INFO 330 Computer Networking Technology I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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INFO 330 Computer Networking Technology I


We'll focus initially on the transport-network connection, and see how UDP handles it ... Knowing when to retransmit needs a countdown timer ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: INFO 330 Computer Networking Technology I

INFO 330Computer Networking Technology I
  • Chapter 3
  • The Transport Layer
  • Glenn Booker

Transport Layer
  • The Transport Layer is between the application
    and network layers
  • Well focus initially on the transport-network
    connection, and see how UDP handles it
  • Then well address techniques for verifying data
    transmission, and reassembly of packets, and how
    TCP applies them
  • Finally well cover congestion control techniques

Transport Layer
  • The Transport Layer handles logical communication
    between processes
  • Its the last layer not used between processes
    for routing, so its the last thing a client
    process and the first thing a server process sees
    of a packet
  • By logical communication, we recognize that the
    means used to get between processes, and the
    distance covered, are irrelevant

Transport vs Network
  • Notice we didnt say hosts in the previous
    slidethats because
  • The network layer provides logical communication
    between hosts
  • Mail analogy
  • Lets assume cousins (processes) want to send
    letters to each other between their houses
  • They use their parents (transport layer) to mail
    the letters, and sort the mail when it arrives

Transport vs Network
  • The letters travel through the postal system
    (network layer) to get from house to house
  • The transport layer doesnt participate in the
    network layer activities (e.g. most parents dont
    work in the mail distribution centers)
  • The transport layer protocols are localized in
    the hosts
  • Routing isnt affected by anything the transport
    layer added to the messages

Transport vs Network
  • Following the analogy, different people might
    have to pick up and sort the mail theyre like
    using different transport layer protocols
  • And the transport layer protocols (parents) are
    often at the mercy of what services the network
    layer (postal system) provides
  • Some services can be provided at the transport
    layer, even if the network layer doesnt (e.g.
    reliable data transfer or encryption)

Two Choices
  • Here we choose between TCP and UDP
  • In the transport layer, a packet is a segment
  • In the network layer, a packet is a datagram
  • The network layer is home to the Internet
    Protocol (IP)
  • IP provides logical communication between hosts
  • IP makes a best effort to get segments where
    they belong no guarantees of delivery, or
    delivery sequence, or delivery integrity

  • Each host has an IP address
  • Common purpose of UDP and TCP is extend delivery
    of IP data to the hosts processes
  • This is called transport-layer multiplexing and
  • Both UDP and TCP also provide error checking
  • Thats it for UDP data delivery and error

  • TCP also provides reliable data transfer (not
    just data delivery)
  • Uses flow control, sequence numbers,
    acknowledgements, and timers to ensure data is
    delivered correctly and in order
  • TCP also provides congestion control
  • TCP applications share the available bandwidth
    (they watched Sesame Street!)
  • UDP takes whatever it can get (greedy little

Multiplexing Demultiplexing
  • At the destination host, the transport layer gets
    segments from the network layer
  • Needs to deliver these segments to the correct
    process on that host
  • Do so via sockets, which connect processes to
    the network
  • Each socket has a unique identifier, whose
    format varies for UDP and TCP

Multiplexing Demultiplexing
  • Demultiplexing is getting the transport layer
    segment into the correct socket
  • Hence Multiplexing is taking data from various
    sockets, applying header info, breaking it into
    segments, and delivering it to the network layer
  • Multiplexing and demultiplexing are used in any
    kind of network not just in the Internet

Multiplexing Demultiplexing
Mail Analogy
  • Multiplexing is when a parent collects letters
    from the cousins, and puts them into the mail
  • Demultiplexing is getting the mail, and handing
    the correct mail to each cousin
  • Here we need unique socket identifiers, and some
    place in the header for the socket identifier

Segment Header
  • Hence the segment header starts with the source
    and destination port numbers
  • Each port number is a 16-bit (2 byte) value (0
    to 65,535)
  • Well known port numbers are from 0 to 1023 (210)
  • After the port numbers are other headers,
    specific to TCP or UDP, then the message

UDP Multiplexing
  • UDP assigns a port number from 1024 to 65,535 to
    each socket, unless the developer specifies
  • UDP identifies a socket only by destination IP
    address and destination port number
  • The port numbers for source and destination are
    switched (inverted) when a reply is sent
  • So a segment from port 19157 to port 46428
    generates a reply from 46428 to 19157

TCP Multiplexing
  • TCP is messier, of course
  • TCP identifies a socket by four values
  • Source IP address, source port number,
    destination IP address, and destination port
  • Hence if UDP gets two segments with the same
    destination IP and port number, theyll both go
    to the same process
  • TCP tells the segments apart via source IP/port

TCP Multiplexing
  • So if you have two HTTP sessions going to the
    same web server and page, how can TCP tell them
  • Even though the destination IP and port (80) are
    the same, and the two sessions (processes) have
    the same source IP address, they have different
    source port numbers

Web Servers TCP
  • Each new client connection often uses a new
    process and socket to send HTTP requests and get
  • But a thread (lightweight process) can be used,
    so a process can have multiple sockets for each

  • The most minimal transport layer has to do
    multiplexing and demultiplexing
  • UDP does this and a little error checking and,
    well, um, thats about it!
  • UDP was defined in RFC 768
  • An app that uses UDP almost talks directly to IP
  • Adds only two small data fields to the header,
    after the requisite source/destination addresses
  • Theres no handshaking UDP is connectionless

  • DNS uses UDP
  • A DNS query is packaged into a segment, and is
    passed to the network layer
  • The DNS app waits for a response if it doesnt
    get one soon enough (times out), it tries another
    server or reports no reply
  • Hence the app must allow for the unreliability of
    UDP, by planning what to do if nothing comes back

UDP Advantages
  • Still UDP is good when
  • You want the app to have detailed control over
    what is sent across the network UDP changes it
  • No connection establishment delay
  • No connection state data in the end hosts hence
    a server can support more UDP clients than TCP
  • Small packet header overhead per segment
  • TCP uses 20 bytes of header data, UDP only 8 bytes

UDP Apps
  • Other than DNS, UDP is also used for
  • Network management (SNMP)
  • Routing (RIP)
  • Multimedia and telephony (various protocols)
  • Remote file server (NFS)
  • The lack of congestion control in UDP can be a
    problem when lost of large UDP messages are being
    sent can crowd out TCP apps

UDP Header
  • The UDP header has four two-byte fields in two
  • Source port number Destination port number
  • Length Checksum
  • Length is the total length of the segment,
    including headers, in bytes
  • The checksum is used by the receiving app to see
    if errors occurred

  • Noise in the transmission lines can lose bits of
    data or rearrange them in transit
  • Checksums are a common method to detect errors
    (RFC 1071)
  • To create a checksum
  • Find the sum of the binary digits of the message
  • The checksum is the 1s (ones) complement of the
  • If message is uncorrupted, sum of message plus
    checksum is all ones 1111111111111

1s Complement?
  • The 1s complement is a mirror image of a binary
    number change all the zeros to ones, and ones
    to zeros
  • So the 1s complement of 00101110101 is
  • UDP does error checking because not all lower
    layer protocols do error checking
  • This provides end-to-end error checking, since
    its more efficient than every step along the way

  • Thats it for UDP!
  • The port addresses, the message length, and a
    checksum to see if it got there intact
  • Now see what happens when we want reliable data

Reliable Data Transfer
  • Distinguish between the service model, and how
    its really implemented
  • Service model From the app perspective, it just
    wants a reliable transport layer to connect
    sending and receiving processes
  • Service implementation In reality, the transport
    layer has to use an unreliable network layer
    (IP), so transport has to make up for the
    unreliability below it

Reliable Data Transfer
  • The sending process will give the transport layer
    a message rdt_send (rdt reliable data transfer)
  • The transport protocol will convert to udt_send
    (udt unreliable data transfer Fig 3.8 has
    typo) and give to the network layer
  • At the receiving end, the protocol gets rdt_rcv
    from the network layer,
  • The protocol will convert to deliver_data and
    give it to the receiving application process

Reliable Data Transfer
Reliable Data Transfer
  • Here well refer to the data as packets, rather
    than distinguish segments, etc.
  • Also consider that well pretend we only have to
    send data one direction (unidirectional data
  • Bidirectional data transfer is what really
    occurs, but the sending and receiving sides get
  • Time to build a reliable data transfer protocol,
    one piece at a time

Reliable Data Transfer v1.0
  • For the simplest case, called rdt1.0, assume the
    network is completely reliable
  • Finite state machines (FSMs) for the sender and
    receiver each have one state waiting for a call
  • The sending side (rdt_send) makes a packet
    (make_pkt) and sends it (udt_send)
  • The receiving side (rdt_rcv) extracts data from
    the packet (extract), and delivers it to the
    receiving app (deliver_data)

Reliable Data Transfer v1.0
  • Here a packet is the only unit of data
  • No feedback to sender is needed to confirm
    receipt of data, and no control over transmission
    rate is needed

Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
  • Now allow bit errors in transmission
  • But all packets are received, in the correct
  • Need acknowledgements to know when a packet was
    correct (OK, 10-4) versus when it wasnt (please
    repeat) called positive and negative
    acknowledgements, respectively
  • These types of messages are typical for any
    Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) protocol

Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
  • So allowing for bit errors requires three
  • Error detection to know if a bit error occurred
  • Receiver feedback, both positive (ACK) and
    negative (NAK) acknowledgements
  • Retransmission of incorrect packets

Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
  • Sending FSM (cont.)
  • The left state waits for a packet from the
    sending app, makes a packet with a checksum
  • Then the left state sends the packet (udt_send)
  • It moves to the other state (waiting for ACK/NAK)
  • If it gets a NAK response (errors detected), then
    it resends the packet (udt_send) until it gets it
  • If it gets an ACK response (no errors), then it
    goes back to the other state to wait for the next
    packet from the app

Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
  • Notice this model does nothing until it gets the
    NAK/ACK, so its a stop-and-wait protocol
  • Receiving FSM
  • The receiving side uses the checksum to see if
    the packet was corrupted
  • If it was ( corrupt) send a NAK response
  • If it wasnt ( notcorrupt), extract and deliver
    the data, and send an ACK response
  • But what if the NAK/ACK is corrupted?

Reliable Data Transfer v2.0
  • Three possible ways to handle NAK/ACK errors
  • Add another type of response to have the NAK/ACK
    repeated but what if that response got
    corrupted? Leads to long string of messages
  • Add checksum data to the NAK/ACK, and data to
    recover from the error
  • Resend the packet if the NAK/ACK is garbled but
    introduces possible duplicate packets

Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
  • TCP and most reliable protocols add a sequence
    number to the data from the sender
  • Since we cant lose packets yet, a one-bit
    number is adequate to tell if this is a new
    packet or a repeat of the previous one
  • This gives our new model rdt version 2.1

Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
  • Now the number of states are doubled, since we
    have to handle sequence of 0 or 1
  • So in make_pkt(1, data, checksum) the 1 is the
    sequence number
  • Sequence number alternates 010101 if everything
    works if a packet is corrupted, the same
    sequence number is expected two or more times
  • Start at Wait for call 0 state when get
    packet, send it to network with sequence 0
  • Then wait for ACK or NAK with sequence 0

Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
  • If the packet was corrupt, or got a NAK, resend
    that packet (upper right loop)
  • Otherwise wait for call with sequence 1 from app
  • When call 1 is received, make and send the packet
    with sequence 1 (desired outcome)
  • Then wait for a NAK/ACK with sequence 1
  • If corrupt or got a NAK, resend (lower left loop)
  • Otherwise go to waiting for a sequence 0 call
    from the app
  • Repeat cycle

Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
Reliable Data Transfer v2.1
  • The receiver side also doubles in of states
  • When waiting for seq 0 state
  • If the packet has sequence 0 and isnt corrupt,
    extract and deliver the data, and send an ACK
    go to wait for seq 1 state
  • If the packet was corrupt, reply with a NAK
  • If the packet has sequence 1 and was not corrupt
    (its out of order) send an ACK and keep waiting
    for a seq 0 packet
  • Mirror the above for starting from wait for seq
    1 state

Reliable Data Transfer v2.2
  • Could achieve the same effect without a NAK (for
    corrupt packet) if we only ACK the last
    correctly received packet
  • Two ACKs for the same packet (duplicate ACKs)
    means the packet after the second ACK wasnt
    received correctly
  • The NAK-free protocol is called rdt2.2

Reliable Data Transfer v2.2
Reliable Data Transfer v2.2
  • Again, the send and receive FSMs are symmetric
    for sequence 0 and 1
  • Sender must now check the sequence number of the
    packet being ACKd (see isACK message)
  • The receiver must include the sequence number in
    the make_pkt message
  • FSM on page 211 also has oncethru variable to
    help avoid duplicate ACKs

Reliable Data Transfer v3.0
  • Now account for the possibility of lost packets
  • Need to detect packet loss, and decide what to do
    about it
  • The latter is easy with the tools we have (ACK,
    checksum, sequence , and retransmission), but
    need a new detection mechanism
  • Many possible loss detection approaches focus
    on making the sender responsible for it

Reliable Data Transfer v3.0
  • Sender thinks a packet lost when packet doesnt
    get to receiver, or the ACK gets lost
  • Cant wait for worst case transmission time, so
    pick a reasonable time before error recovery is
  • Could result in duplicate packets if it was still
    on the way but rdt2.2 can handle that
  • For the sender, retransmission is ultimate
    solution whether packet or ACK was lost

Reliable Data Transfer v3.0
  • Knowing when to retransmit needs a countdown
  • Count time from sending a packet to still not
    getting an ACK
  • If time is exceeded, retransmit that packet
  • Works the same if packet is lost or ACK is lost
  • Since packet sequence numbers alternate
    0-1-0-1-etc., is called an alternate-bit protocol

Reliable Data Transfer v3.0
Reliable Data Transfer v3.0
  • How does the receiver FSM differ from rdt2.2?
  • Notice that, even allowing for lost packets, we
    still assume only once packet is sent completely
    and correctly at a time
  • But rdt3.0 still stops to wait for timeout of
    each packet fix with pipelining

Pipelined RDT
  • Suppose we implemented rdt3.0 between NYC and LA
  • Distance of 3000 miles gives RTT of about 30 ms
  • If transmission rate is 1 Gbps, and packets are 1
    kB (8 kb)
  • Transmission time is therefore only 8kb / 1E9 b/s
    8 microseconds
  • Even if ACK messages are very small (transmission
    time about zero), the time for one packet to be
    sent and ACK is 30.008 ms

Pipelined RDT
  • Hence were transmitting 0.008 ms out of the
    30.008 ms RTT, which equals 0.027 utilization
  • How a protocol is implemented drastically affects
    its usefulness!
  • It makes sense to send multiple packets and keep
    track of the ACKs for each
  • Methods to do so are Go-Back-N (GBN) and
    selective repeat

  • In this protocol, sender can send up to N packets
    without getting an ACK
  • N is also called a window size, and the protocol
    is a.k.a. a sliding-window protocol
  • Let base be the number of the first packet in a
  • The window size, N, is already defined
  • Then all packets from 0 to base-1 have already
    been sent

Why a limit at all? Need for flow and
congestion control later.
  • The window currently focuses on packets number
    base to baseN, these packets can be sent before
    their ACK is received
  • Packet sequence numbers need to have a maximum
    value if k bits are in the sequence number,
    the range of sequence numbers is 0 to 2k-1
  • The sequence numbers are used in a circle, so
    after 2k-1 you use 0 again, then 1, etc.

  • In contrast, rdt3.0 only had sequence numbers 0
    and 1
  • TCP has a 32-bit sequence number range for the
    bytes in a byte stream
  • Now the FSMs for Go-Back-N (GBN) follow
  • Sender must respond to
  • Call from above (i.e. the app)
  • Receipt of an ACK from any of the packets
  • Timeout which causes all un-ACKed packets resent

Go-Back-N Sender
  • The GBN receiver does
  • If a packet is correct and in order, send an ACK
  • Sender moves window up with each correct and in
    order packet ACKed this minimizes resending
  • In all other cases, throw away the packet, and
    resend ACK for the most recent correct packet
  • Hence we throw away correct but out-of-order
    packets this makes receiver buffering easier

  • GBN can be implemented in event-based
    programming events here are
  • App invokes rdt_send
  • Receiver protocol receives rdt_rcv
  • Timer interrupts
  • In contrast, consider the selective repeat (SR)
    approach for pipelining

Selective Repeat
  • Large window size and bandwidth delay can make a
    lot of packets in the pipeline under GBN, which
    can cause a lot of retransmission when a packet
    is lost
  • Selective repeat only retransmits packets
    believed to be in error so retransmission is
    on a more individual basis
  • To do this, buffer out-of-order packets until
    the missing packets are filled in

Selective Repeat
  • SR still uses a window of size N packets
  • SR sender responds to
  • Data from the app above it finds next sequence
    number available, and sends as soon as possible
  • Timeout is kept for each packet
  • ACK received from the receiver then sender marks
    off that packet, and moves the window forward
    can transmit packets inside the new window

Selective Repeat
  • The SR receiver responds to
  • Packet within the current window then send an
    ACK deliver packets at the bottom of the window,
    but buffer higher number packets (out of order)
  • Packets that were previously ACKed are ACKed
  • Otherwise ignore the packet
  • Notice the sender and receiver windows are
    generally not be the same!!

Selective Repeat
  • Its possible that the sequence number range and
    window size could be too close, producing
    confusing signals
  • To prevent this, need window size lt half of the
    sequence number range

Packet Reordering
  • Our last assumption was that packets arrive in
    order, if at all
  • What is they arrive out of order?
  • Out of order packets could have sequence numbers
    outside of either window (snd or rcv)
  • Handle by not allowing packets older than some
    max time
  • TCP typically uses 3 minutes

Reliable Data Transfer Mechanisms
  • Checksum, to detect bit errors in a packet
  • Timer, to know when a packet or its ACK was lost
  • Sequence number, to detect lost or duplicate
  • Acknowledgement, to know packet got to receiver
  • Negative acknowledgement, to tell packet was
    corrupted but received
  • Window, to pipeline many packets at once before
    an ACK was received for any of them

TCP Intro
  • Now see how all this applies to TCP
  • RFC 793
  • Invented circa 1974 by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn
  • TCP starts with a handshake protocol, which
    defines many connection variables
  • Connection only at hosts, not in between
  • Routers are oblivious to whether TCP is used!
  • TCP is a full duplex service data can flow both
    directions at once

TCP Intro
  • TCP is point-to-point between a single sender
    and a single receiver
  • In contrast with multipoint technologies
  • TCP is client/server based
  • Client needs to establish a socket to the
    servers hostname and port
  • Recall default port numbers are app-specific
  • Special segments are sent by client, server, and
    client to make the three-way handshake

TCP Intro
  • Once connection exists, processes can send data
    back and forth
  • Sending process sends data through socket to the
    TCP send buffer
  • TCP sends data from the send buffer when it feels
    like it
  • Max Segment Size (MSS) is based on the max frame
    size, or Max Transmission Unit (MTU)
  • Want 1 TCP segment to eventually fit in the MTU

TCP Intro
  • Typical MTU values are 512 1460 bytes
  • MSS is the max app data that can fit in a
    segment, not the total segment size (which
    includes headers)
  • TCP adds headers to the data, creating TCP
  • Segments are passed to the network layer to
    become IP datagrams, and so on into the network

TCP Intro
  • At the server side, the segment is placed in the
    receive buffer
  • So a TCP connection consists of two buffers (send
    and receive), some variables, and two socket
    connections (send and receive) on the
    corresponding processes

TCP Segment Structure
  • A TCP segment consists of header fields and a
    data field
  • The data field size is limited by the MSS
  • Typical header size is 20 bytes
  • The header is 32 bits wide (4 bytes), so it has
    five lines at a minimum

TCP Segment Structure
  • The header lines are
  • Source and destination port numbers (16 bit ea.)
  • Sequence number (32 bit)
  • ACK number (32 bit)
  • A bunch of little stuff (header length, URG, ACK,
    PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN bits), then the receive
    window (16 bit)
  • Internet checksum, urgent data pointer (16 bit
  • And possibly several options

TCP Segment Structure
  • Weve seen the port numbers (16 bits each),
    sequence and ACK numbers (32 bits each)
  • The bunch of little stuff includes
  • Header length (4 bits)
  • A flag field includes six one-bit fields ACK,
    RST, SYN, FIN, PSH, and URG
  • The URG bit marks urgent data later on that line
  • The receive window is used for flow control

TCP Segment Structure
  • The checksum is used for bit error detection, as
    with UDP
  • The urgent data pointer tells where the urgent
    data is located
  • The options include negotiating the MSS, scaling
    the window size, or time stamping

TCP Sequence Numbers
  • The sequence numbers are important for TCPs
  • TCP views data as unstructured but ordered stream
    of bytes
  • Hence sequence numbers for a segment is the
    byte-stream number of the first byte in the
  • Yes, each byte is numbered!

TCP Sequence Numbers
  • So if the MSS is 1000 bytes, the first segment
    will be number 0, and cover bytes 0 to 999
  • The second segment is number 1000, and covers
    bytes 1000-1999
  • Third is number 2000, and covers 2000-2999, etc.
  • Typically start sequences at random numbers on
    both sides, to avoid accidental overlap with
    previously used numbers

TCP Acknowledgement No.
  • TCP acknowledgement numbers are weird
  • The number used is the next byte number expected
    from the sender
  • So if host B sends to A (!) bytes 0-535 of data,
    host A expects byte 536 to be the start of the
    next segment, so 536 is the Ack number
  • This is a cumulative acknowledgement, since it
    only goes up to the first missing byte in the

TCP Out-of-Order Segments
  • What does it do when segments arrive out of
  • Thats up to the TCP implementer
  • TCP can either discard out of order segments, or
    keep the strays in buffer and wait for the pieces
    to get filled in
  • The former is easier to implement, the latter is
    more efficient and commonly used

Telnet Example
  • Telnet (RFC 854) is an old app for remote login
    via TCP
  • Telnet interactively echoes whatever was typed to
    show it got to the other side
  • Host A is the client, starts a session with Host
    B, the server
  • Suppose client starts with sequence number 42,
    and server with 79

Telnet Example
  • User types a single letter, c
  • Notice how the seq and Ack numbers mirror or
    piggy back each other

Timeout Calculation
  • TCP needs a timeout interval, as discussed in the
    rdt example, but how long?
  • Longer than RTT, but how much? A week?
  • Measure sample RTT for segments here and there
    (not every one)
  • This SampleRTT value will fluctuate, with an
    average value called EstimatedRTT which is
    updated with each measurement (a moving average)

Timeout Calculation
  • Naturally, EstimatedRTT is a smoother curve than
    each SampleRTT
  • EstimatedRTT 0.875EstimatedRTT
  • The variability of RTT is measured by DevRTT,
    which is the moving average magnitude difference
    between SampleRTT and EstimatedRTTDevRTT
    0.75DevRTT 0.25

Timeout Calculation
  • We want the timeout interval larger than
    EstimatedRTT, but not huge use
  • TimeoutInterval EstimatedRTT 4DevRTT
  • This is analogous to control charts, where the
    expected value of a measurement is no more than
    the (mean 3the standard deviation) about ΒΌ of
    the time
  • DevRTT isnt a standard deviation, but the idea
    is similar

Timeout Calculation
  • Notice this means that the timeout interval is
    constantly being calculated, and to do so
    requires frequent measurement of SampleRTT to
    find current values for
  • Estimated RTT, DevRTT, and TimeoutInterval

Reliable Data Transfer
  • IP is not a reliable datagram service
  • It doesnt guarantee delivery, or in order, or
    intact delivery
  • In theory we saw that separate timers for each
    segment would be nice in reality TCP uses one
    retransmission timer for several segments (RFC
  • For the next example, assume Host A is sending a
    big file to Host B

Simplified TCP
  • Here the sender responds to three events
  • Receive data from application
  • Then it makes segments of the data, each with a
    sequence number, and passes them to the IP layer
  • Starts timer
  • Timer times out
  • Then it re-sends the segment that timed out
  • ACK was received
  • Compares the received ACK value with SendBase,
    the last byte number successfully received
  • Restart timer if any un-ACK segments left

Simplified TCP
  • Even this version of TCP can successfully handle
    lost ACKs by ignoring duplicate segments (Fig
    3.34, p. 242)
  • If a segment times out, later segments dont get
    re-sent (Fig 3.35, p. 243)
  • A lost ACK can still be deduced to not be a lost
    segment (Fig 3.36, p. 244)

Doubling Timeout
  • After a timeout event, many TCP implementations
    double the timeout interval
  • This helps with congestion control, since timeout
    is often due to congestion, and retransmitting
    often makes it worse!

Fast Retransmit
  • Waiting for the timeout can be too slow
  • Might know to retransmit sooner if get duplicate
  • An ACK for a given byte number means a gap was
    noted in the segment sequence (since there are
    no negative NAKs)
  • Getting three duplicate ACKs typically forces a
    fast retransmit of the segment after that value

Go-Back-N vs. Selective Repeat?
  • TCP partly looks like Go-Back-N (GBN)
  • Tracks last sequence number transmitted but not
    ACKed (SendBase) and sequence number of next byte
    to send (NextSeqNum)
  • TCP partly looks like Selective Repeat (SR)
  • Often buffers out-of-order segments to limit the
    range of segments retransmitted
  • TCP can use selective acknowledgment (RFC 2018)
    to specify which segments are out of order

Flow Control
  • TCP connection hosts maintain a receive buffer,
    for bytes received correctly and in order
  • Apps might not read from the buffer for a while,
    so it can overflow
  • Flow control focuses on preventing overflow of
    the receive buffer
  • So it also depends on how fast the receiving app
    is reading the data!

Flow Control
  • Hence the sender in TCP maintains a receive
    window (RcvWindow) variable how much room is
    left in the receive buffer
  • The receive buffer has size RcvBuffer
  • The last byte number read by the receiving app is
  • The last byte put in the receive buffer is
  • RcvWindow RcvBuffer (LastByteRcvd

Flow Control
  • So the amount of room in RcvWindow varies with
    time, and is returned to the sender in the
    receive window field of every segment (see slide
  • The sender also keeps track of LastByteSent and
    LastByteAcked the difference between them is the
    amount of data between sender and receiver
  • Keep that difference less than the RcvWindow to
    make sure the receive buffer isnt overflowed
  • LastByteSent LastByteAcked lt RcvWindow

Flow Control
  • If the RcvWindow goes to zero, the sender cant
    send more data to the receiver ever!
  • To prevent this, TCP makes the sender transmit
    one byte messages when RcvWindow is zero, so that
    the receiver can communicate when the buffer is
    no longer full

UDP Flow Control
  • There aint none (sic!)
  • UDP adds newly arrived segments to a buffer in
    front of the receiving socket
  • If the buffer gets full, segments are dropped
  • Bye-bye data!

TCP Connection Management
  • Now look at the TCP handshake in detail
  • Important since many security threats exploit it
  • Recall the client process wants to establish a
    connection with a server process
  • Step 1 client sends segment with code SYN1 and
    an initial sequence number (client_isn) to the
  • Choosing a random client_isn is key for security

TCP Connection Management
  • Step 2 Server allocates variables needed for
    the connection, and sends a connection-granted
    segment, SYNACK, to the client
  • This SYNACK segment has SYN1, the ack field is
    set to client_isn1, and the server chooses its
    initial sequence number (server_isn)
  • Step 3 Client gets SYNACK segment, and
    allocates its buffers and variables
  • Client sends segment with ack value server_isn1,
    and SYN0

TCP Connection Management
  • The SYN bit stays 0 while the connection is open
  • Why is a three-way handshake used?
  • Why isnt two-way enough?
  • Now look at closing the connection
  • Either client or server can close the connection

TCP Connection Management
  • One host, lets say the client, sends a segment
    with the FIN bit set to 1
  • The server acknowledges this with a return
    segment, then sends a separate shutdown segment
    (also with FIN1)
  • Client acknowledges the shutdown from the server,
    and resources in both hosts are deallocated

TCP State Cycle
  • Another way to view the history of a TCP
    connection is through its state changes
  • The connection starts Closed
  • After the handshake is completed its Established
  • Then the processes communicate
  • Sending or receiving a FIN1 starts the closing
    process, until both sides get back to Closed
  • Whoever sent a FIN waits some period (30-120 s)
    after ACKing the other hosts FIN before closing
    their connection

Stray Segments
  • Receiving a segment with SYN trying to open an
    unknown or closed port results in
  • Server sends a reset message RST1, meaning go
    away, that port isnt open
  • Similarly, a UDP packet with unknown socket
    results in sending a special ICMP datagram (see
    next chapter)
  • Nmap is a good tool for scanning for TCP or UDP
    ports left open on a server

Congestion Control
  • Now address congestion control issues
  • Congestion is a traffic jam in the middle of the
    network somewhere
  • Most common cause is too many sources sending
    data too fast into the network
  • Lets look at increasingly complex scenarios
  • Suppose two hosts (A and B) send data across a
    single router to hosts C and D
  • Host A sends only to host D B sends only to C

Congestion Control
  • Assume
  • Hosts A and B send data at a steady rate lin
    bytes/sec each, with no retransmission
  • The router has capacity of C bytes/sec, and has
    infinite buffer space for excess packets
  • The throughput for data received at C and D is
    lout bytes/sec
  • Each link will get up to half of the router
    capacity, and can throughput data no faster

Congestion Control
  • The delay between hosts (A-D or B-C) becomes
    infinite, as the send rate exceeds router
    capacity, and the buffer stays full

Congestion Control
  • Hence as a network reaches its capacity, the
    queuing delays become very large!
  • Now for scenario 2
  • Allow retransmission of data, and make the router
    buffer finite in size, and router rate is R
  • Now send rate for hosts A and B is the offered
    load, lin bytes/sec (equal to a steady rate
    plus the retransmission rate)

Congestion Control
  • Throughput depends on how packet retransmission
    is handled
  • Case a. below assumes no packet loss ever, and
    hence no retransmission

Congestion Control
  • Case b. assumes only retransmission when a packet
    is really lost
  • At max throughput, each link gets 0.333R
    bytes/sec of new data, and 0.166R bytes/sec of
  • Case c. assumes that retransmissions may be done
    for delayed packets, hence there can be duplicate
    packets delivered to the receiver
  • Data shown assumes each packet gets delivered
    twice, hence max rate is R/4 instead of the ideal

Congestion Control
  • Key lessons from cases b and c are
  • A congested network forces retransmissions for
    packets lost due to buffer overflow, which adds
    to the congestion
  • A congested network can waste its bandwidth by
    sending duplicate packets which werent lost in
    the first place
  • Now lets make it a really messy problem

Congestion Control
  • Scenario 3 has four hosts again, but now four
    routers (R1 to R4)
  • Hosts A and B only connect to C and D,
    respectively, but across opposite routes, e.g.
  • Host A ? R1 ? R2 ? Host C
  • Host C ? R3 ? R4 ? Host A
  • Host B ? R2 ? R3 ? Host D
  • Host D ? R4 ? R1 ? Host B

Congestion Control
Congestion Control
  • Assume all hosts transmit at rate lin bytes/sec,
    and all routers have capacity C bytes/sec
  • With little traffic being transmitted, the data
    rate received at each host, lout bytes/sec, is
    about the same as lin
  • With lots of traffic, consider one router, R2

Congestion Control
  • Router R2 could have traffic from R1 at rate C
  • But it also gets traffic from B toward D also
    competing for buffer space
  • Hence B-D traffic could overwhelm R2, and cut off
    traffic on the A-C path, forcing everyones
    output to zero

Congestion Control
  • So the work done by a router like R1 to forward a
    packet is wasted when a later router (R2) drops
    that packet
  • So the lesson is dropping a packet wastes the
    transmission capacity of every upstream link that
    packet saw
  • So what are our approaches for dealing with

Congestion Control Approaches
  • Either the network provides explicit support for
    congestion control, or it doesnt
  • End-to-end congestion control is when the network
    doesnt provide explicit support
  • Presence of congestion is inferred from packet
    loss, delays, etc.
  • Since TCP uses IP, this is our only option right

Congestion Control Approaches
  • Network-assisted congestion control is when
    network components (e.g. routers) provide
    congestion feedback explicitly
  • IBM SNA, DECnet, and ATM use this, and proposals
    for improving TCP/IP have been made
  • Network equipment may provide various levels of
  • Send a choke packet to tell sender theyre full
  • Flag existing packets to indicate congestion
  • Tell what transmission rate the router can
    support at the moment

ATM ABR Congestion Control
  • ATM Available Bit-Rate (ABR) is one method of
    network-assisted congestion control
  • It uses a combination of virtual circuits (VC)
    and resource management (RM) cells (packets) to
    convey congestion information along the VC
  • Data cells (packets) contain a congestion bit to
    prompt sending a RM cell back to the sender
  • Other bits convey whether the congestion is mild
    (dont increase traffic) or severe (back off) or
    tell the max rate supported along the circuit

TCP Congestion Control
  • As noted, TCP uses end-to-end congestion control,
    since IP provides no congestion feedback to the
    end systems
  • In TCP, each sender limits its send rate based
    on its perceived amount of congestion
  • Each side of a TCP connection has a send buffer,
    receive buffer, and several variables
  • Each side also has a congestion window variable,

TCP Congestion Control
  • The max send rate for a sender is the minimum of
    CongWin and the RcvWindow
  • LastByteSent LastByteAcked lt min(CongWin,
  • Assume for the moment that the RcvWindow is
    large, so we can focus on CongWin
  • If loss and transmission delay are small,
    CongWin bytes of data can be sent every RTT,
    for a send rate of CongWin/RTT

TCP Congestion Control
  • Now address how to detect congestion
  • Call a loss event when a timeout occurs or
    three duplicate ACKs are received
  • Congestion causes loss events in the network
  • If theres no congestion, lots of happy ACKs tell
    TCP to increase CongWin quickly, and hence
    transmission rate
  • Conversely, slow ACK receipt slows CongWin

TCP Congestion Control
  • TCP is self-clocking, since it measures its own
    feedback (ACK receipt) to determine changes in
  • Now look at how TCP defines its congestion
    control algorithm in three major parts
  • Additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease
  • Slow start
  • Reaction to timeout events

Additive-increase, Multiplicative-decrease
  • When a loss event occurs, CongWin is halved
    unless it approaches 1.0 MSS, a process called
  • When theres no perceived congestion, TCP
    increases CongWin slowly, adding 1 MSS each RTT
    this is additive-increase
  • Collectively they are the AIMD algorithm

Recall MSS maximum segment size
AIMD Algorithm
  • Over a long TCP connection, when theres little
    congestion, AIMD will result in slow rises in
    CongWin, followed by a cut in half when a loss
    event occurs, followed by another slow rise,
    etc., producing a grumpy sawtooth wave

Slow Start
  • The initial send rate is typically 1 MSS/RTT,
    which is really slow
  • To avoid a really long ramp up to a fast rate, an
    exponential increase in CongWin is used until the
    first loss event occurs
  • CongWin doubles every RTT during slow start
  • Then the AIMD algorithm takes over

Reaction to Timeout
  • Timeouts are not handled the same as triple
    duplicate ACKs
  • Triple duplicate ACKs are followed by halve
    CongWin, then use AIMD approach
  • But true timeout events are handled differently
  • The TCP sender returns to slow start, and if no
    problems occur, ramps up to half of the CongWin
    value before the timeout occurred
  • A variable Threshold stores the 0.5CongWin value
    when a loss event occurs

Reaction to Timeout
  • Once CongWin gets back to the Threshold value, it
    is allowed to increase linearly per AIMD
  • So after a triple duplicate ACK, CongWin recovers
    faster (called a fast recovery, oddly enough)
    than after a timeout
  • Why do this? Because the triple duplicate ACK
    proves that several other packets got there
    successfully, even if one was lost
  • A timeout is a more severe congestion indicator,
    hence the slower recovery of CongWin

TCP Tahoe Reno
  • TCP Tahoe follows the timeout recovery pattern
    after any loss event
  • Go back to CongWin 1 MSS, ramp up exponentially
    until reach Threshold, then follow AIMD
  • TCP Reno introduced the fast recovery from
    triple duplicate ACK
  • After loss event, cut CongWin in half, and resume
    linear increase until next loss event repeat

TCP Tahoe Reno
TCP Throughput
  • If the sawtooth pattern continues, with a loss
    event occurring at the same congestion window
    size consistently, then the average throughput
    (rate) is
  • Average throughput 0.75W/RTTwhere W is the
    CongWin when loss event occurs

TCP Future
  • TCP will keep changing to meet the needs of the
  • Obviously, many critical Internet apps depend on
    TCP, so there are always changes being proposed
  • See RFC Index for current ideas
  • For example, many want to support very high data
    rates (e.g. 10 Gbps)

TCP Future
  • In order to support that rate, the congestion
    window would have to be 83,333 segments
  • And not lose any of them!
  • If we have the loss rate (L) and MSS, we can
  • Average throughput 1.22MSS/(RTTsqrt(L))
  • For 10 Gbps throughput, we need L about 2x10-10,
    or lose one segment in five billion!

  • If a router has multiple connections competing
    for bandwidth, is it fair in sharing?
  • If two TCP connections of equal MSS and RTT are
    sharing a router, and both are primarily in AIMD
    mode, the throughput for each connection will
    tend to balance fairly, with cyclical changes in
    throughput due to changes in CongWin after packet

  • More realistically, unequal connections are less
  • Lower RTT gets more bandwidth (CongWin increases
  • UDP traffic can force out the more polite TCP
  • Multiple TCP connections from a single host
    (e.g. from downloading many parts of a Web page
    at once) get more bandwidth

Are We Done Yet?
  • So weve covered transport layer protocols from
    the terribly simple UDP to a seemingly exhaustive
    study of TCP
  • Key features along the way include
    multiplexing/demultiplexing, error detection,
    acknowledgements, timers, retransmissions,
    sequence numbers, connection management, flow
    control, end-to-end congestion control
  • So much for the edge of the Internet next is
    the network layer, to start looking at the core
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