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Interaction dynamics reveal how normative structures of association form in ... of different 'games') nor too long (so as to merge multiple doings together) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Movie

Movie 2 -- 10th Grade BiologyFrom loose
recitation to free time
Interaction Orders, Network Switches, and the
Process of Schooling
  • Daniel McFarland
  • Skye Bender-deMoll

Research presented here is supported by funds
from the Spencer Foundation and Stanford
Universitys Office of Technology and Licensing.
  • Topic / Problem -- two interrelated goals of
  • The first is to explain how interaction dynamics
    are central to our understanding of the structure
    of complex organizations.
  • Interaction dynamics reveal how normative
    structures of association form in everyday
    affairs how they entail a multiplicity of
    coordinated endeavors, some of which involve
    orthogonal forms of association how actors can
    move between this multiplicity of affairs and
    how local actions can depart from and transform
    larger aggregate patterns of association.
  • This addresses a shortcoming in network theory.
    The least developed aspect of social network
    analysis concerns the fluid, interpretive
    dynamics of communication on the micro-level.
    Fluid interactions are generally assumed to
    aggregate into stable relations and cultural
    domains are either fully ignored, or only related
    to networks in a casual, ad-hoc basis.

  • Topic / Problem -- two interrelated goals
  • The second goal is to apply this
    conceptualization to the empirical dimension of
  • We illustrate how interaction dynamics afford a
    deeper understanding of schooling. Interaction
    dynamics reveal how a teacher-centered pattern of
    pedagogy arises in most classrooms how pedagogy
    nonetheless entails a variety of coordinated
    endeavors that depart from this norm how
    participants move through these different and
    orthogonal forms of coordinated activity and how
    local actions can induce departures,
    negotiations, and transformations of the larger
    normative structure of schooling.
  • The process of classroom order is important for
    education research because it is a precursor to
    learning (content focus). As patterns of
    interaction settle into recognized patterns,
    teachers and students find opportunity to shift
    attention away from concerns of coordination and
    social order to subject matter content. Current
    education research does not study the
    distributed, relational nature of educational
    settings in a systematic way that can be
    formalized and tested. This work presents such

  • Theoretical Argument on Structuring Process
  • The structuring of classrooms entails at least
    four classes of interaction order role-frames,
    transitions, bracketed laminations, and problems
    (White 1995 Mische and White 1998). Certain
    classes of interaction order entail concatenating
    actions that reinforce norms, while others
    facilitate switches and counter-normative
  • Role-frames entail interaction where networks and
    interpretive frames concatenate and reinforce
    each other so as to create specialized forms of
    stable interaction. In the classroom, there is
    an academic role-frame and a social role-frame
    anchored in certain topics, activities, social
    identities, and status structures.
  • Transitions arise as unstructured segments at the
    beginning and end of class, as well as between
    tasks when the academic frame and social roles of
    friendship and clique membership are not on.
  • Problems are volatile episodes when the social
    order breaks down, uncertainty takes hold, and
    then reconstruction or repair efforts follow. As
    such, they are interchanges that can emerge in
    the middle of other classes of interaction order
    and sweep aside their dynamics.
  • Another type of interaction order consists of
    bracketed laminations that span interpretive
    frames by bracketing episodes of interaction
    wherein a role-frames meaning is transformed
    into something patterned on but independent of
    them (jokes, keying, fabrications, etc).
  • Building on prior work, we describe interaction
    ordering, or structuration, as guided by rules
    (activity-scripts) and resources (Giddens 1984
    Barley 1986 Sewell 1992), but we expand the
    notion of resources to entail (a) claims
    (discursive cues) and (b) contexts (network

  • Empirical Argument on the Structure of Schooling
  • We reinforce the conceptual argument through case
    studies and formal models of classroom
    interaction. In particular, we identify processes
    that establish (or undermine) recursive patterns
    of behavior.
  • We find that there are certain activities,
    network conditions, and forms of talk that
    generate the normative structure of schooling
    across classrooms.
  • We find the normative structure of schooling is
    teacher-centered (e.g., recitation and lectures),
    and that even in decentralized activities of
    class discussion, there is a tendency to fall
    back on centralized formats to coordinate
    collective action.
  • In addition, we identify (de)stabilizing
    mechanisms within types of activities (i.e.,
    coordination games), which reveal how the
    structure of schooling can be transformed by
  • Only in student-centered tasks like presentations
    and group work does the teachers diminished role
    help stabilize the pattern of ongoing
    interactions, and reveal routes by which
    alternative forms of schooling can be
    successfully managed.

Data and Unit of Time
  • Unique Data on Streaming Classroom Interactions
  • Observed many classrooms and recorded who spoke
    to whom, when, and in what manner.
  • Caught turns of interaction and their
    corresponding forms of speech (task, social,
    moral evaluations, technical evaluations,
    broadcasts, questions), and noted activity
    schemas, time, etc.
  • Lower reliability is had in phases where
    simultaneous talk arises (free time). However,
    all measures use patterns of interaction (instead
    of frequency), and the number of observations
    decreases the amount of error affecting results.
    In spite of reliability issues, this is closest
    data has come to coded streaming interactions,
    and it is useful for developing methods
    appropriate to data on fully dynamic systems.
    Should there be a bias, it will underreports of
    such behavior.
  • The final data set consists of over 800,000 turns
    of interaction that spans 3000 individuals, 603
    class periods, and 153 separate classrooms of two
    high schools.
  • Classroom focus
  • We study how classrooms organize interaction over
  • Our goal is to identify mechanisms endogenous to
    classroom settings and to offer a bottom-up
    perspective that is remiss in most sociological
    and educational research.
  • How do we decide on the unit of time to use?
  • Since we are interested in how interaction is
    ordered, we want a time-scale that is not too
    short (so as to miss patterning of different
    games) nor too long (so as to merge multiple
    doings together). Hence, we settle on 2.5 minute
    slices of time, aggregate within them, and then
    look at how slices of class time are
  • Other durations of time could be used and the
    exploration of this is the topic of a future
    paper (Sunbelt topic).

  • Measurement When does order arise in
  • Challenge to measure stability when interaction
    patterns vary depending on the activity being
    performed. We want a single measure of
  • How do we capture the stability in interaction
    patterns when ties are distributed and can have
    variable organization in different settings? We
    take the triad census for every slice of class
    time and correlate it with the successive slice
    (census of slice t0 with census of slice t1).
  • Since null triads are overwhelmingly common, we
    omit them
  • Also, we separate task from sociable types of
    ties ( 30 triad types).
  • The correlation of successive triad censuses is a
    measure of pattern-similarity over time, and
    affords a scaled variable that is consistent
    across classes regardless of the type of activity
    and the size of the classroom network.
  • We tried other distance measures that had various
    problems hamming distances, euclidean distances
    (across dyads and linguistic arrays), and even
    clustered structural distances (Butts and Carley

  • RESULTS (cases and formal models)
  • Part 1 -- Four cases of interaction order
  • Will use variety of visualizations to reveal
    dynamic processes of network manipulation and
    task cueing.
  • Summary plots
  • Used to display hundreds of thousands of
    observations in a format that can be readily
    understood and explored by practitioners and
    researchers (rates and inter-structural
    correlations are plotted).
  • Visualization of network dynamics
  • SoNIA (Social Network Image Animator,
    Bender-deMoll and McFarland 2003 Moody,
    McFarland and Bender deMoll 2004) animates
    across graph layouts and uses a series of
    techniques to render movement reliable and
    meaningful. Free software publicly available

  • Two Cases of Switching
  • Case 1 Trigonometry
  • announcements, recitation review, recitation fun
    problem, pair work quizzes
  • Case 2 Biology announcements, recitation lesson
    (with humor), recitation review, free time

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  • Movie 1 Trigonometry announcements,
    recitation review, recitation fun problem, pair
    work quizzes
  • Movie 2 Biology announcements, recitation
    lesson (with humor), recitation review, free time

  • Two Cases of Stalled /Failing Order
  • Case 3 Economics
  • Lecture introduction, groupwork
  • Case 4 English 10
  • Lecture introduction, seatwork

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  • Movie 3 Economics Lecture introduction,
  • Movie 4 English 10, Speech Lecture
    introduction, seatwork

  • Finds across four cases
  • Different games with different organization.
  • Different dances that designate distinct
    interaction orders
  • recitation entails stars with rotating core
  • free time has fluid cluster and spanning tree
  • group work has stable cliques and teacher
  • student presentation entail rotating stars
  • seatwork entails local, fluid communications
    centered around teachers
  • Different network processes
  • Centralization-decentralization (e.g.,
    recitation/presentation versus group work / free
  • Clustering-separating (e.g., group work versus
  • Different points of disorder
  • brackets of period
  • cued transitions
  • unplanned deviations and rebellion
  • Typically inverse network processes as that
    called for by the activity. For example, group
    work falls apart with broadcasts or
    centralization moves, and lectures fall apart
    when clustering and/or competing centralization
    efforts arise.

  • Part 2 Formal models
  • Additive model of central tendency
  • Want to identify general structure of schooling.
  • Correlation is really skewed variable with
    classes veering into and out of interactional
    stability -- basically a discrete shift. We
    dichotomize the variable so that stable refers
    to slices of class time with triad patterns
    correlated by at least .89 (value is the median
  • We then use fixed effects models that identify
    mechanisms creating stability/change within
    classroom interaction over time (so classroom and
    school level characteristics are removed).
  • We use fixed effects because it enables us to
    focus on the social processes endogenous to
    classrooms (where most of the variance resides)
    and it affords the most conservative model (i.e.,
    removes spuriousness, bias, heterogeneity
    shrinkage, etc).
  • Interaction terms
  • Conditional effects presented since we want to
    know how various network conditions and forms of
    speech influence the stability of interaction
    within types of prescribed tasks (Jacard 2003).
  • We want to know the relative rate of each form of
    speech relative to other forms. We operationalize
    this as the percentage of total interaction that
    is of a particular type. Such measures capture
    the stylistic focus within a slice of class time
    as opposed to sheer volume or rates of behavior.
    We argue that it is linguistic style that should
    affect interaction roles and the structuring

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  • Factors causing interaction order/disorder in
    classes story of centralization and control,
    but more from local disputes and coordination
    problems (bottom up perspective of schooling
  • Transitions are more volatile (open-close,
  • Long-term decrease in stability (months into
  • Cued activity structures differ in order /
  • lectures gt presentation, recitation, discussion gt
    group work, tests, audio gt seatwork and
  • Centralized formats tend to be more stable
    routines (lacks ambiguity of hierarchy).
  • Forms of Speech central tendencies of schooling
  • (driven by most common activities, i.e.
  • Teacher broadcasts and technically evaluative
    speech stabilizes
  • Most any form of direct talk destabilizes, but
    especially teacher-student talk, conflicts
    (moral) and bracketed laminations (jokes).
  • Network conditions vary in effect
  • Task asymmetrical ties are helpful (broadcasts),
    social reciprocity creates some disturbance, and
    reciprocal task ties and asymmetric socializing
    are quite problematic (student outbursts).

  • Prior section describes central tendencies of
    schooling process, and as such, describes the
    realized social structure emerging in classes
    more generally. The emergent structure of
    schooling is contingent on which activities are
    prescribed and enacted.
  • The tendency toward centralized formats reflects
    problems of coordination in student-centered and
    progressive forms of instruction.
  • In order to transform the structure of schooling,
    the problems of coordination undermining
    progressive forms of instruction need to be
    understood and overcome. Therefore, it is useful
    to know what types of behavior sustain or
    undermine distinct interaction orders. In effect,
    we ask, what speech and network forms are crucial
    to the stability of different activity
    structures, and which are most capable of
    undermining them. We turn to interaction terms

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  • Lecture, recitation, and discussion all similar
    in that they are teacher centered
  • Lecture best maintained when the teacher voices
    broadcasts and technical evaluations undermined
    when the teacher is sociable, or when students
    have side conversations, argue, and emit
    broadcast statements of their own.
  • Recitation same as lecture but now student
    technical evaluations also help stabilize
    interaction and T-S contact is more acceptable
    undermined by teacher-sociability, student
    broadcasts, and peer side conversations.
  • Discussion best maintained by teacher broadcasts
    and questions, and there is tolerance for more
    open dialogue undermined by teacher-student
    sociability, jokes, and student arguing.
  • Student presentations different
  • Presentation student broadcasts stabilize, but
    so do teacher broadcasts/questions, and peer task
    interaction (Tch MC who coordinates and
    discusses / embellishes student broadcasts)
    undermined by open socializing and arguing.

  • Group work, undefined, seatwork, and tests /
  • Group work best maintained by a distant teacher
    and student task conversations tolerant of
    sociable behavior and humor, but undermined by
    any centralizing claims (broadcasts).
  • Undefined (free time / maintenance) maintained
    by student socializing undermined by peer task
    interactions and teacher broadcasts.
  • Seatwork tolerant of peer socializing, humor,
    and students posing questions undermined by
    centralized formats.
  • Tests teacher questions and student technical
    evaluations mildly assist matters (i.e., test
    preparation behaviors), but everything else
    disrupts the activity.
  • Audiovisual non-action, or silence, stabilizes
    the task.

  • Network Conditions and Cued Tasks
  • Task asymmetry helpful for centralized tasks
    like lecture, recitation, discussion (teacher
    centered discussions Socratic method), and
    student presentations.
  • Task reciprocity key for group work and not much
  • Social asymmetry avoid in most tasks, but not of
    concern in undefined segments. Entails student
    broadcasts, so especially disruptive of routine
    segments involving repetition (lecture,
    recitation, group work) or low interaction rates
    (tests and audiovisuals) where it stands out.
  • Social reciprocity salient in seatwork and
    undefined segments where appropriate, but
    problematic elsewhere.

  • Conclusion
  • Study identifies general structure of schooling
    as well as the strengths and weaknesses of
    various instructional formats.
  • Models show the dynamics of interaction, and how
    these dynamics are organized in ways reflective
    of a general schooling process.
  • The general story derived from these results is
    that the structure of schooling is defined
    primarily by prescribed activity-frames and
    issues of instructional control. Activity frames
    define the instructional process and the network
    conditions educators want to establish. However,
    prescribed formats do not always take hold, and
    interaction orders of varying kinds can drift
    toward more centralized formats.
  • Results offer some hope in that educators can
    identify various activities, network conditions,
    and forms of speech (i.e., rules, contexts, and
    claims) that can either bolster or transform
    interaction patterns they would like to establish
    in educational settings.

Interaction Orders, Network Switches, and the
Process of Schooling
  • Daniel McFarland
  • Skye Bender-deMoll

Research presented here is supported by funds
from the Spencer Foundation and Stanfords Office
of Technology and Licensing.
  • Histogram for Triad Census Correlation
  • (Mean .6639, Std Deviation .3866, Median .8887)
  • Histogram
  • 1.025
  • .
    3219 -----
  • .
  • .
    458 -----
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .

  • Group dramatization in creative writing classs

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