Title: Web Site Design
1Web Site Design
with C
cading Style Sheets
- Lee Honeycutt
- English 313
- In old HTML
- Alignment (limited)
- Line Length (invisible tables)
- Upper vs. Lower Case (by hand)
- White Space (blank GIFs)
3Cascading Style Sheets
- Advantages
- Separation of content from design
- Efficient control over large document sets
- Pixel-level control over typography
- Slight browser incompatibilites
- Has become the standard
4How CSS Works
Web Pages
5How CSS Works
- Similar to Master Document in print programs
- Various type attributes included in single CSS
file - CSS file controls type choices for all documents
in a site - Changes in type control all HTML documents
6CSS Link
Link inserted in header of all HTML files ltlink
href "master.css" rel"styleSheet
7CSS Content
Contents of master.css file Selector
Property Value declaration tag-selector
property1value1 property2value1 value2
h1 color green font Arial, Helvetica,
8CSS Content
Content of master.css file h1 color maroon
font-weight bold font-size large font-family
FontName, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss,
SunSans-Regular text-decoration none
text-align left word-spacing 12px
letter-spacing 8px list-style-type square
h2 color black font italic small-caps
medium FontName, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss,
SunSans-Regular text-decoration none
text-indent 20px list-style-type square
9Four Selectors
- Tag selectors - correspond to HTML tags, such as
ltH1gt and ltpgt - Classes - independent of HTML code applied
locally to unlimited select blocks of text - IDs - used on a limited basis to modify existing
HTML elements. Carry higher weight in cascade. - Pseudo classes and pseudo elements
10CSS Properties
- Fonts
- Text
- Color and Background
- Boxes
- Lists
- Classifications