Title: 1' Question
11. Question
- How are the earth and moon alike and different?
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Lesson Designed by Brendan Harrington, Bloomfield
Hills Schools, Oakland University, December, 2007
22. Task
The earth and moon have quite the relationship.
They both have many characteristics, some similar
and others very different. A characteristic is a
specific feature or distinguishing quality about
something in particular. Lets brainstorm some
characteristics of the earth and moon as a class.
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33. Student Activity
Explore the website provided below with your
partner and determine characteristics of the
earth and the moon. Create a Venn diagram
comparing the earth and moon. You must include at
least three characteristics about the earth,
three characteristics about the moon, and three
characteristics that are similar for them both.
Websites The Moon The Earth
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44. Assessment
With your partner, write a paragraph comparing
and contrasting the earth and moon using the Venn
diagram you created.
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55. Checklist
Be sure to know what you will be graded on.
- Did I complete the Venn ____
- Did I pay close attention
- to conventions in my paragraph ____
- Did I include at least 3 ____
- characteristics about the Earth
- Did I include at least 3 ____
- characteristics about the Moon
- Did I include at least 3 ____
- similarities between the
- Earth and Moon
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66. Student Extensions
If you have finished the assignment, explore the
link below and learn some more cool things about
the earth and moon. You may design a poster,
create an illustration, or any other visual to go
with your paragraph.
Earth, Sun, and Moon Interactive site
Graphic www.pics4learning.com
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77. Standards Benchmarks
- Science GLCEs
- E.ST.04.37 Compare and contrast the
characteristics of the sun, moon, and earth,
including relative distances and abilities to
support life. - E.ST.04.40 Describe the motion of the moon around
the earth.
- Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and
collect information from a variety of sources. - Students use technology tools to process data and
report results.
- Language Arts GLCEs
- W.GN.e4.P.EG04a
- Contribute to class list and/or graphic organizer
in preparation for a class activity - W.GN.04.03
- Write an informational comparative piece that
demonstrates understanding of central and
supporting ideas using an effective
organizational pattern (e.g. compare/contrast)
and informational text features.
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88. Teacher Tips
- Take two objects the kids are very familiar
with (ex red triangle and green square) and
compare them with the kids as an example. Place
the students with partners ahead of time so they
are with appropriate levels.
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99. Bibliography
- Citations for URLs
- http//www.earthsunmoon.co.uk/
- http//content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?i
d4850 - http//www.planetpals.com/planet2.html
- Citations for Graphics
- http//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thum
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