Title: Waste
Tina Drakou www.athenadrakou.com Friends of the
Earth Southampton www.southamptonfoe.org.uk
2What is Waste?
- Rubbish, Garbage
- any materials unused and rejected as worthless or
3Is waste really worthless?
- Waste is the result of our Shopping Habits
- Food, packaging, clothes, furniture
- Most of the waste could be a valuable resource
for - Someone
- Somewhere
4How much we throw away?
- The UK in total produces about 400 million
tonnes of waste every year. This rate of rubbish
generation would fill the Albert Hall in London
in less than 2 Hours. - U.K. Households produce over 29,7 million tonnes
or the equivalent of 4 million double-decker
buses. - 513kg waste per person per annum
(1) Environmental Agency (2) Strategy Unit
(2002). Waste not, Want not A strategy for
tackling the waste problem. http//www.number-10.g
5Whats in your Bin ?
- 23 Paper
- 37 Kitchen and Garden Waste
- 9 Plastic
- 8 Glass
- 6 Metals
- 17 The rest
6The Destination of Waste in the UK 2005
67 goes into landfill 9 is incinerated 24 is
recycled/ composted
Source Economic and Social Research Council
7Where does our Hazardous waste goes?
- Hazardous substances
- chemical products (paints, varnish)
- garden products (e.g. pesticides)
- vehicle products (batteries, antifreeze)
- household cleaners, toiletries
- (disinfectant, cosmetics, medicines)
8Where does our waste goes?
- Landfill
- toxic leachate pollute land, water
- health problems in local communities
- pollute water supplies
- release methane and carbon dioxide
- Extremely High Cost for Councils
9Where does our waste goes?
- Incineration
- Toxic air pollution (dioxins, nitrogen oxides,
heavy metals) - Toxic ash
- Emissions from transport
- Permanent loss of Natural Resources
- Expensive to built
- Little incentive to reduce and recycle
10Percentage of Total Waste Recycled/Composted by
European Country 2005
Source Economic and Social Research Council
11Recycling targets for Test Valley
- Test Valley recycling target - 30
- Current recycling rate - 22.
- More people must recycle more of their waste
12Waste Hierarchy
(image reproduced courtesy of Sligo County
13Reduce, reuse recycle
- We can
- Reduce - materials we use and products we buy
- Reuse - carrier bags, furniture and clothes.
Participate in recycle programs - www.cityboard.co.uk
- www.freecycle.com
- Recycle - glass, paper and cans
- Compost - garden waste and leftover food
14Smart Green Shopping
Consumption does not mean Happiness
- Only buy what you need
- Say NO to plastic bags
- Buy locally produced goods
- Avoid Over- packaging
- Support Repair Shops
- Buy products made from recycled materials
15A world without Waste