Title: EWEC 2006 Athens Opportunities in Outsourcing O
1EWEC 2006 - AthensOpportunities in Outsourcing
OM01 March 2006
Heard in the Field Addressable Market
3Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OM Key
Messages from the Market
Companies are looking for
- more transparency in OM with explanations and
shared analysis of problems - component level warranties, direct supply of
replacements without vendor markup - consistent preventive repairs and improvements,
better (low wind times etc) and more predictable
scheduling i.e for major overhauls defined times - Many companies considering increasing role in OM
after initial period - Many companies believe they can get better
performance from the park if do it themselves
Heard From the Field
Companies are not entirely satisfied with vendor
service during initial 5 years
4Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OM OM
Repairs and Maintenance Costs per MW by years in
service (1 MW or greater)
- Subset of data showing 1 MW or greater machines
in Germany - Some US Comparisons
- Annual cost _at_ 30 utilization
- Replacement Parts 5,700 MW (parts only)
- Large Repairs 10,500 MW
- Small Repairs 15,800 MW
Euro / MW / year
Years in Service
Source ISET, Hahn Wind Study 2005
5Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OM What
- Electrics and Electronic most common point of
failure every 2 years - Rotor Blade - approximately every 5 years and
down for 6 days - Gearbox and Generators not often but down time
of 8 days. - Without a replacement a gearbox can take 8 to 10
weeks to repair
Source ISET, Hahn Wind Study 2005
6Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OMTwo
points of view
Owners / Operators
- Balancing cost of turbine with profit from after
sales where are the profit pools - Warranty and performance requirements vs
penalties and reputation - Business model in house vs outsource
- Time to return components to OEM
- Park or machine or component level
- Proprietary Components or design
- Currently - future OM cost models based on
Vendor / independent engineer inputs - Perception of overcharging for consumables
- More experienced companies have proprietary
models and consider them competitive advantage - Driving focus is on maximizing output -
minimizing cost of ownership
Predictability, Transparency Competitive
offerings post warranty
Risk management, profit pools
7Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OMMarket
- Years 1 to 2/5 reflect risk premium especially
with new machines - Vendors extending service 15 yr, 12 yr
- Service is either it is profitable by itself or
recovers discounted cost at time of sale - Allows management of problems and reduces
exposure to bigger systemic failures - Vendors reviewing in-source vs out-source options
from manufacturing - Global market overextending Vendor OM
capabilities ?
- Smaller developers do not have resources to do
own OM - Increasing size and resources of developer /
owners have scale to support OM, acquiring
skills - New groups of owners financial based hold for
a few years and then sell. Want vendor to
maintain .but what about after they sell
Heard in the Field Addressable Market
9Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing
OMAddressable Market
Addressable Market for Outsource OM - EU
- Based on turbines which became operational
starting in 2000 - Based on expiration of Standard 2 3 WOMA
- Includes Turbines which may have longer term
Service agreement
Over 27,600 MW of addressable market between now
and 2010 in EU countries
10Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OMMarket
Opportunity Post Warranty
Owner Benefits
- Cheaper cost of ownership
- Options for 3rd party refurbishment
- Wider range of parts supply
- Component level warranty
- Competition for Independent service companies
focused on improved output and lowering cost
11Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OMMarket
Opportunity Post Warranty
Key Success Factors
- Approved by insurance
- Trained teams
- Performance incentives
- Management of consumables
- SCADA / Condition monitoring integration
- Develop local supply chain for majority of
components spare parts and inventory management - Establish Component X Vendor Certified where
Components OEM or ?
12Emerging Opportunities for Outsourcing OM
Taking it One step further
What ?
- Third party owns blades
- Leases directly to turbine owner
- Leasing company Independent blade mfg, Vendor
owned Leasing company, OM company
- Save 15-20 on capital costs
- Shift to 20 yr operating expense ( tax benefit
..) - Provide OM, Blade cleaning, repair / replacement
/ improvement, - Improve performance
Why do owners of parks have to own the blades (
airlines do not own engines..) ?