Title: Duncan McBride
1NSFs CCLI ProgramCUR Mock Panel Review, March
- Duncan McBride
- Program Director Division of Undergraduate
Education (DUE)National Science
Foundationdmcbride_at_nsf.gov - 703-292-4630
- www.nsf.gov
2Outline of session
- Overview of the CCLI program
- Summary of NSF review procedures
- Brief intro to Fastlane
- Participants read, rate, and discuss one proposal
in a small group - Small group reporting to the entire group
3Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement
Program (CCLI)
- Purpose of the Program
- To improve the quality of STEM education for all
students by targeting activities affecting
learning environments, course content, curricula,
and educational practices - Supports projects at all levels of undergraduate
education. - Supports activities in the classroom, laboratory,
and field settings - Current CCLI Program Solicitation (NSF07-543)
4 Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement
Program (CCLI) Objectives
- To Promote
- Creating exemplary curricular materials
- Developing faculty expertise
- Implementing effective materials and teaching
styles - Assessing student achievement
- Conducting applied research on student learning
- Disseminating materials and practice
5Three Scales of Projects
- Phase 1 Exploratory Projects
- Up to 150,000 (200,000 when 4-year 2-year
schools collaborate) 1 to 3 years (can occur at
a single institution with primarily local impact) - Phase 2 Expansion Projects
- Up to 500,000 2 to 4 years build on
smaller-scale proven ideas. Diverse users at
several institutions - Phase 3 Comprehensive Projects
- Up to 2,000,000 3 to 5 years combine proven
results and mature products. Involve several
diverse institutions
6CCLI Cycle of Innovation
Project Components
Developing Faculty Expertise
Creating New Learning Materials and Teaching
Implementing Educational Innovations
Research on Undergraduate STEM Teaching and
Assessing Learning and Evaluating Innovations
7What makes a good proposal?
- A good idea that is a significant improvement
- A capable person or team to do the project
- Time, equipment, technical support to carry out
the project - Preliminary work helps
- Knowing the literature -- what has been done
elsewhere -- and building on it
8What makes a good proposal?
- Put the project in context -- local and national
- Be specific about what is to be done and who will
do it - Describe what the project will accomplish -
products - Describe evaluation and dissemination appropriate
to the project - Relate the budget to what is to be done
9DUE Review Panels
- Panelists selected for expertise in undergraduate
education in a particular discipline or across
disciplines - Distribution sought with regard to
- Type of institution for those employed in
academia - Rank and tenure status
- Years of teaching, administrative, or industrial
experience - Experience as a review panelist
- Experience as a grant holder
- Gender
- Race/ethnicity
10Your Role as a Reviewer
- Write individual review of each proposal
- Discuss proposals with panel
- Serve as scribe for selected proposals (NOT in
mock panel) - Provide feedback on proposals and review process
- Discuss in wrap-up at end, panel chair brings to
wrap-up meeting, all invited to attend
11The Proposal Merit Review Criteria for
- Intellectual merit of the proposed activity
- Importance in advancing knowledge and
understanding - creative, original, well conceived, organized,
qualified? - Does the project build on existing knowledge?
- Will the project produce exemplary materials or
models, produce research findings, or investigate
ways of assessing student learning? - Are there expected measurable outcomes as the
basis for evaluation?
12The Proposal Merit Review Criteria for
- 2) Broader impacts of the proposed activity
- How well the project advances discovery and
understanding - teaching, representation of
various groups, dissemination, benefits to
society, training/learning - Contribution to knowledge in the discipline about
undergraduate education - Community building
- Impact in an area of need or particular
- Excellent - outstanding, highest priority (need
not be perfect) - Very Good- has merit, fund if possible
- Good - has some merit, not a high priority
- Fair - lacking in several critical aspects,
- a recommendation against funding
- Poor - a waste of time
- Give only one rating!
- May change ratings if you wish
14Panel Summary
- Purpose
- to capture thoughts not expressed in individual
reviews - to indicate areas of general agreement and
disagreement - Summary does not contain a rating
- Instructions to Panelists
- (does not apply to the mock review)
- What you read and discuss here
- do not quote or use
- leave all proposals behind
- do not discuss outside of panel
- Dont reveal your identity to the PIs
- they receive anonymous copies of all reviews
- dont discuss reviews once you leave
16Conflict of Interest categories to consider
- Your affiliation with applying institutions
- Your relationship with proposed project
personnel - Other affiliations and relationships
17NSF Proposal Review and Decision Process
Mail Reviews
Award (Via DGA)
FastLane Central Processing
Program Manager
Division Director
Investigator/ Institution
Inap- propriate
Panel Review
18(No Transcript)
19NSF Fastlane links
- Live https//www.fastlane.nsf.gov
- Demo http//www.fldemo.nsf.gov
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Your Assignment
- Read the Proposal
- Prepare your individual review using the two
merit review criteria and assign a rating - Discuss the proposal with your panel
- Modify your individual review and/or rating
- Prepare a summary review for the panel (no
rating assigned to panel summary) - Group discussion of proposal strengths and
23Information and Inquiries
- DUE Web Site
- http//www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?divDUE
- DUE Project Information Resource System (PIRS)
- https//www.ehr.nsf.gov/pirs_prs_web/search/
- Email undergrad_at_nsf.gov
- Phone 703-292-8670
- Postal NSF, Division of Undergraduate Education,
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 835, Arlington, VA 22230