Title: Outer Hebrides Cultural Entitlements Pathfinder
1Outer HebridesCultural Entitlements Pathfinder
The story so far
2What connects the NHS, Comhairle, Northern
Constabulary, Lews Castle College, and HIE?
4National Policy
I remember when everyone grew corn - we would
catch dogfish then lay them amongst the sheaves
of corn in the stack. The wind preserved them
over the Winter. You would take out sheaves to
feed the animals and a fish to feed yourself
5Culture is a bit of a brochan it is
- Our activities on the island. Our work. Our
landscape and how we use it - The fabric and background of society and the
interaction of the people within it - How a community and individuals express
themselves creatively - Who I am, who we are, where we are
- What makes us unique
6Our brochan is
- the Gaelic language strong sense of community
an inspiring if often harsh environment and a
common history in which hardship and the need to
cope with the different attitude of the outside
world is important
- rich in oral traditions and through immigration
connected to the rest of the world - Weather dominated with people you recognise it
either makes you glad you are here, or wish you
were away - Islands, Gaelic, beaches, small but good
communities, people that care, strong sense of
identity, paradox, music, extreme weather, beauty
and harshness, laughter and challenges
8So what expectations should we have?
9This is where we started from
- What do we mean when we talk about the culture of
the area? - What cultural activity takes place/is provided
currently? - What should cultural entitlements do?
- What sort of cultural entitlements should we
have? - Whats my role in cultural entitlement?
10This is what were aiming towards
- What are the issues you think impact on access to
culture in the Outer Hebrides? - How should the key cultural providers respond?
- What are the opportunities for strategic working
with other sectors and colleagues? - What should the entitlements be?
- How should they be delivered?
- What are the issues that arise from this process?
11What connects Us, the NHS, Comhairle, Northern
Constabulary, Lews Castle College, and HIE?
12(drum roll)
And now
(drum roll continues)
Will you give a big Tarbert welcome to..
13Outer HebridesCultural Entitlements Pathfinder
Reaching and involving people
14How do we reach people, engage them, give them
the opportunities to get involved?
154 groups Each comes up with one key initiative
to convince the gang of six
- Education
- Events
- Media
- Another Way
16Outer HebridesCultural Entitlements Pathfinder
A supportive environment for creative activity
17How do we support, retain, and attract creative
people and organisations?
184 groups Each comes up with one key initiative
to convince the gang of six
- Opportunities
- Space
- Incentives
- Another way
19Outer HebridesCultural Entitlements Pathfinder
Working together to deliver
20Panel Discussion
- Munro Gold Director, Sustainable Communities,
CNES - Sarah MacLean Strengthening Communities, HIE
Innse Gall - David Green Director, Lews Castle College
- Insp. Philip MacRae Northern Constabulary
- John Angus MacKay Chair, NHS Western Isles