Title: Social Influence
1Social Influence
- Categories
- Conformityvoluntary change in behavior
- Compliancerespond to a request
- Obediencefollow orders
- Motives
- Choose correctlyauthority and social validation
- Gain social approvalreciprocity
- Manage selfimagecommitment
2Conformity and compliance
- Asch studiesjudge line lengths in groups
- Average conformed 33
- 75 at least once
- Non-unanimous majorities
- Normative influencefear of rejection
- Foot in the door
- Initial request meaningful and voluntary
3Compliance tactics
- Reciprocationreturn of favors
- Commitment/consistencydissonance
- Authority
- Social validationconsensus
- Scarcity
- Liking, friendship
4Obediencethe Milgram Studies
- Context
- Causes
- Agency
- Norm of obedience to authority
- Situation
- Legitimate authorityresponsibility
- Rhythmescalation
- Variations
- Personality
- Generalizations
- Genocide
- Torturers
- Binding and strain
5Milgram Results
6To choose correctlycompetence
- Authority
- Reference groupappropriate sources of
information - Authorities as expertsintellective tasks
- Social validationjudgmental tasks
- Consensuspopularity and scarcity
- Values and peers
- Mass hysteria
- The person
- Uncertainty
- Sherifs autokinetic effect studies
- Informational influence
- Status and group norms
7Sherifs Autokinetic Effect Studies
8To choose correctly
- The situation
- Consensus
- Group size
- Independent sources of influence
- Non-unanimity
- Similarityliking and social validation
- Interactions
- Desire for accuracy
- Ambiguity
- Competence
9To gain social approval
- Normative influencerewards and punishments
controlled by the group - Social norms
- Injunctiveexplicit, implicit
- Descriptive
- Universal/cultural
- Norm of Reciprocity
- Returning favors
- Reciprocity for concessions
- Doorintheface techniquelarge refused
requests, related smaller request - Discounts or bonuses
- The thatsnotall technique
- Selling the top of the line
- Longterm benefits
10To gain social approval
- Cultural variations in basis of obligations
- The person
- Desire for social approval
- Collectivism
- Primary versus secondary control
- Rebelliousnessreactanceillegitimate
restrictions of freedom - Anticonformity
- The situation
- Appealattractive and similar others
- Status
- Cohesion
- Observable responses
11To manage selfimage
- Foot in the door, labeling tactic
- Prior relationshipcommitment
- Norm of social commitment
- The Low-Ball Technique
- Bait and switch
- Long-term Commitment
- Fulfilling social contracts
- Cognitive bolstering
- Reducing inconsistenciescognitive dissonance
- Active commitmentselfperception
- The person
- Existing values
- Internal focus
- The situation
- Active and public commitments