Title: Search of Compact Planetary Nebulae from the IPHAS data
1Search of Compact Planetary Nebulae from the
IPHAS data
Collaboration A. Mampaso (IAC)
R. Corradi, R. Greimel, L. Sabin (ING)
E. RodrÃguez-Flores (IGA)
IPHAS collaboration
- 1) IPHAS and Planetary Nebulae
- 2) Searching for compact PNe
- 3) Ongoing work
3IPHAS and the Planetary Nebulae
Shiode et al. 2006
Acker et al. 1992
- Several hundreds of new PNe expected to be found
by IPHAS - - About 2000 PNe already known in the Galaxy
- Important to find new ones because
- the only well studied PNe are nearby and bright
? our knowledge of PNe biased
- There exist a lot of different subtypes of PNe
- Peimberts Types I to IV (chemical composition
and galactic distribution) - Morphology R, E, B, Q, PS
- Evolution proto-PNe ? evolved PNe
- ? a good sample of each kind needed
- Especially there is a lack of PN detections in
the Galactic plane
- PNe detections missing in galactic halo and
anti-center regions
4IPHAS and the Planetary Nebulae
- Search techniques
- photometric catalogue (r-H? colors) ?
compact/small nebulae - 2. visual inspection of mosaics ? medium/large
nebulae (Laurences and Brents talks!)
5Searching compact PNe
main sequence
Synthetic photometry constructed using Pickles
(1998) library of flux-calibrated stellar spectra
Drew et al. 2005
6Searching compact PNe
Known PNe in IPHAS two-color diagram
7Searching compact PNe
- The selection script
- Discards objects too close to the borders of the
CCDs, - the vignetted corner of CCD 3, or the areas of
bad pixels - Filters out the objects classified as noise or
saturated - Filters out objects which do not appear in all
three filters - Filters out objects for which matching between
different filters - is worse than 0.65 arcsec
- - Makes cuts in r - H?
8Searching compact PNe
The final selection is made visually, to remove
false alarms...
like HII region condensations...
partially resolved stars...
9Searching compact PNe
emission from nearby bright stars/moon...
satellite crossing through the H? image...
and weird reflection effects
10Searching compact PNe
11Searching compact PNe
IPHAS X052531.2281946 anticentre Dgc14-20 kpc!
Viironen et al., in preparation
12Searching compact PNe
The first study (2003 data)
47.5 million catalogued objects
? selection script
? 39751 objects
? cuts in r - H? (r - H? ? 2.0 or
1.5 ? r - H? ? 2.0 and m(H?) ? 17 mag)
? 934 objects
? visual checking
? 44 PN candidates
13Searching compact PNe
Known PN
Confirmed IPHAS PN Candidate IPHAS PN
H? IPHAS star
14Searching compact PNe
2MASS two-color diagram in PN search
- -An all sky infrared survey
- Three filters J (1.25 ?m),
- H (1.65 ?m), Ks (2.17 ?m)
- -Limiting magnitude
- 1mJy
Known PN
Confirmed IPHAS PN Candidate IPHAS PN
H? IPHAS star
15Ongoing work
- - Finish the PN search for all IPHAS data
- - Extend the PN search to objects visible only in
H? and r, but not in i - Publish the coordinates of the PN candidates (the
webpage!) - Spectroscopic follow up (already started see
Antonios talk!)
16Ongoing work
IPHAS diagram (data until September 2005)
3.1 million candidates!
1.4 million 2MASS matches (inside one arcsec)
The known PNe
17Ongoing work
2MASS diagram
The known PNe
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22Thank You!