Title: M'Sc Computing Science Software Engineering Lecture 10
1M.Sc Computing Science Software Engineering
Lecture 10
- Niki Trigoni
- Department of Computer Science
- and Information Systems
- Birkbeck College, University of London
- Email niki_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- Web Page http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/niki
2Review of lecture 9
- Architectural analysis is concerned with
identifying and resolving non-functional
requirements (in the context of functional ones). - Architectural analysis is concerned with the big
picture of the system (high-level factors about
the system and its subsystems). - There are several views to architectural
analysis, e.g. logical, process, use-case,
implementation etc. - The logical view of architectural analysis is
concerned with the logical organization of system
into layers and subsystems. - In the UP, the document that describes
architectural factors and decisions for several
views of the system is the SAD.
3Formal methods
- Software Engineering. Ian Sommerville. 5th
edition, chapt. 9 and 11. - For system applications where safety, reliability
or security is paramount, formal specification
and analysis are effective ways of increasing
confidence that the system meets its
requirements. - For a large class of systems, their use is not
cost-effective, but for a smaller class of safety
critical systems, it is essential. - Software engineers have been reluctant to make
use of formal specification techniques because of - lack of training in discrete maths
- customers unwillingness to pay specification
activities - formal methods not suitable for
interactive/concurr. applic. - little tool support available
4Advantages of formal specification
- It provides insights into the software
requirements and design - Mathematical analysis demonstrates specification
consistency and completeness. Possible to prove
that the implementation corresponds to the
specification (i.e. verification becomes trivial) - May be used to guide the tester of the component
in identifying appropriate test cases - Formal specifications may be processed with
software tools (e.g. to animate the specification
to provide a software prototype)
5Specifying functional abstractions
- The simplest specification is function
specification (no need to be concerned with
global state) - Functions accept inputs and return a result, but
are stateless. Previous inputs do not affect the
result which they return. - Functions may be specified using pre-conditions
and post-conditions. - A pre-condition is a specification of a condition
which always holds for the functions inputs. - A post-condition is a specification of the
corresponding condition for the functions
outputs. - Pre- and post- conditions are predicates (Boolean
expressions) over the inputs and outputs of a
function, and specify a function.
6Predicates in pre-/post-conditions
- Predicates may include operators such as , gt, lt,
gt, lt, and, or, not and quantifiers such as
for_all (universal) and exists (existential). The
operator in can be used to select the range over
which the quantifier applies. - A function can be specified using the
pre-condition and post-condition predicates. - Examples of predicates
- AgtB and CgtD
- exists i,j,k in M..N i2j2k2
- for_all i in 1..10 exists j in 1..10 ArrayX(i)
7Stages of function specification
- Establish the range of the input parameters over
which the function should behave correctly - Specify a predicate defining a condition which
must hold on the output of the function if it
behaves correctly - Establish what changes (if any) are made to the
functions input parameters and specify these. A
pure mathematical function should not change its
inputs, but programming languages usually allow
function inputs to be modified by passing them by
reference - Combine these into pre- and post-conditions for
the function
8Function specification examples
- We would like to specify a function that searches
for the index (position) of an array where an
element is stored. The array must always contain
the searched element. - function Search(X IntegerArray, Key Integer)
Integer - Pre exists i in firstIndexOfX..lastIndexOfX
X(i)Key - Post X(Search(X,Key))Key and XX
- Error Search(X,Key) lastIndexofX1
9Discussion about function specification
- The notion of pre- and post- conditions is a
fundamental one in formal specification. - However, specifications based on these conditions
do not scale up to large or medium-sized systems.
The reason for this is the inherent complexity of
the pre- and post- conditions when system state
is considered. - Two approaches to formal specification are used
instead - Algebraic approach the system is described in
terms of operations and their relationships. - Model-based approach a model of the system is
constructed using well-understood mathematical
entities such as sets and sequences
10Model-based specification
- Formal specification of software by developing a
mathematical model of the system - The system specification is expressed as a state
model. - The state of the system is not hidden.
- State changes are straightforward to define
- The state model is constructed using
well-understood mathematical entities, e.g. sets
and functions. - Operations are specified by defining how they
affect the state of the model.
11Z specification language
- Notations for developing model-based
specifications are VDM and Z. - Z specification language is based on typed set
theory - Z is probably the most widely-used specification
language - The building block used in Z is the schema.
- A schema includes
- A name identifying the schema
- A signature introducing entities and their types
- A predicate part defining invariants over these
entities - Schemas can be included in other schemas
12Z schema examples
Schema name
Schema signature
contents N capacity N contents lt capacity
Schema predicate
light off,on reading N danger_level
N light_on ?reading ltdanger_level
13Combining schemata
- We can combine the schemata container and
indicator - What would an expanded full specification of a
storage tank look like?
Container Indicator readingcontents capacity500
0 danger_level 50
14Expanded schema specification
- Storage tank without using previous schemata
contents N capacity N reading N danger_level
N light off,on contentsltcapacity lighton ?
readinglt danger_level readingcontents capacity5
000 danger_level 50
15Z language conventions
- A variable name decorated with a quote mark (e.g.
N) represents the value of the state variable N
after an operation (N is decorated with a dash). - A schema name decorated with a quote mark
introduces (only) the dashed values of all names
defined in the schema. - A variable name decorated with a ! represents an
output. - A variable name decorated with a ? represents an
input. - A schema name prefixed by the Greek letter ?
means that the defined operation does not change
the values of state variables - A schema name prefixed by the Greek letter ?
means that the operation changes some or all of
the state variables introduced in that schema.
16Operation specification
- An operation is specified incrementally as a
schema - An exceptional situation is also defined as a
? Storage_tank amount? N contents amount? lt
capacity contents contents amount?
? Storage_tank amount? N r! seq CHAR
contents amount? gt capacity r!
Insufficient tank capacity Fill cancelled
17Operation specification
- We combine the previous two schemas using the
disjunction (or) operator - The complete specification of the method (Fill)
was built by - Defining a partial specification for the normal
case - Defining further specification for the
exceptional case - Combining these specifications to fully define
the Fill method
Fill-OK V OverFill
18The Z specification process
Write informal specification
Decompose system
Specify system components
Compose component specification
Define given sets and types
Define state variables
Define initial state
Define correct operations
Define exceptional operations
Combine operation schemas
19Data dictionary specification with Z
- Example data dictionary that keeps track of
system names - Data dictionary structure
- Item name
- Description
- Type assume in these examples that the allowed
types are those used in logical data models - Creation date
- The first stage in the specification process is
to introduce given sets and types.
20Type definitions
- There are a number of build-in types (e.g.
INTEGER) in Z. - Other types may be defined by enumeration
- Sem_Model_Types relation, entity, attribute
- Schemas may also be used for type definition.
Their predicates serve as constraints on the type
21Specification using functions
- A function is a mapping from an input value to an
output value - SmallSquare1?1, 2?4, 3?9, 4?16
- The domain of a function is the set of inputs
over which the function has a defined result - dom (SmallSquare) 1, 2, 3, 4
- The range of a function is the set of results
which the function can produce - rng (SmallSquare) 1, 4, 9, 16
22Data dictionary modeling
- A data dictionary can be thought of as a mapping
from a name (the key) to a value (the description
in the dictionary) - Operations are
- Add Makes a new entry in the dictionary or
replaces an existing entry - Lookup Given a name, returns the description
- Delete Deletes an entry from the dictionary
- Replace Replaces the information associated with
an entry
23Schema defining a dictionary entry
- Each entry includes a key, a description, a type
and a creation_date. The descriptions should not
exceed 2000 characters - seq char sequence of characters
- sequence collection of elements where each
element is referenced by its position in the
sequence - cardinality
name NAME desc seq CHAR type
Sem_Model_Types creation_date DATE desc lt
24Schema defining a dictionary as a function
- Functions allow one value to be mapped onto
another. They can therefore be used to define a
data dictionary, where a name is mapped onto a
data dictionary entry. - ? indicates a partial function
- ddict partial function from NAME to
DataDictionaryEntry ddict NAME ?
25Initial state of data dictionary
DataDictionary ddict O
- DataDictionary state of the data dictionary
after initialization - O represents an empty set
26Correct partial add and lookup operations
? DataDictionary name? NAME entry?
DataDictionaryEntry name? dom ddict ddict
ddict name??entry?
? DataDictionary name? NAME entry!
DataDictionaryEntry name? dom ddict entry!
27Add and lookup operations with input error
? DataDictionary name? NAME error! seq
CHAR name? dom ddict error! Name
already in dictionary
? DataDictionary name? NAME error! seq
CHAR name? dom ddict error! Name not in
28Add and lookup operations
Add-OK V Add-Error
Lookup-OK V Lookup-Error
29Replace operation
? DataDictionary name? NAME entry?
DataDictionaryEntry name? dom ddict ddict
ddict name?? entry?)
function over-riding operator
Replace-OK V Lookup-Error
30Delete operation
? DataDictionary name? NAME name? dom
ddict ddict name? ddict
domain subtraction operation
Delete-OK V Lookup-Error
31Specifying ordered collections
- Specification using functions does not allow
ordering to be specified - Sequences are used for specifying ordered
collections (e.g. sequences of characters seq
CHAR) - A sequence is a mapping from consecutive integers
to associated values
32Data dictionary extract operation
- The Extract operation extracts from the data
dictionary all those entries whose type is the
same as the type input to the operation - The extracted list is presented in alphabetical
order - A sequence is used to specify the ordered output
of Extract
33The Extract operation
DataDictionary rep! seq DataDictionaryEntry in_typ
e? Sem_model_types n dom ddict
ddict(n).typein_type? ? ddict(n) rng rep!
i1ltiltrep! rep!(i).type in_type?
i1ltiltrep! rep!(i) rng ddict i,
j dom rep! (iltj) ? rep.name(i)ltNAMErep.name
- For each entry in the dictionary with type
in_type?, the entry must also be in the range of
the rep! (in the reply list). - Each index i of the reply list must host an entry
with type in_type? - Each index i of the reply list must host an entry
that is also in the dictionary - Entries in the reply list must be ordered by the
entrys name (ascend. Order)
34Data dictionary specification
DataDictionary Init-DataDictionary Add Lookup Dele
te Replace Extract
35Summary of lecture 10
- Model-based specification relies on building a
system model using well-understood mathematical
entities. - Z specifications are made up of mathematical
model of the system state and a definition of
operations on the state. - A Z specification is presented as a number of
schemas. - Schemas may be combined to make new schemas.
- Operations are specified by defining their effect
on the system state. - Operations may be specified incrementally.
- Z functions are a set of pairs, where the domain
of the function is the set of valid inputs. The
range is the set of associated outputs. - A sequence is a special type of function whose
domain is the consecutive integers.