Title: Consumer Decision Making
1Consumer Decision Making
2Three Perspectives on Decision Making
- Decision making perspective
- High involvement decisions
- Low involvement decisions
- Experiential perspective
- Behavioral influence perspective
3Decision Making PerspectiveHigh Involvement
Extended Alternative Evaluation
Problem Recognition
Extensive Search
Complex Choice
Acquisition Evaluation
4Decision Making PerspectiveLow Involvement
Minimal Alternative Evaluation
Simple Choice Processes
Problem Recognition
Limited Search
Acquisition Evaluation
5Experiential Perspective
Alternative Evaluation (comparison of affect)
Choice (affect-based)
Problem Recognition (affect driven)
Search for Affect-based Solutions
Acquisition Evaluation
6Behavioral Influence Perspective
Choice (behavior results from reinforcers)
Search (learned Response)
Acquisition Evaluation (self-perception
Problem Recognition (results from discriminative
7Initial vs. Repeat Purchases
- Initial purchases
- Tend to require more extensive problem solving
- Repeat purchases
- Tend to require limited problem solving,
sometimes habitual decisions
8Basic Decision Making Process
Problem/Need Recognition
Information Search
Evaluation of Alternatives
Post-Purchase Evaluation
9Problem/Need Recognition
- Consumer recognizes a gap or discrepancy between
his/her current state and his/her desired state.
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12Information Search
- Deliberate attempt to gain knowledge about a
purchase decision goal is to reduce uncertainty. - Internal search
- Retrieve information from long term memory
- External search
- Gather information from external sources, e.g.,
ads, media, friends, stores
13Determinants of External Search
14Evaluation of Alternatives
- Occurs either separately or in conjunction with
information search. - We rely on internal processes to help us organize
the evaluation process. - Consideration (evoked set)
- Decision rules (heuristics)
15Consideration Set
16Decision Rules
- Strategies used by consumers to guide decision
making. - Some decision rules use product characteristics
to guide decisions. - Compensatory
- Noncompensatory
- Some decision rules rely on stored information in
consumers memories to guide decisions.
17Compensatory Decision Rule
- Select the best overall brand
- Consumer evaluates brand options in terms of each
relevant attribute and computes a weighted or
summated score for each brand. The consumer
chooses the brand with the highest score. - A compensatory model because a positive score on
one attribute can outweigh a negative score on
another attribute.
18Noncompensatory Decision Rules
- Conjunctive Decision Rule
- Consumer sets a minimum standard for each
attribute and if a brand fails to pass any
standard, it is dropped from consideration. - Reduces a large consideration set to a manageable
size. - Often used in conjunction with another decision
19Noncompensatory Decision Rules
- Disjunctive Decision Rule
- Consumer sets a minimum acceptable standard as
the cutoff point for each attribute--any brand
that exceeds the cutoff point is accepted. - Reduces large consideration set to a more
manageable number of alternatives. - Consumer may settle for the first satisfactory
brand as final choice or may use another decision
20Noncompensatory Decision Rules
- Lexicographic Decision Rule
- The consumer ranks the attributes according to
importance and then selects the brand that is
superior on the most important attribute. - If one brand ranks sufficiently high on just one
attribute, it will be selected regardless of how
it scores on other attributes.
21Affect-Referral Rule
- Synthesized decision rule
- Consumers maintain overall evaluations of brands
in their long term memories. Brands on not
evaluated on individual attributes but on the
highest perceived overall rating.
22Frame of Reference
- Another way in which consumers evaluate
information is the frame of reference from which
s/he subjectively evaluates messages related to a
decision problem. - Percent lean vs. Percent fat
- Sale vs. Clearance
23Purchase Decision
24Post-Purchase Evaluation
- Consumers evaluate purchases during consumption
process. - Three possible outcomes.
- Postpurchase cognitive dissonance.
- Complaining behavior.
- Actual product performance matches prepurchase
expectations - Neutral Feeling
- Actual product performance exceeds prepurchase
expectations. - Positive disconfirmation of expectations
- Satisfaction
- Actual product performance is below prepurchase
expectations. - Negative disconfirmation of expectations
- Dissatisfaction
28A Continuum of Satisfaction
29If dissatisfied.
- Alternative actions
- Do nothing
- Avoid seller/brand in the future
- Negative WOM to friends
- Seek redress of problem from seller
- Complain to outside agency
30Decision to complain...
- Is based on
- Level of dissatisfaction
- Importance of decision/purchase
- Costs/benefits of actions
- Personal characteristics
- Attribution of blame
31Managerial Implications Related to Consumer
Decision Making
- Understanding decision making process enables
marketers to assist consumers along decision
pathway. - Offer products that meet needs/wants
- Advertising
- Making information available
- Making product available
- Follow-up sales calls, good service
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