In the Name of God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In the Name of God


... the exclusive product of agricultural crops like rice, tea, etc. ... On the other hand, bio-composting made from organic portion of source separated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: In the Name of God

In the Name of God
  • Solid Waste Pollution in Caspian Region Iran
  • Gh.A.Omrani
  • M.Safa
  • 12 September 2006

Region Description
  • Caspian region (including Golestan, Mazandaran
    and Guilan provinces) occupies about 58678 square
    kilometers and has a population of 6270192 people
    (according to the census of 1375). This part of
    the country is remarkably significant because of
    its tourism attraction as a consequent of the
    existence of Caspian Sea and invaluable forests
    and grasslands, the exclusive product of
    agricultural crops like rice, tea, etc.

Characteristics of Solid Waste Problems in
Caspian Region
  • Lack of hygienic conditions in different stages
    of solid waste management in most urban and rural
    areas of northern states of Iran (Golestan,
    Mazandaran and Guilan provinces) is one of the
    most environmental and hygienic problems of that
    regions. So, having a local national strategy and
    action plan is a priority for present and future.

  • Caspian Sea beaches, even in remote regions, are
    littered with the nondegradable flotsam and
    jetsam of industrial and also public society.
  • However, the root causes of solid waste problems
    in this region are actually related to the
    profligate generation of solid waste and the mass
    production and mass consumption of products
    without consideration for their final disposal.

  • Solid waste problems in Caspian region are
    aggravated by the malfunctioning of traditional
    waste management systems due to rapid development
    and the concentration of the population.
  • Widespread pollution, emanating from the
    agricultural chemicals, and industrial and urban
    wastes, pose a real threat to the health of the
    Caspian Sea.
  • There can be no solution to the problems of solid
    waste until the entire flow of the processes of
    production consumption and disposal are
    considered as an integrated system.

  • An old vehicle for solid waste collection in a
    village of Mazandaran province

  • Since hazardous wastes need to be disposed off in
    a secured manner in view of their characteristic
    properties such as, toxicity, corrosivity,
    ignitability, reactivity and persistence the
    waste generators find it difficult to dispose
    their hazardous wastes without causing
    environmental disturbance, as very few
    appropriate disposal facilities are available.
  • I.R. of Iran has historical background of
    recycling and waste reduction. Prevention of food
    lavish and respect to customs and religious
    directions to not mix rice and bread residuals
    with other garbage is one of the samples about
    our national and Islamic believes.

Solid Waste Composition
  • Quantity and quality of generated waste in this
    region depends on many factors such as foremost
    traditions and cultural habits the living
    standards seasons of the year and regional
    tourism potential.
  • For example in tourism seasons, quantity of
    generated solid wastes may be 2 0r 3 times more
    than normal conditions.

Table 1- Average solid waste generation in
Caspian Sea Coastal Zone
  • Municipal solid waste disposal and recycling in
    Iran, Mohammad Ali Abdoli, Iranian Municipalities
    Rural Municipalities Organization

Table 2- Physical composition of residential MSW
in Caspian Sea Region
  • Municipal solid waste disposal and recycling in
    Iran, Mohammad Ali Abdoli, Iranian Municipalities
    Rural Municipalities Organization

Iran Waste Legislation Review
  • After the victorious revolution by the Islamic
    movement in 1979 special attention was paid to
    the issue of the environment. Article number
    Fifty of the constitution of I.R. of Iran, has
    given the main stand of authorities and people on
    the issue. According to this Article, in the
    Islamic Republic of Iran, It is considered a
    public duty to protect the environment where the
    present and future generations are to have a
    thriving social life.

  • Therefore, economic and any other activities,
    which result in pollution or irremediable damage
    and destruction of the environment is prohibited.
  • In order to combat against solid waste pollution
    in Iran, Waste Management Act was approved by
    Islamic Consultative Parliament in May 2004.
  • For different type of solid wastes, the country
    tightened regulations and penalties for waste
    generators, contractors and executive management.

  • Based on Article 7 of Waste Management Act,
    executive management of Industrial and special
    wastes is the responsibility of their generators.
    In this Article also it has been stated that
    executive management in urban area is by
    municipalities and in rural area is by rural
    municipalities ( which is called Dehyari in Iran
  • Article 12 of this Act also states
  • "Landfill sites should be determined ( based
    on environmental directives and standards) by
    Ministry of Interior with cooperation of DOE and
    Ministry of Agriculture Jihad ".

Main Issues and Strategies
  • There is a growing concern all over the world for
    the management and disposal of solid wastes
    generated from various sources. Waste and
    pollution management approaches can be described
    as important strategies. At the municipal rural
    level these strategies generally have relied on
    disposal practices (predominantly landfilling,
    Incineration and recycling).

  • Landfills
  • Many of the final disposal sites in Caspian
    region lack a proper management of carried- in
    waste or other environmental controls. They are
    often just open dumping sites with no measures to
    minimize environmental pollution. On the other
    hand, there is insufficient land for waste
    landfilling in this region.
  • Therefore, converting existing landfills (or even
    open dumping) to sanitary landfills is essential
    in that it not only reduces the adverse effects
    on the environment and society, but also properly
    maintains the waste stream that ends in final
    disposal in a sustainable manner.

  • Unmanaged landfill ( Mazandaran Ramsar city )

  • Composting plants
  • Composting is one of the options which is used
    for the intermediate treatment of municipal solid
    waste in northern provinces of Iran (Caspian
  • There are two major reasons for this
  • 1-Organic wastes, including garbage, account for
    more than 60 - sometimes over 70 - of solid
    waste in this region.
  • 2-This option not only reduces the volume of
    waste, but also produces compost, which can be
    used as a soil conditioner (or may be alternative

  • However, proper precautions should be exercised
    to avoid soil (and water resources) pollution
    from the compost. Hazardous materials have little
    chance of finding their way into compost if the
    raw materials for the compost are wastes that
    have been properly separated at source.
  • Because wastes generated in Caspian coastal
    region are mainly mixed and used to produce
    compost, that compost will without doubt include
    heavy metals and other hazardous materials, even
    if every effort has been made to remove these
    materials as part to the pretreatment process.

  • With this regard, it is advisable to limit or
    even cease the application of compost made from
    mixed waste on crop fields and rice paddy, which
    absorb heavy metals well. On the other hand,
    bio-composting made from organic portion of
    source separated solid waste is strongly
  • Household bio-composting and vermi composting
    are another options of suitable utilization of
    this approach especially in this region. A home
    compost pile is an easy and inexpensive way to
    dispose of organic waste in an interesting and
    environmentally friendly way.

  • Incineration
  • There is not any major and specific studied plan
    for incinerators utilization in Iran.
  • It seems utilization of incinerator in Caspian
    region because of high percentage of garden
    putrescible wastes high percentage of solid
    waste humidity and difficult operation
    maintenance (as a result of high technology)
    isn't suitable and logic for rural and municipal
    solid waste.

  • It is advisable for hazardous waste in the
    region, when the related monitoring and
    operational standards are completely considered.
  • The design and evaluation of incineration
    systems, as with most aspects of hazardous waste
    management, should be driven by laws and
    regulations to assure environmental and human
    health protection.

  • Medical / Health Care Wastes
  • Releases of infectious, toxic and hazardous
    components ( of health care waste ) to the
    environment during the years, posing long- term
    health risks to the public and endangerment to
    the environment.
  • Medical wastes require proper management, since
    even small quantities can have a serious impact
    in the environment and human health.
  • In Caspian region, infectious wastes are often
    treated in the municipal solid waste flow, which
    is quite dangerous.

  • The following consideration should be taken into
    account for this sensitive zone
  • The public should be made aware of the risks
  • Hospitals must ensure the segregated management
    of infectious waste.
  • Using incineration for medical (health care)
    waste because of dioxins furans emissions
    bottom ash fly ash which often contain heavy
    metals and other hazardous materials
    difficulties in waste collection and separation
    and is not advisable. But can be used for
    hazardous waste portion of medical waste.

  • One of the important approaches for decreasing
    medical wastes risk, in Caspian region, is steam
    sterilization which is categorized to microwave
    systems and steam boilers( Autoclave systems).
    This should be done under specific regulation and
    standards. After converting the infectious
    pathological waste into urban grade waste, it
    could be transported to a local landfill.

Community Participation
  • Public private partnership is the essential
    solution to improve the quality and quantity of
    solid waste recycling in Caspian region. For this
    purpose, waste related education and awareness
    programs are needed as well.
  • Community- based solid waste management in this
    region is an important approach whereby members
    of a community themselves manage such activities
    as waste collection, resource recovery (e.g.
    biocomposting) and also sale of recycled

  • 1-Formulation of executive plans for waste
    pollution reduction in Caspian region.
  • 2-Appointment of implement agencies,
    coordination, securing needed management
    instruments and approval of timetables of the
  • 3-Coordination between the activities of the
    related organizations concerned with solid waste
    management and its pollution reduction in Caspian

  • 4-Following up and accelerating the
    implementation of projects and removal of
  • 5-Selection three cities with their rural areas
    (in 3 provinces) as pilots for implementing the
    proper solid waste management, is recommended.
  • 6-Utilization of suitable biogas plants in animal
    husbandry in Caspian region is recommended. This
    approach will reduce cattle dung manure

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