Title: Waste Link Corp' Northfield, IL
1Waste Link Corp.Northfield, IL
- Reduce Compactor Pick ups and SAVE MONEY
2Trash Disposal Process
- Cant see inside a compactor
- How do you know when its full?
- Scenario 1
- Pre-determined schedule
- 1x/week or 3x/week, etc.
- Scenario 2
- Call-in basis
- Manual phone-in to hauler
3Potential problems
- Scenario 1 - Pre-determined schedule
- Fixed cost structure
- Potential for over-service
- Not cost effective if there is a hauling charge
- Scenario 2 - Call-in basis
- Potential for under-service or over-service
- Human involvement
- Not cost effective if there is a hauling charge
4Is it Full???
How do you know?
The gauge says that it is, but is it really?
5The Gauge shows the container filling.
6A False Full reading is indicated on the gauge,
caused by trash at rear of container
7After more compactions, the waste bridges and
then breaks up.
The gauge now indicates more space is available!
This process often repeats itself with continual
9more bridging
10more compaction
11The monitor records every compaction and becomes
an efficient solution for optimum pick-up
12The Waste Link monitoring system
Monitoring Center
Phone line
Trash Compactor
13Data Report Sample
14Saving on Pick-Ups
Before Waste Link Pick-Ups 7 days apart.
After Waste Link Pick-Ups 14-21 days apart.
Savings of 50-66!
15Compactor Compaction Cycle with Waste Link
Pick up
Pick up
Pick up
Pick up
16Waste Link Corp.Providing Ongoing Savings
Improving the Bottom Line by Reducing Pick up
Annual of Pulls
17Waste Link Corp. Guarantee
- Risk Free Opportunity
- If there are no savings, then there is no fee for
the service. - Actual of pick-ups is compared to a Baseline or
business-as-usual number - No Capital Outlay (Small cost for phone line and
installation) - No Employee Involvement
- No Worries!
18Installation is both fast easy
19Thank You
Waste Link, Corp. One Northfield Plaza
300 Northfield, IL 60093 kirsten_at_wastelink.com 7