Title: Environmental Remediation Sciences SC 23'4
1Environmental Remediation Sciences (SC 23.4)
- BER Advisory Committee
- Fall 2005
2In the last 12 months
- Personnel
- Teresa Fryberger on detail to OSTP
- Ray Wildung Drew Tait departed
- Two additional positions established advertised
- EMSP Subsurface callNABIR Biomolecular call
- Review of EMSL
- BERAC SC Office of Project Assessment
- ERSD was directed to reorganize and had its FY
2006 budget reduced
3Update on budget
- 9.762 M reduction in FY 2006 eliminates all
funding to SREL (7.8M) and surficial science. - SREL received 1M of FY 2006 funds
- PNNL receives additional 3.5M for EMSL capital
equipment from available funds - Environmental Remediation Research Program
combines NABIR EMSP
4SC 23.4 Long-Term Measure
- By 2015, provide sufficient scientific
understanding to allow a significant fraction of
DOE sites to incorporate coupled biological,
chemical and physical processes into decision
making for environmental remediation and
long-term stewardship. NOTE new version of
goal -- OMB review pending
5Accomplishing through..
- Supporting research on key DOE contaminants
- Encouraging research that addresses real-world
(i.e., field-scale) issues across scales and
disciplines - Collaborating with DOE offices of
- Environmental Management
- Legacy Management
- Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
- Encouraging PI collaboration with sites/problem
holders and other federal agencies
6SC 23.4 Science Themes
7Increased emphasis on field research
8Highlights AccomplishmentsField research
9Highlights AccomplishmentsFundamental science
10Highlights AccomplishmentsSite applications
11Reorganized ERSD will meet its long-term measure
- Supporting critical areas of science
- Integrating the research program
- Emphasizing scaling and application to field
scale - Funding research that supports ERSD long-term
goal and DOE clean-up mission - Providing annual funding opportunities for all
areas within its scope - Increasing ceilings on award amounts
12ERSD Integrating Vision
Modeling High-performance computing
Characterization Monitoring
Field Research
Microbiology, Ecology, Geochemistry
Molecular ScienceEMSL, Light Sources