Title: MAXIM Periscope Module
1MAXIM Periscope Module
- Thermal
- Rob Chalmers
- 25 April 2003
2Thermal Requirements
- Temperature Stability (tens of mK)
- Optical Bench
- Mirrors
- Temperature Gradients (TBD)
- Mirrors
- Optical Bench
- Thermal Settling Time
- Minimize recovery time following operation of
Mirror Actuators
- Requirements for extreme dimensional stability
demand the use of materials with extremely low
CTE. Some candidates - Material CTE
- ULE (Corning 7972 premium grade) 0.0 0.10 x
10-9/K - Zerodur 0.0 0.10 x 10-6/K
- Invar 2.0 x 10-6/K
4Thermal Design Concept
MAXIM Thermal Requirements appear similar to the
LISA Instrument, and the design approach is
- Passive design with multiple nested thermal
regions - Optical bench highly isolated from instrument
housing - Instrument housing highly isolated from
spacecraft thermal influences - Low emittance (gold) thermal shields provide
radiative isolation between regions - Exotic conductive isolation (Kevlar suspension or
similar) may be required to achieve required
thermal stability - Temperature-controlled thermal pre-collimators
around entrance and exit apertures
5Thermal Design Concept
Thermally-Isolating Kinematic Mounts
Thermal Pre-Collimators at Entrance and Exit
6Temperature Stability
- MAXIM stability requirements and baseline
thermal design approach are similar to LISA - (see backup charts)
7Mirror Transient Response
- 1.5 Watts applied to center of 5 x 20 x 2 cm ULE
mirror for 10 seconds
8Temperature GradientsThermal Influence of
Aperture on Mirror Gradients
0C aperture (assumed)
21C enclosure (assumed)
- An aperture slit at 0C induces mirror
temperature gradient of approx. 20 mK - Heated thermal pre-collimator reduces gradient
to near zero.
9Summary, Recommendations Future Work
- Passive thermal design is a feasible approach
- benign thermal environment
- very low power dissipation within the optics
module - infrequent operation of mirror actuators
- Choice of materials for mirrors and optical bench
greatly influences temperature stability and
gradient requirements. - Need for extreme thermal isolation between the
stable optics and the relatively unstable
spacecraft will be a challenge to structural
design. - Required analytical precision may test limits of
existing thermal software. At these levels,
machine-dependent round-off errors can be
significant. Validation of analytical results by
comparing different solution methods and
convergence criteria is recommended.
10Backup Charts
MAXIM Thermal Requirements appear similar to the
LISA Instrument. The following charts provided by
Hume Peabody are taken from a presentation of the
LISA thermal design.
11LISA Thermal Design (1 of 5)
- Overall philosophy
- Minimize radiative and conductive heat transfer
to the optical bench and gravitational reference
sensor - Minimize temperature fluctuations across the
optical bench and gravitational sensor - Extremely stable power system
- Orbit provides a stable thermal environment
- Two sources of heat solar input and electronics
- Three zones of thermal isolation are used in
series - Zone 1 Solar input ?SA ?Structure
- Zone 2 Structure and electronics ? Y-Tube
- Zone 3 Y-tube ? Optical bench and gravitational
reference sensor
12LISA Thermal Design (2 of 5)
- Key design features
- Solar cells are mounted on thin CFRP face sheets
with insulating foam in between - Low conductance standoffs mount solar arrays to
the Al honeycomb top plate - Top plate is gold-coated
Energy flow values represent steady-state
hot/cold cases (f1e-4)
Radiation Conduction
13LISA Thermal Design (3 of 5)
- Y- Tube constructed from CFRP
- Electronics mounted with low conductance feet
- Stable electronics power
- Radiator rejects structure and electronics heat
146.2 W 142.7 W
116.4 W 113.7 W
27.2 W 26.3 W
24.3 W 23.5 W
13.6 W 14.8 W
INPUT FROM S/A 40.0 W 34.6 W
8.3 W 10.1 W
7.2 W 6.7 W
16.0 W 15.6 W
3.1 W 2.9 W
14LISA Thermal Design (4 of 5)
25.2 W
42.3 W 41.4 W
- Gold thermal shield between Y-Tube and optical
bench - Optical bench made from ULE
- Stable power dissipation
2.7 W 2.6 W
1.3 W 1.2 W
2.30 W 2.26 W
15.8 W 15.8 W
0.06 W 0.06 W
0.02 W 0.02 W
0.24 W 0.22 W
0.11 W 0.11 W
OPTICAL BENCH (2.9 W of internal power)
Interior includes everything except optical
bench and thermal shield
15LISA Thermal Design (5 of 5)
- Two driving thermal requirements
- Stability of optical path of the cavity (30
Hz/vHz) at 10-3 Hz - 60 x 10-6 K/vHz fluctuations across GRS housing
at 10-4 Hz. (derived from radiometric effect,
thermal radiation pressure) - RAL modeled the payload and spacecraft (Astrium)
- Varied electronic power by 1 at 10 -4 Hz
- Results showed that Optical Bench fluctuations
are 6.5 x 10 -5 K - Assuming 3 x 10 -8 CTE and 0.3 meter Optical
Bench ? 5.85 x 10 -13 change in length. - Varied the solar input by 0.3 at 10 -4 Hz
- Results showed that fluctuations at the Optical
Bench were 2.2 x 10 -6 K/vHz - Assuming 3 x 10 -8 CTE and 0.3 meter Optical
Bench results in 1.98 x 10 -14/vHz - Varied the power dissipation on the optical bench
by 5.6 uW / vHz - Results showed fluctuations were 2 x 10 -5 K/vHz
at 1 x 10-3 Hz. - At 3 x 10 -3 Hz ? 4 x 10 -6 K/vHz (estimate)
- (3 x 10-8/K) (4 x 10 -6 K/vHz) 1.2 x 10-13 /vHz
x 2.8 x 10-14 Hz 34 Hz/vHz