Title: BioRegional MiniMills UK Ltd
Material Reuse Centres a reuse opportunity
simply too good to waste (or recycle) Lewis
Herbert WasteWISE Consultants Ltd
lewis_at_wastewise.org.uk 0774 853 6153
2Plenty of buildings still suitable for
deconstruction and Pre-Demolition Audits
3 providing steel and bricks for new buildings
4 and reclaimed timber, plus timber from new
- Sourced from construction sites
- Or demolition jobs
- Or refurbishment
- Joists
- Reused as joists or
- Milled into floorboards
5Reusing what goes into construction skips (BRE
6Rapidly rising landfill and tax charges
- 2007/8 24/tonne tax - skip 1202008/9
32/tonne tax - skip 160 2009/10 40/tonne
tax - skip 190 ?2010/11 48/tonne tax - skip
220 ? - some skips are 500 of building materials !
7- Waste Skip Segregation and Colour CodingDo
exactly what it says on the sign, mate - How many skips now at most sites ?
- And how many
- are practical at
- most sites ?
8Maximising reuse as well as recovery
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10Reuse environmental benefits way ahead of new
or recycled
Bar chart showing the 96 environmental impact
saving by reclaiming and reusing steel sections
11Construction timber should not just go into fuel
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13Building Material Reuse Centres - A Business
Opportunity (BMRCs)
- Big in the USA
- Developing more UK projects
- West and South Yorkshire Opportunity(and survey
141. US Building Material Reuse Centres
15- http//www.re-store.org/ballard.htm
16Improving economics
- Long-term plans to eliminate need for a tax break
17Madison Restore, Wisconsin
- http//www.restoredane.org/
18Learning from Madison Restore
- Self sufficient social enterprise, started in
2000 - One of 8 Habitat Restores in Wisconsin state
- Re IY shop BQ second time around
- Deconstruction business
- Building projects including material reuse
- Training business
- More at www.restoredane.org including 3 minute
192. Developing viable UK projects
- Model Bioregional/WasteWISE business plan for
Centre for Remanufacturing and Reuse 2008
www.bioregional-reclaimed.com/get_report.php - Tees Valley REBUILD project developing from
2007 - 2008 Peterborough reusables research/projects
- Current Realliance ReIY 2008/9 project led by
Bioregional - assisting projects in
Yorkshire and across England - www.re-alliance.org.uk and www.wrap.org.uk
20BioRegional/WasteWISE Project
- Assist 3 to 5 social enterprises develop Centres
- New partnerships including across regions
- Share reclaim expertise/develop core people
- Catchment market analysis, business
plan/funding, sites, appropriate methods, links
to East Ex etc - Committed construction companies and housing
associations those operating in several regions - ReIY - because retail and DiY are core elements
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22Diverting wastage and seconds at all stages in
construction supply chain, and meeting needs of
source companies
- Production eg. brickworks
- Building supplies/distribution
- DIY supply chains
- Construction companies linking to Site Waste
Management Plans - Decent Homes programmes
- Housing maintenance
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24UK generic business plan
- Involved around 70 responses - construction
supply chain, social enterprises, councils
etc(now over 100) - Business plan toolkit plus generic
spreadsheetsand wider analysis - Aid for essential local business analysis/plan
- other learning - SALVO businesses, wood
Start up, year 2 and Year 5 financial
projections- income analysis, costs and surplus
- two stage developmentLearning from - US
experience and Madison Restore detailed data-
UK BMRC projections with local costs e.g. SEand
Middlesbrough key differences from USA- UK
comparators including architectural salvage
companies and community wood reuse projects
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28Example of Rebuild on Teesside and partners
- Led by Community Campus, a building training
social enterprise rebuild_at_cc87.co.uk working
with - Bioregional Quintain re Middlehaven
- Rok Construction Group
- Coast and Country (Redcars Registered Social
Landlord) Erimus and other housing
associations - Redcar and Middlesbrough councils
regeneration areas Household Waste Recycling
Centres - Renew CPI and others
29Conclusions/Key Issues
- Viable reuse businesses/social enterprises with
wide diet - Opportunities for companies, even in recession
- Web opportunities linked to Why Waste
materials exchange, matching companies and social
enterprises, and regional - Formal agreements with construction companies,
providing quality service and Site Waste
Management Plan reporting - - Wider partnerships, including deconstruction,
predemolition/material audits, training and
material re-supply.
30Building Materials Recycling Centre Social
Enterprise Viewpoint
CORE BUSINESS Deconstruction/Soft
Demolition Architectural Salvage Building with
Recycled Materials Ebay-type Sales
CORE OUTPUTS Jobs Qualifications Work
Placements ILM
DEMOLITION Potential to increase soft strip
with that element by a social enterprise
FUNDED VIA Income Generated from Trading LSC
(Quals/e2e) Jobcentre Plus (DAF/ILM) Charitable
Foundation(s) Partners/Carbon Footprints Local
Authority Procurement Housing Association
Contracts Private Sector
WHERE? Growth Areas major new communities
Districts with signficant housingUrban
regeneration areas
OTHER ISSUES Decent Homes Standard Supplementary
Planning Guidance Housing Corporation Regional
Skills Action Plan/Shortages Statutory Legislation