Title: Geog 242: Ecology of UrbanizationSpring 2004
1Geog 242 Ecology of Urbanization
2Why ecology of urbanization?
- Global population is rapidly urbanizing
3Why ecology of urbanization?
- Growing interest in designing liveable cities
Images from http//www.smartgrowthamerica.com/
4Why ecology of urbanization?
Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Central Arizona Phoenix Study
- New research initiatives to understand ecological
processes in cities
Map from http//lternet.edu/sites/
5Key question How does landuse change alter
ecosystem processes?
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
- Vegetation removal
- Impervious surfaces
- Artificial drainage structures
Graphic provided by Center For Watershed
Protection http//www.cwp.org/
- Reduction in evapotranspiration
- Reduction in infiltration / soil moisture storage
- Increase in surface runoff
- Increased efficiency in drainage
Graphic provided by Center For Watershed
Protection http//www.cwp.org/
- Rapid response to runoff (high velocity
streamflow) - Increase in flood peaks
- Reduction in baseflow
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
- Changes in frequency and magnitude of floods
Hydraulic geometry of river channels
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
Changes in --
Figures from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
13Riparian zones ..
- Filter nutrients and pollutants
- Provide thermal cover (shading)
- Enhance streambank stability
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
14The urban atmosphere ..
- Aerodynamics
- Albedo (surface reflectance)
- Particulates and gases
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
15The urban atmosphere ..
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
16Biogeochemical cycles ..
- Stores
- Vegetation
- Soil
- Biota
- Structures
- Fluxes
- Fire
- Fossil fuel combustion
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
17Biogeochemical cycles ..
- Sources
- Fixation
- Deposition
- Decomposition
- Transformations
- Mineralization
- Nitrification
- Immobilization (plant uptake)
- Assimilation
- Denitrification
- Leaching to streams
Figure from Don Ross, UVM Plant Soil Science
18Habitat ..
Figures from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
19So how do we pull all this together?
20Appreciate process complexity and process
Figure from Christopherson, Geosystems (5th
edition), Prentice-Hall, 2003
across multiple spatial scales
21Consider models of ecosystem behavior
Figure from http//www.ntsg.umt.edu/ecosystem_mode
22Consider social processes
23What it all boils down to . A geographical
24So how do I know if this seminar is right for me?
25This seminar is designed for students
- with some background in physical geography, earth
science or ecology - interested in a discussion-oriented format
- with time to commit at least four hours per week
to out-of-class preparation - willing to work in groups, learn from each other,
participate actively