Title: Confocal Microscopy
1Confocal Microscopy
2Confocal Microscopy
- Utilizes pinholes at the CONjugate FOCAL planes
in the sample to discriminate against
out-of-focus light from the sample. - Marginally improves lateral resolution when
compared to standard microscope. - Permits optical sectioning by decreasing depth of
field. - Provides a large improvement in contrast.
3Confocal Principle
4Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
5Realtime Imaging Confocal Microscope
6Uses of Laser Confocal Microscope
- Flourescence microscopy using contrast agents
- Often fitted with multiple detectors for use with
multiple contrast agents - Two photon excitation of contrast agents
- Further improvement in axial contrast through two
photon absorption process
- Some use in fluorescence microscopy, but LCSM is
more efficient - Surface/Structure Characterization
7Lateral Resolution
- Using the FWHM of the Airy disk
- For a conventional microscope
- For a confocal microscope
8Optical Sectioning
9Specs for Olympus MX50-CF
- With a 100x objective (NA 0.8) in air and 488nm
light - RFWHM(conv) 0.37µm
- RFWHM(conf) 0.27µm
- ZFWHM(point) 1.02µm
- ZFWHM(plane) 0.55µm
10Lateral versus axial resolution for 200nm
fluorescent microspheres
11Settings for Olympus MX50-CF
- There are two confocal settings on the
microscope - CF 1 uses a 45µm pinhole
- CF 2 uses a 25µm pinhole
- Tradeoff between light throughput and resolution.
12Effect of Pinhole
Better axial resolution, but Fewer photons
13Typical microscope image showing diffraction
rings and low contrast
- Gains in resolution are outweighed by the ability
to discriminate against out-of-focus light
reaching the detector - In biological samples, the high turbidity makes
use of a conventional microscope very difficult
15Optical sectioning is also possible with confocal
microscopy. Here are optical sections of
chromosomes in metaphase and a 3D reconstruction