Title: Web Basics
1Web Basics
2Basic Tools
- Web server
- Default directory, default home page
- Virtual directory
- Web page editor
- Front Page
- Web page languages
- Client-side script language
- VBScript, JavaScript, DOM
- Server-side language VB.NET, ASP.NET
3Dynamic Page Client-Side Script ExampleDemo
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtNew Page 1lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltb
odygt ltpgtThe time is now ltscript
languagevbscriptgt document.write
time() lt/scriptgt lt/pgt ltscript languagevbscriptgt i
Hourhour(time()) if iHour lt 12
then document.write "lth1gtgood morninglt/h1gt" else
document.write "lth1gtgood afternoonlt/h1gtltbrgt" end
if lt/scriptgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
4Dynamic Web Pages Server-Side Script Example
- Demo TimeNow.aspx
- ltbodygt
- ltpgtThe time is now lttime()gtlt/pgt
- ltpgtThe time is now lt response.write time()gtlt/pgt
- lt
- dim iHour
- iHourhour(time())
- if iHour lt 12 then
- response.write lth1gtgood morninglt/h1gtltbrgt"
- else
- response.write "lth1gtgood afternoonlt/h1gtltbrgt"
- end if
- gt
5Client-Side vs Server-Side Scripting
- Client-side scripting
- The browser requests a page.
- The server sends the page to the browser.
- The browser sends the page to the script engine.
- The script engine executes the script.
- Server-side scripting
- The browser requests a page.
- The server sends the page to the engine.
- The script engine executes the script.
- The server sends the page to the browser.
- The browser renders the page.
- Demo ShowSum.htm, Web Form
6HTML Introduction
- Heading section
- ltheadgt, lttitlegt, ltmetagt, ltscriptgt, etc.
- Body section
- ltbodygt, ltpgt, lth1gt to lth6gt, ltagt, ltbrgt
- Formatting ltbgt, ltIgt, ltugt, ltcentergt
- Comment lt!-- comment --gt
- List ltulgt
- Image
- Table lttablegt, lttrgt a new row in table, lttdgt a
new cell in a table row. - Form ltformgt, ltinputgt, ltselectgt, lttextareagt
7Webpage Editor
- FrontPage demo
- Visual Studio .Net
- Web Forms tab
- HTML tab
- The meta tag allows you to provide additional
information about the page that is not visible in
the browser - ltmeta nameAuthor contentD Chaogt
- ltmeta nameKeywords contentapple,
orange,peachgt - Redirection
- ltmeta http-equivrefresh content3urlhttp//w
ww.sfsu.edugt - 3 is number of seconds.
- Demo using FrontPage
lttable border"1" width"100"gt lttrgt lttd
width"25"gtlt/tdgt lttd width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt
lttd width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lttd
width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttd
width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lttd
width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lttd
width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lttd
width"25"gtnbsplt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt
10FORM Tag
- Form attribute
- Action Specify the URL of a program on a server
or an email address to which a forms data will
be submitted. - Method
- Get the forms data is appended to the URL
specified by the Action attribute as a
QueryString. - Post A prefered method for database processing.
Forms data is sent separately from the URL. - Name Forms name
- Demo TestFormGet.Htm, TestFormPost.Htm
- A QueryString is a set of namevalue pairs
appended to a target URL. - It can be used to pass information from one
webpage to another. - To create a QueryString
- Add a question mark (?) immediately after a URL.
- Followed by namevalue pairs separated by
ampersands (). - Example
- ltA Hrefhttp//my.com/Target.htm?CustIDC1Cname
12Creating a QueryString
- Entered with a URL
- http//dchaolaptop/testFormGet.aspx?cidc2cnameb
bb - As part of a URL specified in an anchor tag.
- ltA Hrefhttp//my.com/Target.htm?CustIDC1Cname
Chaogt - Via a form sent to the server with the GET method.
- Client-side script
- lt!--
- statements
- --gt
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- Server-side script
- ltscript languageVB runatservergt
- statements
- lt/scriptgt
14Document Object Model
15Window Object
- The Window object represents a Web browser
window. - Properties
- window.status, window.defaultstatus
- window.document, window.history, window.location.
- Window.name
- Methods
- window.open (url, name, Options)
- Options menubarno, statusno, toolbarno, etc.
- window.close
- window.alert(string)
- window.prompt(string)
- Window.focus
- Etc.
16Document Object
- The document object represents the actual web
page within the window. - Properties
- background, bgColor, fgColor, title, url,
lastModified, domain, referrer, cookie,
linkColor, etc. - Ex. document.bgColorsilver
- Methods
- Document.write (string)
- Document.open, close
- Demo (testDoc.htm, docProp.htm)
17Navigator Object
- The navigator object provides information about
the browser. - Properties
- Navigator.appNamebrowser name
- Navigator.appCodeName browser code name
- Navigator.appVersion
- Navigator.platform the operating system in use.
18Location Object
- Allows you to change to a new web page from
within a script code. - Properties
- Host, hostname, pathname
- Href full URL address
- Search A URLs queryString
- Methods
- location.reload()
- To open a page location.href URL
19Testing Location Object
lthtmlgt ltscript languagevbscriptgt function
openNew() sitewindow.prompt("enter
url") window.open (site) location.href"showformd
ata.htm" end function lt/scriptgt ltheadgt ltmeta
http-equiv"Content-Type" content"text/html
charsetwindows-1252"gt ltmeta name"GENERATOR"
content"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"gt ltmeta
name"ProgId" content"FrontPage.Editor.Document"gt
lttitlegtNew Page 1lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt
ltpgtltinput type"button" value"Button" name"B3"
onclick"openNew()"gtlt/pgt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt Note
20History Object
- Maintain a history list of all the documents that
have been opened during current session. - Methods
- history.back()
- history.forward()
- history.go() ex. History.go(-2)
- Demo testDocOpenClose.htm
21Testing the History Object
lthtmlgt ltscript languagevbscriptgt lt!-- sub
clearVB() document.write ("hello, this is a new
page") window.alert("Press any key to
continue") document.open() document.write
("lth1gtThis is another new pagelt/h1gt") document.clo
se window.alert("Press any key to go
back") history.go(-2) end sub --gt lt/scriptgt ltheadgt
lttitlegtNew Page 1lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt ltpgtthis
is old infolt/pgt ltscript languagevbscriptgt documen
t.write ("ltpgtthis is another old
infolt/pgt") lt/scriptgt ltpgtltinput type"button"
value"clear" name"B3" onCLick"clearVB()"gt ltpgtn
bsplt/pgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
22Client-side Scripting with the Browser Object
lthtmlgt ltheadgt ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetwindows-1252"gt ltmeta
name"GENERATOR" content"Microsoft FrontPage
4.0"gt ltmeta name"ProgId" content"FrontPage.Edito
r.Document"gt ltscript languageJavaScript1.3gt windo
w.status "TestDomScript.Htm" lt/scriptgt lttitlegtNe
w Page 1lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt ltscript
languagevbscriptgt document.write("you are
using" navigator.appName) document.write("lt/pgt"
) emailwindow.prompt("Enter email
") window.alert ("your enail is"
email) sitewindow.prompt("enter
url") window.open (site) document.open() docum
ent.write("today is " Date()) lt/scriptgt lt/bodygt
23HTML Tags and Events
- Link ltagt lt/agt click, mouseOver, mouseOut
- Image ltimggt abort(loading is interrupted),
error, load. - Area ltareagt mouseOver, mouseOut
- Body ltbodygt blur, error, focus, load, unload
- Frameset blur, error, focus, load, unload
- Frame blur, focus
- Form submit, reset
- Textbox, Text area blur, focus, change, select
- Button, Radio button, check box click
- List blur, focus, change
24Event Handler
- Event handler name on event name
- Ex. onClick
- Three ways of writing handler
- 1. Within the tag
- ltinput type button name button1 value
click here onCLick window.alert(you click
me)gt - 2. Event function onCLickclickHandler()
- 3. Event procedure as in VB.
- Sub button1_onCLick()