Title: Kevin Lanahan,
Introduction Kevin Lanahan, Department of
Insurance Co-Chair of DMD
2What is the DMD?
What is the DMD?
Digital Media Developers is
3History of DMD
History of DMD
Formally recognized by ITAB in 1996, but existed
for several years prior
4DMD Meetings
First Thursday of each month
130 pm to 300 pm
Room 500, Truman Building
5What has the DMD done?
State home page redesign
News feeds
Web guidelines
6DMD Resources
Web address http//oa.mo.gov/dmd/
mo-web mailing list
7DMD Resources
- DMD Resources (continued)
8DMD Resources
- DMD Resources (continued)
- Adding CSS and accessibility to your website
9DMD Resources
- DMD Resources (continued)
- State web page redesign (http//www.mo.gov )
- News feed (http//www.mo.gov/mo/morenews.htm )
- Web guidelines (http//oa.mo.gov/dmd/guidelines/ )
10Usability and Accessibility
- Usability and Accessibility
Who uses your intranet and applications? What
happens if you don't have usability? What
happens if you don't have accessibility?
- Bad press,
- lawsuits,
- more work
11Usability and Accessibility
Usability and Accessibility
- Arkansas and Pennsylvania have suits pending
againstthem for introducing inaccessible
accounting software
- Expensive to fix after the fact
12Usability and Accessibility
- Usability and Accessibility Solutions
- Needs to be part of workflow
- Is more than just webalso applies to ALL
13Usability and Accessibility
- Usability is not a statutory requirement
You may not get sued for having a poorly designed
intranet or web application, but you won't get
anyone to like it or use it, either.
14Usability and Accessibility
Accessibility IS a statutory requirement
191.863 RSMo
- The council shall work in conjunction with the
office of information technology to assure state
compliance with the provisions of Section 508 of
the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 regarding
accessibility of information technology for
individuals with disabilities. - each state department or agency shall ensure,
unless an undue burden would be imposed on the
department or agency, that the information
technology allows employees, program participants
and members of the general public access to and
use of information and data that is comparable to
the access by individuals without disabilities.
(emphasis added)