Title: Identification of expertise regions, taxa, NGO efforts, methodology
Identification of expertise (regions, taxa, NGO
efforts, methodology)
Identification of procedure and funds for linking
Identification and evaluation of distribution
data sources
Development of collaborative source meta-database
Source prioritisation (by quality, accessibility,
relative costs)
Documenting and linking taxonomies
Fundraising for digitisation of selected sources
Development of digitisation tools
Development of digitisation tools
Digitisation of selected sources
Digitisation of selected sources
Spatial reference objects for sources
Database architecture and design
Fundraising for database platform
Development of database platform
2Potential set-up for database of
global vertebrate distributions, fully scalable
- General Public
- Simple access to synthesised maps
Easy-to-use interface
Database Platform
Data Access
Analytical Toolbox, including climate layers
spatial object database
taxonomy database
Research Community,NGOs, etc.
source database
Multitude of data layers
Dynamic Data
Fixed Data
Data Provision
- Central, Admin
- Database maintenance
- Provider support
- User support
- Database Updating
Dynamic Data point data (eg. Field studies
museum specimen) atlas projects etc. Fixed
Data digitised range maps published
observations etc.
3Preliminary Thoughts on Database Structure
List of Records
RecordID SourceSpecID GeoobjectID SourceID DateCre
ated CreatedBy DateModified ModifiedBy ...
Empty Object on Map
Collection of Source Taxonomies
GeoObjectID GeoObjectType GeoObjectProjection GeoO
bjectArea GeoObjectLon GeoObjectLat ...
SourceTaxonomyID SourceSpeciesID SourceID
MasterSpecID MasterGenus MasterFamily MasterOrder
MasterClass ...
Source Meta-database
SourceID SourceTaxonomyID SourceType SourceAuthor
SourceExpert SourceExtent SourceResolution Sourc
eQuality etc. ...
Taxonomy Translation Tool
Filled Object on Map