Title: Lyapunov%20Exponents
1Lyapunov Exponents
Linear cocycle over ?
continuous and linear (isomorphism) on fibers
2Lyapunov Exponents
Linear cocycle over ?
continuous and linear (isomorphism) on fibers
A M G , G GL(d) Fn(x,v) (?n(x) ,
An(x) A(?n-1x) ... A(?x) A(x)
3Oseledets thm
for any ƒ-invariant probability ? and ?-almost
every x?M
k k(x)
? ?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
4Oseledets thm
for any ƒ-invariant probability ? and ?-almost
every x?M
k k(x)
? ?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
for all v ? Ex\0
are just measurable
5- How do the ?i depend on F ?
- How often do ?i 0 ?
Cr (M,G) r ? 0
6- How do the ?i depend on F ?
- How often do ?i 0 ?
Cr (M,G) r ? 0
Ex (dynamical cocycles)
F D?
r ? 1
7Ex (random matrices)
Let ?0 , ?1 , ... be i. i. d. random
variables in SL(d), with probability distribution
?. What can be said of
8Ex (random matrices)
Let ?0 , ?1 , ... be i. i. d. random
variables in SL(d), with probability distribution
?. What can be said of
Furstenberg if supp(?) is rich enough
then gt 0 almost surely
9Ex (random matrices)
Let ?0 , ?1 , ... be i. i. d. random
variables in SL(d), with probability distribution
?. What can be said of
log ?n-1 ... ?1 ?0 ?
Furstenberg if supp(?) is rich enough
then gt 0 almost surely
then ?1
for the corresponding cocycle
10Ex (random matrices)
Let ?0 , ?1 , ... be i. i. d. random
variables in SL(d), with probability distribution
?. What can be said of
An (x) , x (?n)n
Furstenberg if supp(?) is rich enough
then gt 0 almost surely
then ?1
for the corresponding cocycle
11Ex Let M S1
?(0) 0
? ergodic with supp ? M
A M SL(2, )
A0 hyperbolic
12Ex Let M S1
?(0) 0
? ergodic with supp ? M
A M SL(2, )
A0 hyperbolic
Thm Assume deg(?) ? 2,3. There exists a C0
neigbourhood U of A such that
- for generic (dense G?) B ?U ?1
0 ( k 1) a.e. - for every Hölder continuous B ?U
?1 gt 0 gt ?2 - ?1 a.e.
13Thm1 (Bochi, V)
d 2 Mañé, Bochi
Assume (?,?) is ergodic, and G ? SL (d)
acts transitively on the projective space.
14Thm1 (Bochi, V)
d 2 Mañé, Bochi
Assume (?,?) is ergodic, and G ? SL (d)
acts transitively on the projective space. Then
there exists a residual R ? C0 (M, G) s.t. for
every A ? R either a)
all Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero a.e.
15Thm1 (Bochi, V)
d 2 Mañé, Bochi
Assume (?,?) is ergodic, and G ? SL (d)
acts transitively on the projective space. Then
there exists a residual R ? C0 (M, G) s.t. for
every A ? R either a) or b)
all Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
a.e. the Oseledets splitting is dominated
16Thm1 (Bochi, V)
d 2 Mañé, Bochi
Assume (?,?) is ergodic, and G ? SL (d)
acts transitively on the projective space. Then
there exists a residual R ? C0 (M, G) s.t. for
every A ? R either a) or b)
- -
all Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
a.e. the Oseledets splitting is dominated
it admits a continuous extension to
supp(?) angles are bounded from zero
17Ex M S1
? ergodic with supp (?) M
A M SL(2, )
such that deg(?) 1 2 deg (A) Then,
generically in the homotopy class of A, all
Lyapunov exponents are zero a.e.
18Ex M S1
? ergodic with supp (?) M
A M SL(2, )
such that deg(?) 1 2 deg (A) Then,
generically in the homotopy class of A, all
Lyapunov exponents are zero a.e.
Reason the cocycle has no
continuous invariant sub-bundle
19Comments on the proof of thm1
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
counted with multiplicity dim
?i(A) ?M ?i(x) d ?
20Comments on the proof of thm1
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
counted with multiplicity dim
?i(A) ?M ?i(x) d ?
Thm2 (Bochi, V)
A is a point of continuity of C0(M,G) B
(?1(B), ... , ?d(B))
a) all Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
a.e. or else b) the Oseledets decomposition is
21Comments on the proof of thm1
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
?1(x) gt ... gt ?k(x)
Lyapunov exps
counted with multiplicity dim
?i(A) ?M ?i(x) d ?
Thm2 (Bochi, V)
A is a point of continuity of C0(M,G) B
(?1(B), ... , ?d(B))
a) all Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
a.e. or else b) the Oseledets decomposition is
continuity points contains dense G?
22Ex M S1
? M M , ? (?) ? ? , ? ?
Schrödinger cocycle
23Ex M S1
? M M , ? (?) ? ? , ? ?
Schrödinger cocycle
A is a point of continuity of Lyapunov
either the exponents are zero or E ? spectrum
of associated Schrödinger operator
24What about dynamical cocycles ?
F D? M manifold
25What about dynamical cocycles ?
F D? M manifold
Thm3 (Bochi, V)
d 2 Mañé, Bochi
There exists a residual R ? Diff? (M) in the
space of volume preserving diffeomorphisms,
such that for every ??R and ?- almost every x?M
either a) all Lyapunov exponents are
zero at x or b) the Oseledets
decomposition is dominated on the
orbit of x
26Thm4 (Bochi, V)
There is a residual R ? Symp? (M) in the space
of symplectic diffeomorphisms such that for every
??R either a) almost every point has zero
as Lyapunov exponent (multiplicity ?
2) or b) ? is Anosov very strong
restrictions on the manifold !
27What about A ? Cr (M,G)
? ? Diff? (M) F D?
for r gt 0 ?
28What about A ? Cr (M,G)
? ? Diff? (M) F D?
for r gt 0 ?
- Assume (?, ? ) is hyperbolic
- (non-uniformly)
- all exponents of DF non-zero
- ? ergodic, non-atomic, with local
product structure - G SL(d) or Symp (2d)
For every r gt 0 the set of A ? Cr (M,G) with
positive Lyapunov exponents contains an open
dense set. Moreover, its complement has ? -
For every r gt 0 the set of A ? Cr (M,G) with
positive Lyapunov exponents contains an open
dense set. Moreover, its complement has ? -
it is contained in finite unions of closed
submanifolds with arbitrary codimension
- Bonatti, Gomez-Mont, V
- same conclusion when
- ? ? Axiom A and the cocycle
- is partially hyperbolic
31One key ingredient
? M M
Consider uniformly
expanding and supp (?) M and r Lipschitz
32One key ingredient
? M M
Consider uniformly
expanding and supp (?) M and r Lipschitz
The cocycle A is bundle-free if ?? ? 1 there
exists no Lipschitz map M ? x ?1(x) , ...
, ??(x) ?(x)
distinct points in pd-1
invariant under A A(x) . ? (x) ?(?(x)) ?
x ? M
33Ex M S1
such that deg (?) 1 ? 2 deg (A) Then A is
34Ex M S1
such that deg (?) 1 ? 2 deg (A) Then A is
Assume A ? CLipschitz satisfies
- A is bundle-free
- there is p ? Fix(?k), k ? 1 such that all
eigenvalues of Ak(p) have distinct norms - Then ?1(A) gt 0.
Both conditions contain open and dense set,
the complement has ?-codimension
35What are the continuity points of Lyapunov
exponents in Cr (M,G) ?
36What are the continuity points of Lyapunov
exponents in Cr (M,G) ?
ongoing , Avila, Bochi, V
- bundle-free cocycles are continuity
points - discontinuities do exist, at least
for small r gt 0
37What are the continuity points of Lyapunov
exponents in Cr (M,G) ?
ongoing , Avila, Bochi, V
- bundle-free cocycles are continuity
points - discontinuities do exist, at least
for small r gt 0
Lower estimates of exponents ?