Title: Way to Teach and Train Through Multicultural Experiences
1Way to Teach and Train Through Multicultural
- Paul B. Pedersen, Visiting Professor of
Psychology, University of Hawaii, Professor
Emeritus, Syracuse University -
- Presentation at the American Counseling
Association, Anaheim, California 945-1245 - 213 D Convention Center, March 24, 2003
2The arguments for structured experiences
- There are arguments both for and against the
use of structured exercises and multicultural
experiences in teaching and training. - Some of the arguments for the use of
multicultural experiences are
3The arguments for structured experiences(Contin
- 1. There is research available to support the
conclusion that multicultural exercises and
experiential learning will result in favorable
outcomes through training. - 2. Structured experiences are able to extend the
capability of multicultural group leaders to
develop their skills as they learn from their own
students multicultural interactions.
4The arguments for structured experiences(Contin
- 3. Structured experiences can get a new group
going more rapidly with less time required for
warm-up than uninterrupted lectures and didactic
methods. - 4. Structured experiences require less
preparation time when they can be borrowed or
applied from collections of already prepared
materials, although more time will be required
for debriefing. -
5The arguments for structured experiences(Contin
- 5. Structured experiences and unambiguous roles
are less threatening than real world situations
to the extent they provide clearly stated
expectations and clearly defined behaviors and
present opportunities to rehearse responses. - 6. A great deal of progress has been made
developing structured multicultural experiences
to match desired outcomes or changes in the
participants behavior later in the real world.
6The arguments for structured experiences(Contin
- 7. Defining salient objectives is less
ambiguous when the exercises are structured so
that the experience can focus on an aspect of the
particular curriculum, topic or social problem. - 8. Structured experiences can contribute to
research on social change through multicultural
contact in the somewhat controlled laboratory
environment of the classroom.
7The arguments for structured experiences(Contin
- 9. Structuring an experience forces the
teacher/trainer and participants to clarify their
objectives in understanding an otherwise
ambiguous real world multicultural context. - 10. There are many structured experiences
available that can be adapted by teachers and
trainers of multicultural groups, topics and
8The arguments against structured experiences
- Not everyone favors the use of structured
experiences for multicultural training. - There are numerous arguments against the use
of structured multicultural experiences such as
the following - 1. The structured experience is culture-bound,
favoring those cultures where role-playing, games
and direct or open communication is desirable.
9The arguments against structured experiences
- 2. Participants from cultures unfamiliar with
structured exercises, games, simulations and
other such activities may find these activities
offensive, artificial or embarrassing. - 3. It would be difficult for a representative of
a self-effacing culture to confront or openly
oppose members of the classroom group without the
danger of having serious consequences in the real
10The arguments against structured experiences
- 4. The reaction of some Asian students is that
they are forced into game playing because
refusing to participate would be impolite . - 5. There is an assumption in Western cultures
that openness, as required by many structured
experiences, contributes to understanding and has
a positive value .
11The arguments against structured experiences
- 6. Many non-Western cultures value hiding ones
feelings and not revealing ones thoughts as
having a higher value than openness. - 7. Many structured experiences require direct
communication rather than indirect communication
of meaning and imposes the rules of direct
communication on participants without regard for
their preferences.
12The arguments against structured experiences
- 8. Many cultures rely more on silence and
nonverbal cues and prefer to refrain from
speaking rather than discussing an issue but some
structured experiences require active verbal
participation. - 9. Participants from hierarchical societies
where status is important might have difficulty
in structured multicultural experiences where
everyone is treated equally.
13The arguments against structured experiences
- 10. Some structured multicultural experiences
present a simplistic view of other cultural
groups leading participants toward superficial
stereotypes of one anothers culture . - While there are arguments for and against the
use of structured exercises and experiences, the
use of structured experiential exercises to
supplement other didactic methods has become an
established educational process.
14Examples of structured multicultural experiences
- What other people say, feel and mean
- Outside Experts
- Drawing a house
- Drawing symbols of your culture