Title: Network Applications
1Network Applications
- Lecture 5
- Client-side programming for the WWW
- More on DOM 1
- For more, see the following Tutorials
- Online Tutorial 1 Online Tutorial 2 Online
Tutorial 3
- Document Object Model provides standard way that
HTML page is described as a set of objects. - DOM provides objects with attributes and methods
that allow us to inspect and modify the contents,
appearance and structure of a page. - So far looked mostly at DOM level 0 a fairly
simple way of accessing many, but not all the
elements on an HTML page. - Now look at DOM level 1 and DOM level 2
3DOM 1 and 2
- DOM level 1 and 2 are W3C standards that provide
very general ways to access and modify elements
on a page. - They apply both to HTML and XML.
- Modern browsers now support at least DOM 1, and
we should be moving to using these.
4W3C DOM Level 1
- DOM 1 consists of two main parts -
- A Core part which contains very general methods
applicable to all elements. - An HTML specific part containing methods and
properties specific to particular HTML elements. - You can do most things with the Core part, but
there are certain operations which are at least
more convenient with HTML specific methods.
5W3C DOM Level 2
- DOM Level 2 (the latest version) also provides
standards for manipulating styles and handling
events. - I'll show how the style attribute can be used,
and mention events. - Simple style/event features are supported by
current browsers. - Not all features in DOM 2 spec are supported!
6DOM 1 Methods and Properties
- DOM 1 (Core) lets you access, modify and/or
create any HTML elements and their properties. - E.g.,
- Create a new list item.
- Change contents of an input element in a form.
- Validate contents of an input element
- Allows any attributes to be accessed and changed
7DOM (Core) Methods
- Using DOM we can traverse and get hold of
specific elements in the document. - We noted that we could get hold of an element
with an ID using getElementById - (or by tag name with getElementsByTagName)
- We can then examine it further using properties
such as - firstChild
- nodeName
- nodeValue Only text "nodes" can have a value
- childNodes
8The DOM Tree
- To use the DOM you have to think of document as a
lthtmlgt ltheadgt .. lt/headgt ltbodygt ltpgt Stuff lt/pgt
ltulgt ltligt Junk lt/ligt ltligt Hello lt/ligt
lt/ulgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
9DOM Tree
- A node in a tree will have some child nodes (e.g,
the body node in the example has two child nodes,
p and ul). - Nodes containing text (e.g., paragraphs) will
have have special child nodes called text
nodes. - A node will have a name (e.g., body).
- Text nodes will have a value corresponding to
that actual text content.
ltul id"t1"gt ltligt Item 1 lt/ligt lt/ulgt
HTML fragment
1. document.getElementById('t1').nodeName 2.
document.getElementById('t1').nodeValue 3.
4. document.getElementById('t1').firstChild.firstC
hild.nodeName 5. document.getElementById('t1').fir
Example 1 returns "ul" Example 2 returns
"null as it isnt a text node. Example 3 returns
"li" Example 4 returns "text There is a text
node below the "li which holds the actual text
data as its value. Example 5 returns " Item 1 "
Try It
11Changing and Adding..
- We can
- createElement(elementName)
- createTextNode(text)
- appendChild(newChild)
- removeChild(node)
- Example Add a new list item
var list document.getElementById('t1') var
newitem document.createElement('li') var
newtext document.createTextNode(text)
list.appendChild(newitem) newitem.appendChild(ne
Try It
- We can get hold of the values of attributes using
node.attributes property or node.getAttribute(attn
ame) method.
var yourimage document.getElementById('i1')
var imagesrc yourimage.getAttribute("src")
imagesrcvalue imagesrc.Nodevalue alert("The
source file is " imagesrc) . ltimg id "i1"
alt"smile" /gt
Try It
13Revisiting Form Validation (DOM-HTML)
- Certain HTML elements have special properties
available (partly for backward compatibility with
DOM 0). - Form input elements include the following
properties value, checked, name, size.. - If our input element has an ID we can thus
inspect using expressions like - document.getElementByID('in1').value
14Form example
- Functions to display input
function show() var inp1 document.getElementByI
d('in1') var val inp1.value var inp2
document.getElementById('in2') var val2
inp2.checked alert("textbox contains" val "
and checkbox is " val2)
Try It
15Modifying the style (DOM2-Style)
- Each node has a style property. This in turn has
properties such as backgroundColor, left - Example Try It
Note all the different ways we can specify
background colour!
ltstyle type"text/css"gt t1 position relative
left 100px background-color red lt/stylegt ltscri
pt type"text/javascript"gt function
MoveIt(amount) var list
list.style.left "200px" function
ColourIt(amount) var list
list.style.backgroundColor "blue" lt/scriptgt
- We should mention more recent event models
- Current event models separate out event handlers
from HTML code. - A much supported, but not W3C standard model
allows statements like following in JavaScript - element.onclick doSomething
- This calls function doSomething() if element is
clicked on. - We can add event handlers to any element.
- We get hold of an element using the DOM.
- The W3C standard event model provides methods to
add event handlers to elements via the DOM
element.addEventListener('click', doSomething,
- This will call "doSomething()" when you click on
the element in question. - By adding event handlers using JavaScript your
HTML can be "pure" content and structural markup.
18DOM2 Event Example
function setup() MyEl document.getElementById(
'in1') MyEl.addEventListener("click", show,
false) function show() alert("You clicked
on my heading!") ltbody onload"setup()"gt lth1
id"in1"gt My Heading lt/h1gt
- Note Browser specific - Mozilla example
Try It
- Modern DOM complex!
- Core DOM allows access to elements/attributes.
- HTML DOM provides HTML specific
methods/properties. - Style and Event additions provide properties
which let you access and modify style and event
properties. - Old DOM still supported, but worth using W3C DOM
now as all major browsers support it.