... space inside the unit, shares the common areas with other unit owners and pays ... to the _to pay for needed maintenance, repairs and improvements to the property. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
"Let the buyer _________." The buyer must examine the goods or property he/she is buying and he/she, therefore, buys at his/her own risk.
5 Commission
Money paid to a real estate agent or broker by the seller as ____________ for finding a buyer and completing the sale. Usually it is a percentage of the sale price ________ percent on houses, 10 percent on land.
6 Condominium
A condominium is a home in a shared building or development. The ______ gets title the space inside the unit, shares the common areas with other unit owners and pays a maintenance fee to the __________________ to pay for needed maintenance, repairs and improvements to the property.
7 Contract
A contract is a ________________ agreement between two or more capable persons for consideration or value, to do or not to do some lawful and genuinely intended act. If affecting real estate it must be ____________.
8 Deed
An instrument in writing, duly executed and delivered, that conveys title or an interest in real property.
Serves as proof that you own the property and can be transferred from _________________________.
9 Default
Failure to fulfill an obligation.
10 Duplex
A two-family dwelling or house.
Many of these south of Detroit in Lakewood.
11 Equity
The interest an owner of real property has in its _____________ after allowing for encumbrances and creditors' claims.
12 Escrow
An item of value, money, or documents deposited with ______________ to be delivered upon the fulfillment of a condition. For example, the deposit by a borrower with the lender of funds to pay taxes and insurance premiums when they become due, or the deposit of funds or documents with __________ or escrow agent to be disbursed upon the closing of a sale of real estate.
13 Fixtures
____________ improvements to property that may not be removed at the expiration of the term of lease or tenure.
14 Foreclosure
Remedial court action taken by a ______________, when default occurs on a mortgage, to cause forfeiture of the equity of redemption of the mortgagor.
15 Landlord
The person from whom another holds ______________.
16 Lease
Contract between ___________ (lessor) and tenant (lessee) for the occupation or use of the landlord's property by the tenant for a specified time and for a specified consideration (rental).
17 ___________
A right, given to a creditor, creating an interest in the real property until the debt is discharged.
18 Market Value
The __________________ in terms of money, which the property will bring to a willing seller if exposed for sale on the open market allowing a reasonable time to find a willing purchaser, buying with the knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is legally capable of being used, and with neither party acting under necessity, compulsion or peculiar and special circumstances.
19 Metropolitan Area
That area which includes not only the entire chief urban core of a city (the central city) but also the __________ ___________ which are appended thereto.
20 Mill
_____________ of one cent, a measure used to indicate the property tax rate.
A tax rate of one mill per dollar is the same as 0.10 per cent of the assessed value.
21 Mortgage
A conveyance of property to a creditor as security for payment of a debt with a right of redemption upon payment of the debt.
A loan taken against the property as ______________.
22 Refinance
Obtaining a new mortgage loan on a ____________ already owned. Often to replace existing loans on the property.
23 Survey
The accurate _______________ measurement of land and buildings thereon, made with the aid of instruments.
24 Tenant
One who occupies land or tenement under a landlord.
25 Zoning Ordinances
The acts of an authorized ________ ______________ establishing building codes, and setting forth regulations for property land usage.