Title: Physical%20Transformations%20of%20Pure%20Substances
1Physical Transformations of Pure Substances
2Stabilities of Phase
- A phase of a substance is a form of matter that
is uniform throughout in chemical composition and
physical state. - A phase transition is the spontaneous conversion
of one phase into another. - Phase transitions occur at a characteristic
temperature and pressure.
3Stabilities of Phase
- At 1 atm, lt 0 C, ice is the stable phase of H2O,
but gt 0 C, liquid water is the stable phase. - The transition temperature, Ttrs, is the
temperature at which two phases are in
equilibrium. - So what happens to Gibbs energy?
4Stabilities of Phase
- At 1 atm, lt 0 C, ice is the stable phase of H2O,
but gt 0 C, liquid water is the stable phase. - The transition temperature, Ttrs, is the
temperature at which two phases are in
equilibrium. - So what happens to Gibbs energy?
- lt 0 C Gibbs energy decreases as liquid ? solid.
- gt 0 C Gibbs energy decreases as solid ? liquid.
5Stabilities of Phase
- Thermodynamics does not provide information
regarding the rate of phase change. - Diamond ? graphite
- Thermodynamically unstable phases that persist
due to slow kinetics are called metastable
6Phase Diagrams
- Phase boundaries show the values of p and T at
which two phases coexist in equilibrium.
7Vapor Pressure
- The pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with a
liquid is called the vapor pressure. - The pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with a
solid is called the sublimation vapor pressure.
8Boiling Point
- Liquid can vaporize from a liquid surface below
its boiling point as we learnt from the
Drinking Bird. - In an open vessel, the temperature at which the
vapor pressure equals the external pressure, is
called the boiling temperature. - At 1 atm, its called the normal boiling
temperature, Tb. - At 1 bar, its called the standard boiling point.
- Normal point of H2O is 100.0 C its standard
boiling point is 99.6 C.
9Critical Point
- In a closed rigid vessel, boiling does not occur.
- As the temperature is raised the density of vapor
increases and the density of the liquid
decreases. - When the density of the vapor and liquid phases
are equal the surface between the two phases
disappears. - The temperature at which this occurs is called
the critical temperature, Tc. - The vapor pressure at the critical temperature is
called the critical pressure, pc.
10Critical Point
11Melting and Freezing
- The temperature at which, under a specified
pressure, the liquid and solid phases of a
substance coexist in equilibrium is called them
melting temperature. - The freezing temperature is the same as the
melting point. - At 1 atm, the freezing temperature is called the
normal freezing point, Tf. - At 1 bar, its called the standard freezing
point. - The difference is negligible in most cases.
- The normal freezing point is also called the
normal melting point.
12Triple Point
- There is a set of conditions under which three
different phases of a substance (typically solid,
liquid and vapor) all simultaneously coexist in
equilibrium. - This point is called the triple point.
- For any pure substance the triple point occurs
only at single definite pressure and temperature. - The triple point of water lies at 273.16 K and
611 Pa.
13Triple Point
- The triple point marks the lowest pressure at
which a liquid phase can exist.
14Carbon Dioxide
17Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions
- The molar Gibbs energy, Gm, is also called
chemical potential, m. Phase transitions will be
investigated primarily considering the change in
m. - Thermodynamic definition of equilibrium At
equilibrium the chemical potential of a substance
is the same throughout the sample, regardless of
how many phases are present.
18Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions
19Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions
- At low temperatures, and provided the pressure is
not too low, the solid phase of a substance has
the lowest chemical potential and is therefore
the most stable. - Chemical potentials change with temperature this
explains why different phases exist.
20Temperature Dependence of Phase Transitions
- As temperature increases, chemical potential
21Melting and Applied Pressure
- Molar volume of solid is smaller than that of the
22Melting and Applied Pressure
- Molar volume of solid is greater than that of the
23Melting and Applied Pressure
24Melting and Applied Pressure
- Calculate the effect on the chemical potentials
of ice and water of increasing pressure from 1.00
to 2.00 bar at 0 C. The density of ice is 0.917
g cm-3 and that of liquid water is 0.999 g cm-3.
25Melting and Applied Pressure
- Calculate the effect on the chemical potentials
of ice and water of increasing pressure from 1.00
to 2.00 bar at 0 C. The density of ice is 0.917
g cm-3 and that of liquid water is 0.999 g cm-3.
26Vapor Pressure and Applied Pressure
- When pressure is applied to a condensed phase,
its vapor pressure rises. - This is interpreted as molecules get squeezed out
of the condensed phase and escape as a gas.
27Vapor Pressure and Applied Pressure
28Location of Phase Boundaries
- Locations of phase boundaries pressures and
temperatures - can be located precisely by making
use of the fact that at when two phases are in
equilibrium, their chemical potentials must be
29Location of Phase Boundaries
30Location of Phase Boundaries
31Solid-liquid boundary
32Solid-liquid boundary
33Solid-liquid boundary
34Solid-liquid boundary
35Liquid-vapor boundary
36Liquid-vapor boundary
37Liquid-vapor boundary
38Liquid-vapor boundary
39Liquid-vapor boundary
40Solid-gas boundary