Title: Managing National
1Managing National Global ScaleEconomic-Environ
mental Risks
Policy implications for drought proofing
African development strategies
- Eric Patrick
- UNDP Drylands Development Centre
- eric.patrick_at_undp.org
- www.undp.org./drylands
2- Australian Prime Minister said the drought
described as one of the worst on record in
Australia, would "affect our GDP growth". - Global wheat prices surged to 10-year highs
after Australian officials warned the country's
harvest could be cut in half. - "It depends on the extent to which our booming
economy in other areas can offset it," he said. - Extreme drought, in which agriculture is in
effect impossible, will affect about a third of
the planet by the end of the century, according
to a new study from the Hadley Centre for Climate
Prediction and Research.
3Objectives of Presentation
- Suggest some foundational concepts for this Forum
- Emphasize the degree of weather but also market
dependence of African societies - Examine other types of vulnerabilities which
exacerbate weather dependence - Highlight medium term global grain market and
climate change dynamics and their implications
for food security in Africa - Suggest the policy implications to think about
over the Forum in order to identify key policy
recommendations on how to drought-proof African
4Weather Hunger in Africa
- Africa is the 2nd driest continent 2/3 of
potentially useable land can be classified as
drylands - But even in years of good rains, even in a non
crisis country such as Kenya, food aid in various
forms to approx. 1 million people - Even in years of good rains seasonal hunger
due to selling of surplus just after harvest, due
to cash needs or lack of storage
5Drought Vulnerability Africa
- Africa is not the most drought EXPOSED continent,
in terms of numbers of persons (Asia) - but has by far the highest relative VULNERABILITY
to drought, in terms of - IMPACT (mortality of livestock and humans,
proportional effect on economy)
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10Socio-economic/political factors
11Drought complex food crises
- Drought risk mediated through dysfunctional
socio-economic systems, which may even amplify
the natural impacts of drought socio-economic
droughts - Kenya grow maize in semi-arid areas, as market
risk of growing non maize gt weather risk of
growing maize policy drought - Food as a weapon policy famines
- HIV new variant famines most productive out
12Populations caught between failed self-insurance
failed collective insurance
- Traditional drought risk management systems,
based on mobility, often no longer feasible
livelihood systems - Nation-state, normal mediator of an insurance
pool, often a convenient fiction state capture
for resource capture by elite - Lack of investment in drylands due to
- a) perception that of little economic value
- b) populations often politically marginalized
13Populations caught between state capture
market failure
- Narrow (ethnic?) power base leads to rent seeking
to finance patron-client system - Low savings / investment, urban bias low
agricultural productivity - Land ownership patterns and drought drive
highland populations (Kenya, Ethiopia) into
lowlands, increasing vulnerability of both
agricultural and pastoral livelihoods conflict - Conflict makes investment unattractive!
14Drought proofing African development
- Need to recognize that drought risk is not just a
drylands or even agricultural issue - 2005/6 greatest economic impacts East Africa due
to power loss, not livestock - Economic diversification is not good enough also
need diversification away from weather dependence
of value added need analytical support to find
best net risk return investment options - Allow view DRM as a national priority gt charity
for some backward nomads
15Drought Vulnerability Economic Development
Example Economic impacts Zimbabwe
1991/2 Agriculture 45 Power 15
Manufacturing 9 Stock market 62 GDP 11
16The nature of drought impacts, as a function of
the degree of economic development
17Number of People at Risk of Hungerprojected for
different IPCC economic development paths
18Global trade-redistributed rainfall subsidies
19Are food aid / subsidies a disincentives?
20Drought, global market power food security
- Climate change introduces uncertainty about
future food availability may benefit grain
production in some areas (China, Russia), decline
in others (India, Brazil) - Even without C.C., cereal surplus projected to be
exhausted by 2020 due to increased demand from
China and India (demographics, urbanization,
market power) - Future of re-insurance compact between food
surplus subsidizers, as a food aid source (mainly
US) for food deficit countries with low market
pull (SSA) will be decided in part by economic
future and hence policy choices today of African
and other countries
21Policy Implications for drought proofing
African Development
- You have 3 days to figure it out, if you do,
please tell me! - Singapore grows nothing but its people never go
hungry - North / South Korea Namibia / Angola
- Food Security Coalition process Ethiopia
- ASAL policy process Kenya
- Range of State, Market and hybrid approaches in
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