bandwidth
- Per-hop average avail-bw
- Ai Ci (1-ui)
- ui average utilization
- A.k.a. residual capacity
- End-to-end avg avail-bw A
- Determined by tight link
- ISPs measure average per-hop avail-bw passively
- 5-min averaging intervals
8Avail-bw variability
- Avail-bw has significant variability
- Variability depends on averaging timescale t
- Larger timescale, lower variance
- Variation range
- Range between, say, 10th to 90th percentiles
- Example
- Path-1 variation range 10Mbps, 90Mbps
- Path-2 variation range 20Mbps, 20Mbps
- Which path would you prefer?
9The avail-bw as a random process
- Instantaneous utilization ui(t) either 0 or 1
- Link utilization in (t, tt)
- Averaging timescale t
- Available bandwidth in (t, tt)
- End-to-end available bandwidth in (t, tt)
10Problem statement
- Avail-bw random process, measured in timescale t
At(t) - Assuming stationarity, marginal distribution of
At - Ft(R) Prob At R
- Ap pth percentile of At, such that p Ft(Ap)
- Objective Estimate variation range AL, AH for
given averaging timescale t - AL and AH are pL and pH percentiles of At
- Typically, pL 0.10 and pH 0.90
11 12Probing a network path
- Sender transmits periodic packet stream of rate R
- K packets, packet size L, interarrival T L/R
- Receiver measures One-Way Delay (OWD) for each
packet - D(k) tarv(k) - tsnd(k)
- OWD variations ?(k) D(k1) D(k)
- Independent of clock offset between
sender/receiver - With stationary fluid-modeled cross traffic
- If R gt A, then ?(k) gt 0 for all k
- Else, ?(k) 0 for all k
13Self-loading periodic streams
- Increasing OWDs means RgtA
- Non-increasing OWDs means RltA
14Example of OWD variations
- 12-hop path from U-Delaware to U-Oregon
- K100 packets, A74Mbps, T100µsec
- Rleft 97Mbps, Rright34Mbps
15- Percentile sampling
- estimation algorithms
16Percentile sampling
- Given R and t, estimate Ft(R)
- Ft(R) is also referred to as the rank of rate R
- Assume that Ft(R) is inversible
- Sender transmits a periodic packet stream of rate
R - Length of stream measurement timescale t
- Receiver classifies the stream, based on measured
one-way delay trends, as - Type-G if At R
- I(R) 1 with probability Ft(R)
- Type-L if At gt R
- I(R) 0 with probability 1-Ft(R)
17Percentile sampling (cont)
- Send N packet streams, and classify each packet
stream as - Type-G if At R
- I(R) 1 with probability Ft(R)
- Type-L if At gt R
- I(R) 0 with probability 1-Ft(R)
- Number of type-G streams
- Unbiased estimator for the rank of rate R
18How many streams do we need?
- Larger N ? longer estimation duration
- Smaller N ? larger variance in estimator I(R,N)/N
- Choose N so that
- I(R,N)/N within Ft(R) r
- r maximum percentile error
- PN(p-r) lt I(R,N) lt N(pr) gt 1-e
- where p Ft(R) and e small
- I(R,N) Binomial (N, p) assuming independent
sampling - With N40-50 streams, the maximum percentile
error r for 10th-90th variation range is about
19Non-parametric estimation
- It does not assume specific avail-bw distribution
- Iterative algorithm
- Stationarity requirement across iterations
- N-th iteration probing rate Rn
- Use percentile sampling to estimate percentile
rank of Rn - To estimate the upper percentile AH with pH
Ft(AH) - fn I(Rn,N)/N
- If fn is between pHr, report AH Rn
- Otherwise,
- If fn gt pH r, set Rn1 lt Rn
- If fn lt pH - r, set Rn1 gt Rn
- Similarly, estimate the lower percentile AL
20Non-parametric algorithm
- Parameter b
- Upper bound on rate variation in successive
iterations - Tradeoff between accuracy and responsiveness
- Larger b
- Faster convergence
- Larger oscillations
21Validation example (non-parametric)
- Testbed experiments using real Internet traffic
- Non-parametric estimator tracks variation range
within 10-20 - Optimal selection of b depends on traffic
- Traffic spikes/dips may not be detected if b is
too small - But larger b causes larger MSRE
22Parametric estimation
- Assume Gaussian avail-bw distribution
- Justified assumption for large degree of traffic
multiplexing - And/or for long averaging timescale (gt200msec)
- Gaussian distribution completely specified by
- Mean m and standard deviation st
- pth percentile of Gaussian distribution
- Ap m st f-1(p)
- Sender transmits N probing streams of rates R1
and R2 - Receiver determines percentiles ranks
corresponding to R1 and R2 - m and st can be then estimated by solving
- R1 m st f-1(p1)
- R2 m st f-1(p2)
- Variation range is then calculated from
- AH m st f-1(pH)
- AL m st f-1(pL)
23Parametric algorithm
- Variation range estimate
- Non-iterative algorithm
- More appropriate under non-stationary conditions
- Probing rates do not need to follow variation
range - Less intrusive probing
24Validation example (parametric)
Gaussian traffic
non-Gaussian traffic
- Parametric algorithm is more accurate than
non-parametric algorithm, when - traffic is good match to Gaussian model
- in non-stationary conditions
25Comparison of the two algorithms
Non-parametric t 40msec
Parametric t 250msec
- Non-parametric algorithm
- Stationarity assumption is more critical
(iterative algorithm) - Can be used with any cross traffic distribution
- Parametric algorithm
- Provides variation range estimate at end of each
round - Accurate when underlying traffic close to Gaussian
26- Avail-bw variability factors
27A sample measurement from the Internet
- Path from Georgia Tech to University of Ioannina,
Greece - Average avail-bw increases over this 2-hour
period - Variation range decreases as average avail-bw
28Objectives and methodology
- Examine effect of following factors on avail-bw
variability - Load at tight link
- Degree of multiplexing at tight link
- Averaging time scale
- Single-hop simulation topology with TCP traffic
- Monitore load at tight link
- Examine variation range width V
- V AtH - AtL
- Compare V with Coefficient of Variation (CoV)
- CoV standard deviation (at time scalet) over
average avail-bw - V Absolute variability metric
- CoV Relative variability metric
29Tight Link Utilization
- Variation range width V shows non-monotonic
behavior - V increases in low/medium load, due to
increasing variance in input traffic (tight link
rarely saturated) - V decreases in heavy load due to clamping by
tight link capacity - CoV increases monotonically with load
30Statistical Multiplexing
- Conventional wisdom
- Keeping the load constant, higher degree of
multiplexing makes the traffic smoother - Two models for increasing degree of multiplexing
- Capacity Scaling
- Increase capacity of tight link and
proportionally increase number of flows - Average flow rate remains constant
- Flow Scaling
- Increase number of flows and proportionally
decrease average flow rate - Capacity of tight link remains constant
31Capacity Scaling
- Variation range width V increases with capacity
scaling - CoV decreases with capacity scaling
- Conventional wisdom true for relative
variability (CoV) but not for absolute variation
range (V)
32Flow Scaling
- Variation range decreases in both absolute and
relative terms
33Measurement Timescale
- Avail-bw variability decreases with averaging
time scale - Rate of decrease depends on correlation
structure of avail-bw process - Observed decrease rate consistent with scaling
process in the 50-500ms (Hurst parameter0.7)
34 35Future work
- Applications of bandwidth estimation
- Overlay routing and multihoming path selection
algorithms, avoidance of oscillations,
provisioning - Interdomain performance problem diagnosis
- TCP throughput prediction (see ACM Sigcomm05)
- Internet traffic analysis
- Use of bw-estimation to explain traffic
burstiness in short time scales (see ACM
Sigmetrics05) - Examine validity of single-bottleneck assumption
- Examine congestion responsiveness of Internet
traffic - New estimation problems
- Detect maximum possible shared available
bandwidth among set of network paths