Title: Roll Back Malaria in the Sudan
1Roll Back Malaria in the Sudan
- 3rd Inter-country Meeting
- for National Malaria Programmes Managers
- Lahore, Pakistan, 12 -15 May 2003
2Important facts
- P. falciparum
- A. arabiensis, A. funestus and A. gambiae
- Resistance to CQ is increasing
- Resistance to insecticides is widely spread
3Insecticide resistance
4Sudan Major Malaria Strata
High transmission Irrigated Rural, high
seasonal Riverine Urban
5Malaria Burden
- 7.5 million cases (50 of EMRO cases)
- 20 40 of the total out-patient attendance
- 30 of the annual in-patient attendance
- 35,000 deaths (70 of EMRO malaria deaths)
- 22 loss of working days
- Patient cost (direct) 5.2 17.2 (Hanan, M. A.
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7Epidemic-prone areas (red color)
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9Main Strategic Direction
- Disease management
- Multiple prevention
- ITNs
- prevention, early detection and containment of
epidemic - Upgrading local capability to compact the disease
10Progress madeDisease management
- Hospital-based malaria mortality reduction
project - WHO UNICEF
- 112,000 to cover 10 hospitals out of 75
- Kosti, Damazin and Gadarif
11Progress madeDisease management
- National protocol for malaria treatment
- One copy for each prescriber in a form of booklet
and wall-chart. - Efficacy studies (overall result 38)
- New version of the protocol (CT CQSP)
12Progress madeDisease management
- Improvement of microscopic diagnosis
- City-based project (40 -60)
- Assessment, training, SE, QA system
- Covers all sectors
- 7 states (plan for 13)
- Wall-chart
- Reference lab (7 ---20)
13Progress madeMultiple prevention
- ITNs
- ITNs strategic plan
- Partial elimination of taxes and tariffs
- Involvement of private sector in procurement
- 500,000 nets distributed
- Other vector control activities
- Gazera and Khartoum
- Biological control
14Progress madeMalaria and pregnancysize of the
problem, case management, IPT and ITNsLink with
Reproductive health
15Progress madeEpidemic control
- Early detection
- Regular weekly and monthly reports (17 states)
- Feedback
- Forecasting project
- Buffer stock
- We didn't face epidemics during 2001 -02
16Progress made Capability Building
- Sustained political commitment
- Higher committee, Media fund
- Staff recruitment and training
- Regular meetings and technical support
- SE
- Enabling environment
- Transportation (bicycles, motors and cars)
17 18Community Involvement Social Mobilization
- School competition
- Media campaign
- Malaria committees
- Cartons
- Malaria Free Initiative
- Khartoum / Gazera
- Gambia Project
- Egypt / GOS
- Plan Sudan / GSK
- Shell Sudan
- Detasi / Telsman
20Horn of Africa InitiativeControl of Malaria at
borders of Ethiopia-Sudan
22 23Malaria Burden
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25Malaria deaths during Jan, Feb and March, 2001 -
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- Free malaria treatment
- Scaling up ITNs
- Showing success stories
35Future Perspective
- Developing an innovative protocol for treatment
based on CT. - Increasing the malaria free areas
- Dealing with mortality determinants at the
community level - Free treatment
- Paving the road for GFATM
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