Title: Jamming
- Andrea J. Liu
- Department of Physics Astronomy
- University of Pennsylvania
- Corey S. OHern Mechanical Engineering,
Yale Univ. - Leo E. Silbert Physics, Southern Ill. Univ.
- Jen M. Schwarz Physics, Syracuse Univ.
- Lincoln Chayes Mathematics, UCLA
- Sidney R. Nagel James Franck Inst., U
Chicago - Brought to you by NSF-DMR-0087349, DOE
2Mixed Phase Transitions
- Recall random k-SAT
- Fraction of variables that are constrained obeys
- Finite-size scaling shows diverging length scale
at rk - Monasson, Zecchina, Kirkpatrick, Selman,
Troyansky, Nature 400, 133 (1999).
E0, no violated clauses
Egt0, violated clauses
3Mixed Phase Transitions
- infinite-dimensional models
- p-spin interaction spin glass Kirkpatrick,
Thirumalai, PRL 58, 2091 (1987). - k-core (bootstrap) Chalupa, Leath, Reich, J.
Phys. C (1979) Pittel, Spencer, Wormald, J.Comb.
Th. Ser. B 67, 111 (1996). - Random k-SAT Monasson, Zecchina, Kirkpatrick,
Selman, Troyansky, Nature 400, 133 (1999). - - etc.
- But physicists really only care about finite
dimensions - Jamming transition of spheres OHern, Langer,
Liu, Nagel, PRL 88, 075507 (2002). - Knights models Toninelli, Biroli, Fisher, PRL 96,
035702 (2006). - k-core force-balance models Schwarz, Liu,
Chayes, Europhys. Lett. 73, 560 (2006).
4Stress Relaxation Time
- Behavior of glassforming liquids depends on how
long you wait - At short time scales, silly putty behaves like a
solid - At long time scales, silly putty behaves like a
liquid - Stress relaxation time t how long you need to
wait for system to behave like liquid
5Glass Transition
- When liquid cools, stress relaxation time
increases - When liquid crystallizes
- Particles order
- Stress relaxation time suddenly jumps
- When liquid is cooled through glass transition
- Particles remain disordered
- Stress relaxation time increases continuously
Picture Book of Sir John Mandevilles Travels,
ca. 1410.
6Jamming Phase Diagram
- A. J. Liu and S. R. Nagel, Nature 396 (N6706) 21
unjammed state is in equilibrium jammed state is
out of equilibrium
Problem Jamming surface is fuzzy
7Point J
- C. S. OHern, S. A. Langer, A. J. Liu and S. R.
Nagel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 075507 (2002). - C. S. OHern, L. E. Silbert, A. J. Liu, S. R.
Nagel, Phys. Rev. E 68, 011306 (2003). - Point J is special
- It is a point
- Isostatic
- Mixed first/second order zero T phase transition
soft, repulsive, finite-range spherically-symmetri
c potentials Model granular materials
8How we study Point J
- Generate configurations near J
- e.g. Start w/ random initial positions
- Conjugate gradient energy minimization (Inherent
structures, Stillinger Weber) - Classify resulting configurations
non-overlapped V0 p0
overlapped Vgt0 pgt0
9Onset of Jamming is Onset of Overlap
- We focus on ensemble rather than individual
configs (c.f. Torquato) - Good ensemble is fixed f-fc, or fixed pressure
D2 D3
- Pressures for different states collapse on a
single curve - Shear modulus and pressure vanish at the same fc
10How Much Does fc Vary Among States?
- Distribution of fc values narrows as system size
grows - Distribution approaches delta-function as N
- Essentially all configurations jam at one packing
density - Of course, there is a tail up to close-packed
crystal - J is a POINT
11Point J is at Random Close-Packing
- Where do virtually all states jam in infinite
system limit? - 2d (bidisperse)
- 3d (monodisperse)
- These are values associated with random
12Point J
- Point J is special
- It is a point
- Isostatic
- Mixed first/second order zero T transition
soft, repulsive, finite-range spherically-symmetr
ic potentials
13Number of Overlaps/Particle Z
Just above fc there are Zc overlapping neighbors
per particle
Just below fc, no particles overlap
- What is the minimum number of interparticle
contacts needed for mechanical equilibrium? - No friction, spherical particles, D dimensions
- Match unknowns (number of interparticle normal
forces) to equations (force balance for
mechanical stability) - Number of unknowns per particleZ/2
- Number of equations per particle D
- Point J is purely geometrical!
15Unusual Solid Properties Near Isostaticity
- L. E. Silbert, A. J. Liu, S. R. Nagel, PRL 95,
098301 (05) - Excess low-w modes swamp w2 Debye behavior boson
peak - D(w) approaches constant as f fc (M. Wyart,
S.R. Nagel, T.A. Witten, EPL (05) )
Lowest freq mode at f-fc10-8
Density of Vibrational Modes
f- fc
16Point J
- Point J is special
- It is a point
- Isostatic
- Mixed first/second order zero T transition
soft, repulsive, finite-range spherically-symmetr
ic potentials
17Is there a Diverging Length Scale at J?
- For each f-fc, extract w where D(w) begins to
drop off - Below w , modes approach those of ordinary
elastic solid - We find power-law scaling
- L. E. Silbert, A. J. Liu, S. R. Nagel, PRL 95,
098301 (2005)
18Frequency Scale implies Length Scale
- The frequency w has a corresponding eigenmode
- Decompose eigenmode in plane waves
- Dominant wavevector contribution is at peak of
fT(k,w) - extract k
- We also expect with
19Summary of Jamming Transition
- Mixed first-order/second-order transition
- Number of overlapping neighbors per particle
- Static shear modulus
- Diverging length scale
- And perhaps also
20Jamming vs K-Core (Bootstrap) Percolation
- Consider lattice with coord. Zmax with sites
indpendently occupied with probability p - For site to be part of k-core, it must be
occupied and have at least kd1 occupied
neighbors - Each of its occ. nbrs must have at least k occ.
nbrs, etc. - Look for percolation of the k-core
- Jammed configs at T0 are mechanically stable
- For particle to be locally stable, it must have
at least d1 overlapping neighbors in d
dimensions - Each of its overlapping nbrs must have at least
d1 overlapping nbrs, etc. - At fgt fc all particles in load-bearing network
have at least d1 neighbors
21K-core Percolation on the Bethe Lattice
- K-core percolation is exactly solvable on Bethe
lattice - This is mean-field solution
- Let Kprobability of infinite k-connected cluster
- For kgt2 we find
- Chalupa, Leath, Reich, J. Phys. C (1979)
- Pittel, et al., J.Comb. Th. Ser. B 67, 111 (1996)
- Recall simulation results
J. M. Schwarz, A. J. Liu, L. Chayes, EPL (06)
22K-Core Percolation in Finite Dimensions
- There appear to be at least 3 different types of
k-core percolation transitions in finite
dimensions - Continuous percolation (Charybdis)
- No percolation until p1 (Scylla)
- Discontinuous percolation?
- Yes, for k-core variants
- Knights models (Toninelli, Biroli, Fisher)
- k-core with pseudo force-balance (Schwarz, Liu,
23Knights Model
Toninelli, Biroli, Fisher, PRL 96, 035702 (2006).
- Rigorous proofs that
- pclt1
- Transition is discontinuous
- Transition has diverging correlation length
- based on conjecture of anisotropic critical
behavior in directed percolation
24A k-Core Variant
- We introduce force-balance constraint to
eliminate self-sustaining clusters - Cull if klt3 or if all neighbors are on the same
k3 24 possible neighbors per site Cannot have
all neighbors in upper/lower/right/left half
25Discontinuous Transition? Yes
- The discontinuity ?c increases with system size L
- If transition were continuous, ?c would decrease
with L
Fraction of sites in spanning cluster
26Pclt1? Yes
- Finite-size scaling
- If pc 1, expect pc(L) 1-Ae-BL
Aizenman, Lebowitz, J. Phys. A 21, 3801 (1988)
We find
We actually have a proof now that pclt1 (Jeng,
27Diverging Correlation Length? Yes
- This value of collapses the order
parameter data with - For ordinary 1st-order transition,
28Diverging Susceptibility? Yes
- How much is removed by the culling process?
- Exponents for k-core variants in d2 are
different from those in mean-field! - Mean field d2
- Why does Point J show mean-field behavior?
- Point J may have critical dimension of dc2 due
to isostaticity (Wyart, Nagel, Witten) - Isostaticity is a global condition not captured
by local k-core requirement of k neighbors - Henkes, Chakraborty, PRL 95, 198002 (2005).
30Similarity to Other Models
- The discontinuity exponents we observe are rare
but have been found in a few models - Mean-field p-spin interaction spin glass
(Kirkpatrick, Thirumalai, Wolynes) - Mean-field dimer model (Chakraborty, et al.)
- Mean-field kinetically-constrained models
(Fredrickson, Andersen) - Mode-coupling approximation of glasses
(Biroli,Bouchaud) - These models all exhibit glassy dynamics!!
- First hint of UNIVERSALITY in jamming
31To return to beginning.
- Recall random k-SAT
- Point J
- Hope you like jammin, too!
- Point J is a special point
- Common exponents in
- different jamming models
- in mean field!
- But different in finite dimensions
- Hope you like jammin, too!
- Thanks to NSF-DMR-0087349
- DOE DE-FG02-03ER46087
33Continuous K-Core Percolation
- Appears to be associated with self-sustaining
clusters - For example, k3 on triangular lattice
- pc0.69210.0005, M. C. Madeiros, C. M. Chaves,
Physica A (1997).
Self-sustaining clusters dont exist in sphere
p0.4, before culling
p0.4, after culling
p0.6, after culling
p0.65, after culling
34No Transition Until p1
- E.g. k3 on square lattice
- There is a positive probability that there is a
large empty square whose boundary is not
completely occupied - After culling process, the whole lattice will be
empty - Straley, van Enter J. Stat. Phys. 48, 943 (1987).
- M. Aizenmann, J. L. Lebowitz, J. Phys. A 21, 3801
(1988). - R. H. Schonmann, Ann. Prob. 20, 174 (1992).
- C. Toninelli, G. Biroli, D. S. Fisher, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 92, 185504 (2004).
Voids unstable to shrinkage, not growth in sphere
35Point J and the Glass Transition
- Point J only exists for repulsive, finite-range
potentials - Real liquids have attractions
- Attractions serve to hold system at high enough
density that repulsions come into play (WCA)
Repulsion vanishes at finite distance