Title: Anthony%20Illingworth,%20Robin%20Hogan%20,%20Ewan%20O
1CloudNET retrieving turbulence parameters from
cloud radar.
- Anthony Illingworth, Robin Hogan , Ewan OConnor,
U of Reading, UK - Dominique Bouniol, CETP, France
2New method of estimating turbulence
Previous methods used Doppler spectral width
(for ground based radar) ? but also
contributions from shear and terminal velocity
Spectral analysis of w (from airborne and ground
observations) ? only gives e at a given level
time noisy for low w.
3Turbulence measurements
- Changes in 1-s mean Doppler velocity dominated by
changes in vertical wind, not terminal fall-speed - We calculate new parameter 30-s standard
deviation of 1-s mean Doppler velocity, sv - Can use this to estimate turbulent kinetic energy
dissipation rate - Important for vertical mixing, warm rain
initiation in cumulus etc.
Spectral width sv contaminated by variations in
particle fall speed
4Measurements of sigma-v-bar
Stable layer sv3 mm/s
Frontal shear layer sv3 cm/s
Unstable evaporating layer sv30 cm/s
5TKE dissipation rate ?
- Part of TKE spectrum can be interpreted in terms
of the variance of the mean Doppler velocity - k1 is min horizontal wavenumber sampled in 30 s
(use model winds) - k2 is max horizontal wavenumber due to beamwidth
of radar - In the inertial sub-range (Kolmogorov)
- Hence by integration
6Calculation of ?
1. Use model winds to find the value of k1.
- this may fail in the tropics unpredictable
winds. ideally have a co-located wind
profiler. 2. Remove any linear trends in the one
second value of v this could be due
to gravity waves. 3. Check that changes in v not
due to gradients in Z leading to changes in
terminal velocity, by computing ?Z/Z(av).
Reject data if this is too high.
7Dissipation rate in different clouds
81 year of CloudNet data
- PDF of dissipation rate for different types of
cloud - Note that aircraft measurements have lower limit
of detectability of 106 due to aircraft
?0.02 to trigger Coalescence in Cu? Khain and
Pinsky, 1997
Previous range for cirrus found from aircraft