Title: What Fertilizer Should I Use?
1What Fertilizer Should I Use?
- Bob Stevens
- Extension Soil Scientist
- WSU- Prosser
- stevensr_at_wsu.edu
2What Fertilizer Should I Use?
- Well that depends!!!!!!!!!!
3Starting Points
- You have determined what plant nutrient your
vines need.
4Starting Points
- You have determined what plant nutrient your
vines need. - Once in the plant where it is needed ions from
all sources are equal.
5Starting Points
- You have determined what plant nutrient your
vines need. - Once in the plant part where needed ions from all
sources are equal. - Goal in selection of WHAT is to have nutrients in
adequate concentration at the plant part at
the right time.
6The How the When Affects the What
7The How the When Affects the What
- How
- Soil application
- Water application drip
- Foliar spray
8The How the When Affects the What
- When
- Planning for future crop needs
- Soil test plant analysis
- Crop management history
- Responding to real perceived needs
- Growth patterns
- Visual symptoms
- In-season plant analysis
9The How and the When Affects the What
- The bottom line is time from application to
plant availability.
Soil Maintenance
Plant Response
12Conventional Vineyards
- Drip Irrigation
- Product solubility
- Product compatibility with irrigation water
- pH
- Salts
- Specific ion concentration (Ca, HCO3- )
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14Conventional Vineyard
- Soil applied inorganic sources
- Product reaction with soil chemistry
- Application method
- Broadcast
- Area covered
- Incorporation
- Band
15Organic Vineyards
- Must meet organic certification criteria
16Organic Sources
- Crop residues (cover crops)
- Manures
- Compost
- Other sources
17Organic Sources Whats Available
- Quality
- Nutrient value
- CN ratio
- Maturity of compost
- Type of manure
- Transportation costs
1952 lbs N/Ac incorporated with clover tops
20CN Ratio of Cover Crops
- Research Commercial
- 32 29
- 13 16
- 17 20
- K Bair
21Organic Sources Nutrient Availability
- Distribution
- Soil contact
- Soil Microbial activity
- Warm soil
- Moist soil
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24Soil NO3-N vs. Temperature
25All Compost is not created equal
26Compost Considerations
- Changes in composted material will impact final
compost quality - Compost analysis may change over time
- More mature compost slower N release
27Vineyard Nutrient Management Challenges
- Deficit Irrigation
- Where is the nutrient?
- Where is the water?
- Dry Spring soil moisture
28Nutrient Source Management
- Have a PLAN
- Monitor the results
- Site specific
- Make adjustments gradually over time
29Nutrient Source Management
- Have a PLAN
- Monitor the results
- Site specific
- Make adjustments gradually over time
- Sustainable practices maintain soil quality and
optimize vineyard management goals.
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