Title: Using Computer Vision to Test Web Display
1Using Computer Vision to Test Web Display
- Xu Liu
- liuxu_at_cs.umd.edu
2Why test web display?
Bug Opera 7.54
Normal IE6
3More bugs
BUG - Opera
Normal - Firefox
Normal - Mozilla
Normal - IE
4Where comes these bugs?
- Different parsers on DHTML, CSS
- Web designer doesnt follow W3C standard
- IE tolerant buggy HTML
- Java Script, ActiveX, Flash
5Which kinds of bugs do we have?
- Text/Image Overlap
- Incorrect blank area
- Missing Text/Image
Generally they are all layout problems
6How do we detect these bugs
- Is HTML source helpful?
- Yes, but we need a correct parser which is being
tested - HTML does not have straight forward relationship
with display - Eyes always tell the truth directly use the
image of snapshot
7Find the outlier
- Let them vote
- IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscapte, Opera, MyIE
- Anyone seems distinct from others is probably an
outlier - Assumption Major are correct, Minor are
8Basic Question
- How do we compare 2 images? Are they same?
Missing Front and end
These 2 look different but they should be
considered the same
9Simpler Question
- How do we compare 2 sequences?
S1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 S2 1 2 4 5 5 5 6 7
Direct Compare S1-S2001101205
Dynamic Time Warping !!
In fact S1-S20, they should be considered
the same
10Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
- A widely used technique in signal processing
- Speech recognition, Image matching
Compare S1,S2
11Can we directly apply DTW to compare web pages?
If we directly compare 2 pages Most of the error
will be omitted Local VS Global
Segmentation First!!
12A Segmented Page
13How do we derive segmentations
Over Segment Merge
- For every page
- We have all its segments
- For every segment
- If it CANNOT be found in other pages, possibly it
is an error
x by Opera 7.54
http//www.microsoft.com/learning/default.asp by
Opera 7.54
17Shortage and Future Work
- Make segmentation more accurate
- Make the system completely automatic